Katie Abigail Swan

Katie Swan

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name

i open my eyes i try to see but im blinded by the white light
i have seen millions of faces ever changing
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[Full Name] Katie Abigail Swan (Also known as Isadora Rene Swan)
[Katie] Diminutive of KATE. Which is a diminutive of KATHERINE. It has been used in England since the Middle Ages
[Abigail] From the Hebrew name ('Avigayil) meaning "my father is joy". In the Old Testament this is the name of Nabal's wife. After Nabal's death she became the third wife of King David. As an English name, Abigail first became common after the Protestant Reformation, and it was popular among the Puritans. Some time after the release of the play 'The Scornful Lady' (1616), which featured a character named Abigail, the name became a slang term for a servant, and it grew less common. It was revived in the 20th century.
[Isadora] Variant of ISIDORA. Which is the feminine form of ISIDORE. This was the name of a 4th-century Egyptian saint and hermitess
[Rene] French feminine form of RENÉ
[Swan] Recorded as Swan, Swann, and Swayne, this interesting name has at least three possible origins and two nationalities. Where English the derivation is from the pre 7th century Olde English word "swon." This originally described a swineherd, and later became cross-linked with the word swan, which was pronounced exactly the same and described the bird. Hence in medieval times the name may also have described a an swan-upper or keeper of swans. The second possibility is that the name is locational, and describes somebody who lived at a place with the sign of the swan. This may have been an inn or alehouse, but could equally just have been a house name in the days before houses were numbered. Finally the name, originally as Swayne, but now also recorded with both Swan and Swann, has been found in Ireland since around the 14th century. In this case the claim is that it is a development of the Norse-Viking word "swein" meaning servant, although certainly since about 1640 as Swan and Swann it has been widely recorded in Northern Ireland, where it is clearly an import from England. The first recorded spelling of the family name is believed to be that of Hugo Swan in the pipe rolls of the county of Suffolk in the year 1176.
[Nick Name] The only nicknames that Katie responds to are Kay or Issy.
[Birthdate] Fourth of April 2018.
[Current Age] Thirteen years old.
[Gender] Katie is a female.
For a long time Katie wished that she were a boy, she enjoyed the hobbies of boys rather than girls, never really caring about her outward appearance. Because of this she has been called a lesbian on several occasions which inwardly makes her giggle because the people teasing her don't know how right they are.
[Blood Status] Unknown.
Katie was brought up by her aunt, she was never actually told what her blood status was, she only knows that she has some amount of magic blood in it.
[Blood Type] Katie's blood type is AB negative.
[Heritage] Katie's mother is 1/4 English and 3/4 Scottish, her father is 3/4 English and 1/4 Irish. Making her 1/4 English, 3/8 Scottish and 1/8 Irish.
[Relationship Status] Too young to care.
Katie isn't really interested in dating as of yet, she has had crushes before but they were just puppy love fleeting infactuations, nothing worth caring about.
[Sexual Orientation] Homosexual.
Katie after a few crushes on girls, realised that she only saw guys as friends and not as people she wanted to date. True she is still very young but she is also very sure that she is a lesbian.
[Health Status] Fit and Healthy.
Katie is very fit due to the amount of sports she played, and continues to play. Because of her active life she eats healthy to give herself the energy. That and her Aunt prohibits junk food in the house.
[Heart Song] We Say Summer - All Time Low
[Diet] Healthy.
Katie eats anything but prefers most healthy options over junk food. But given half the chance she will eat a lot of junk food.
[Desired Occupation] A professional sports woman/Quidditch Player.
Katie has always held a fascination with sports and has played in multiple teams throught out the years. She holds a particular interest in Quidditch and would love to play for the Hufflepuff team.
[Wand] Fir 12 & 1/2 inches core of powdered Amber (heirloom)
[Allergies] Katie doesn't have any allergies.
[Pets] Katie isn't allowed to have any pets but she wants to get a cat.
i cant remember how i cant remember why
content with redundancy im not the same way

[Play By] Courtney Elizabeth Jines
[Years Used] Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten. Eleven. Twelve.
[Play By] Sasha Pieterse
[Years Used] Thirteen
[Basic Appearance] Katie has shoulder blade length brown/blond hair which possess slight ringlets.

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