Katie Abigail Swan

Katie Swan

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
This will be both IC which will be in dark red and OOC which will be in black</SIZE>

[<SIZE size="100">KatieAgibailSwan
(Formally IsadoraReneSwan)


Character Development

Katie Abigail Swan or Isadora Rene Swan, I totally prefer the latter but my stupid Aunt seemed to want to make my life terrible starting with the boring cliche name. I loved the name Isadora, I mean what the hell kind of name is Katie? So boring!
Katie was given the name Isadora at birth but when she was taken in by her Aunt her name was legally changed to Katie.
I never was one for nick names. I hated the name Katie so any variations of it were just as bad.
As Katie hated nicknames so she never let any stick, however she has become accustomed to being called and 'insolent brat' and 'you' by her Aunt.
I arrived kicking and screaming on the fourth of April 2018
Katie was born in Queen Mary's Maternity Ward of Dunedin hospital on the 4th April at 11.43am. Weighing in at 7 1/2 lbs or 3.2 kg
10 years old, living life to the fullest but still not achieving much. But hey! I'm still a kid I have to have some fun!

Unknown, well I haven't actually been told what my blood consists of. My Aunt found it best to try and keep me from finding out. But I definetly know that both she and her sister (my mother) had some form of magical blood.
Katie is a mixed-blood a muggle father and a half-blood mother.
Too young too care. AKA. Free without the hassle of doing and saying the right things.
Katie isn't going to be in relationships until she is older. She wants to enjoy her childhood without having to worry about what she classes as "juvenile feelings" for someone she is going to later regret dating at such a young age.
Fit and Healthy

I say too young to know but that's because I really don't care. I'm only 10 and I should be allowed to still continue to believe that boys have cooties for a bit longer. Not that they do or anything, because they don't.

Professional Sports Woman

Welcome to my life - Simple Plan &
Untitled (how could this happen to me?) - Simple Plan
Bulletproof Heart - My Chemical Romance
What went wrong - Blink-182

Lime Green and Metalic Purple

Honey soy chicken wings. Omnomnom. I love a good chicken wing.

Hey there, I have some questions here to help develop your character. You can answer them either IC or OOC.

1. I see that she likes her formal last name. Would she change her name when she is older?
2. Is there a reason why her aunt does not tell her the blood status straight up?
3. So, she wants to have one unusual job, does she enjoy sports?
4. Does she wear her favorite colored clothes or does it clash with her appearance?
5. Does she have a favorite dessert?
6. Does she enjoy Quidditch?
7. How does she do in classes?
8. Would she get in trouble with professors or no?
9. What is her favorite subject and or least?
10. Does she have a lot of friends, and if so, who is she closest to?
11. Does she have anyone at the school that she hates?
12. Does she plan to participate in any clubs or school activities?
13. What happened to her parents?
Hi, wow I haven't checked this in a long time.
Thanks for your questions:
1. I see that she likes her formal last name. Would she change her name when she is older?
When she becomes of age and finally get to leave her Aunts house she is going to change her name back to Isadora Rene Swan. She doesn't want to stay as Katie any longer than she has to.
2. Is there a reason why her aunt does not tell her the blood status straight up?
Her Aunt doesn't want her to know anything about her parents for fear of her digging deeper and finding out what actually happened to her parents.
3. So, she wants to have one unusual job, does she enjoy sports?
Katie adores sports, she spends as much time as she can doing sports. I was her outlet for any frustration she was feeling to things going on in her life.
4. Does she wear her favorite colored clothes or does it clash with her appearance?
No, her Aunt would never allow her to were lime green or metallic purple because of her interest in what other people think of her family. If she could Katie would wear lime green clothes.
5. Does she have a favorite dessert?
Katie's favourite dessert would be self saucing chocolate cake. She made it in a school cooking class and loved it for then on in.
6. Does she enjoy Quidditch?
Katie loves Quiddith. In fact she tried out for Chaser in the Hufflepuff team this year, and got it.
7. How does she do in classes?
Pretty average, Katie is quick but isn't very foccussed. She has trouble sitting still long enough for the information to sink in, she has too much energy.
8. Would she get in trouble with professors or no?
No. Katie is rather loud and excitable but she wouldn't try to get in trouble with Professors she doesn't want to be the one responsible for point deductions or detentions.
9. What is her favorite subject and or least?
Katie's favoourite subject would be Charms, she likes practical magic.
10. Does she have a lot of friends, and if so, who is she closest to?
Katie has a few select friends her closest being a fellow Hufflepuff named Amber Wilson
11. Does she have anyone at the school that she hates?
Not really ocassionally people rub Katie up the wrong way but she doesn't hate anyone.
12. Does she plan to participate in any clubs or school activities?
Katie is now on the Hufflepuff Quidditch team but she doesn't feel the need to join any other activities at this point.
13. What happened to her parents?
Katie's parents were killed by her Aunt 12 years ago. Her Aunt killed them out of pure greed and she was landed with Katie. No one knows about this so her Aunt was never caught or charged.

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