Keep on going

Geovanna Adler-Cade

protective ⚡ DADA 1-4 [ilvermorny] • former auror
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Pan (James)
Knotted 10 Inch Sturdy Aspen Wand with Boomslang venom Core
12/2031 (32)
Looking out across the mountains that surrounded the school, the cool breeze ran through her hair as Geo sat out at the highest point of the castle, she was contemplating a topic she'd barely let her mind fall on until now. Classes and her activities had taken up at large portion of her time as usual, but this year she was going to make an effort to do more things for herself, and if that meant being alone as she figured out who she was meant to be, then so be it. It wasn't something she particularly wanted to discuss with others, but upon realising that during her time at St. Mary's she'd been encouraged not to think about the family that had put her there, she'd grown up with numerous questions about her own ancestry that she knew would never be answered. As a young child she'd asked multiple times for information on their whereabouts, even just their names, but the staff at the orphanage knew just as much as she, leaving her blind in the darkness to any events prior to her birth. It was said that someone must have known about her magical blood line, or they wouldn't have specified a magical orphanage, but beyond that the facts were unknown. By the time she was six she'd be certain of her future as an Auror. The number of children that came and went in her life with varying degrees of historical backgrounds meant that Geo came to see the pain it caused them, and in time as those that remained became her family she wanted to do everything she could to protect that. Whoever her biological family was, she hoped they would have been proud of her, and even though she'd long since given up on the idea they'd ever return, she'd left behind at a young age any resentment for she hadn't known their situation. Instead she'd vowed just to do her best for who she did have.

Glancing down to the runes that lay out in a row on the wooden floor of the Astronomy tower, the Hufflepuff was sat crossed beside the railings that prevented her from falling from such a great height. She wasn't here to study though. While it was of course beneficial to be going through the names and meanings of the runes, she'd had a thought last year that if these could be turned into pendants, whether one would be of use to her. Whether it was truly possible to purchase or create such a thing, she'd have to ask Professor Kingsley, but it would at least have been a start to know what exactly she was looking for.
Cullen was set to go through his fifth year at Hogwarts, he had adjusted well since transferring to the school and had even made a few friends, mostly girls. But that didn’t bother him, sometimes guys were just too macho for him to enjoy spending time with. He never minded working out or things like that, but he didn’t want to constantly be in fights, plus having so many younger sisters made it easy for the boy to have friends that were girls as well. He did enjoy the North Tower, it gave a beautiful over look to the castle grounds and New Zealand beyond the gates of Hogwarts. He was set to have a quieter day, to help prepare him for the long hours of studying he had in front of him, in order to pass his OWLs that year. He wasn’t too nervous about his classes, he thought he was rather smart and clever when it came to school and grades. Though sometimes he lacked the interest in a class to continue paying attention to the Professor and would read ahead. Typically his head was so wrapped around his own thoughts he barely noticed people around him unless they spoke out to him. That was the case when he got up to the North Tower. He decided to sit along one of the ledges and stare out at the world and enjoy the nice breeze that seemed to be floating in. But he didn’t even notice the younger girl that he was sitting a few feet away from him.
There were so many runes that seem to have a connection to her, that it was difficult to just pick one, two or even three that would work best, not that she knew what she was going to do with it once she'd chosen. Although she didn't look up, she was aware of another student who'd arrived and taken a seat a little way from her, seemingly either ignoring her presence or was oblivious to it. Perhaps she wasn't the only one who thought being able to look out from such a great height was relaxing. Part of her wanted to let the boy keep himself to himself. Like her, maybe he had things on his mind and had come up here for some peace of quiet, however the fact he hadn't acknowledged her put Geo somewhat on edge. Believing that you were alone only to find you're not when it was too late wasn't comfortable for either party. "Hey," she said eventually, looking up properly to give the boy a smile. She didn't recognise him at all, but despite her best attempts to get to know as many people as possible, it wasn't surprising that a majority of students fell through her net. Nevertheless, at least he'd know she was here. "I would have thought more people would come up here, although then it wouldn't be as peaceful," she commented, glancing back across to the side, eyes scanning the horizon.
Cullen had been lost in his own thoughts and wondering about the few friends he had made at the school thus far to even notice another person was there until she spoke. Turning he wondered if it was one of his friends but it wasn't. "Ah sorry, did you just come?" He asked glancing back towards the entrance of the area they were in. He then thought about when she had been saying. "No one come here when I am here, normally," Cullen said in return. He watched her turn and look back out at the world outside of the castle and did the same. It felt odd to watch someone do something and continue to stare at them for a long period of time. "Are you asking the runes your fate?" He asked glancing down seeing all her runes spread out in front of her.
As Geo had expected, the boy hadn't seen her yet. "I've been here for a while." she said truthfully, looking back down to the runes that were laid out on the floor. She felt a little bad about invading his space, especially as it sounded as though he came here quite a lot, but at the same time it wasn't as though it was completely off limits. Eventually he continued to ask her what she was doing, and the blonde peered up at him with a small smile. "Not really." It was the first time she'd spoken aloud of her idea, and while she still wanted to speak to Professor Kingsley about it, she needed to have a better idea of what she wanted from that meeting first. "I heard that you can use runes, add them to things to make you more powerful." It was something that had popped up briefly in her class but she wasn't really sure what exactly she could attach them to, only that there were options out there. "I'm trying to consider which rune I find most valuable. Both to me and my friends. If I want to use them I want to make sure I'm using the right one," she replied, wondering if he understood what she was going for. "What are you doing?"
Cullen looked out of the tower, embarrassed to know the girl had been there for at least a while and he hadn't noticed her come into the space. He listened to her go on to explain what she was doing with the runes, it sounded interesting, being powerful was always something that could be a benefit to ones life. Though it could also easily turn you into a person who craved more power, a mad man. Her reason to be here was much more interesting than his own. He had no real excuse other than to just have a moment to think about the things that plagued his mind. He was a worrier and struggled with letting things go and turning out the way they were meant to be. But, he didn't know this girl, he couldn't lay his burdens down on her, she wouldn't care. "I coming to think, some time I'm studying, today I am here thinking," he said not really going into detail about what he was thinking about. "Will you burn your rune into something that you wearing everyday?" He asked curious by what she meant by adding the runes to things.

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