Katie Laydei

Katie Laydei

katie laydei

katie arista laydei
DATE OF BIRTH 13th april, 2016
AREA OF RESIDENCE ferring, england
BLOOD STATUS half blood
SCHOOL HOUSE hufflepuff
HERITAGE english, australian

FAVOURITE FOOD cherry yoghurt
FAVOURITE DRINK blueberry juice
FAVOURITE SWEET fizzing whizbees
FAVOURITE COLOUR orange & violet

AMORENTIA mown lawns, lavendar
MIRROR OF ERISED surrounded by friends
BOGGART mummies

BEST SUBJECT arithmancy
WORST SUBJECT transfiguration

GOOD TRAITS caring, loyal, cheerful
BAD TRAITS ignorant, annoying, chatty

HISTORY katie, known to most of her friends as 'kat', was born in england.
her father did not hang around the family for too long after katie's birth,
and katie and her mother ended up alone. the two ended up moving to australia,
the country of her mother's birth. she attended a muggle school there until they
returned to england on her eighth birthday. she began her attendance of an english
muggle school, and it was here that she made many good muggle friends.

after her eleventh birthday, katie received her letter for hogwarts. she bought all

her school supplies during that summer, including her first wand- maple wood,
fourteen inches, hair from the main of a male unicorn. she began immediately
to research a few simple spells, and once she arrived at hogwarts, she was
sorted into hufflepuff. during her first year at the school, katie excelled at the
core subjects, receiving ee's or o's. but come her second year, katie began to
focus more on her social life, taking the time to befriend more people. as her
third year turned up, katie had lost quite a lot of interest in her studies, and
had turned to her friendships. she belatedly began grieving her father's absence,
having not heard from him in many a year. her mother tried to comfort her, though
the two started to grow apart. katie started looking to her teachers for support,
and it was her potions professor who managed to calm her down.

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