Katerina Montereal

Katerina Montereal

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OOC First Name
Ash Wand 14 1/4 Essence of Hair from the Tail of a Male Unicorn
The Basics</COLOR>


Name: Katerina Anne Marie Blackbell Montereal
Nickname: Kate
Birth date: November 18, 2019
Birthplace: Glasgow, Great Britain
Age: 10 1/2
Hometown: Edinburgh
Nationality: British (mixed French and Spanish from her father side)
Accent: British (she can also speak in American accent)
Language: English, French, German, Filipino, and Japanese
Relationship Status: Too young to care
Blood Type: Type O
Blood Status: Half-Blood
Wand: Ash Wand 14 1/4 Essence of Hair from the Tail of a Male Unicorn
School: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (New Zealand)
Hogwarts House: <COLOR color="mediumblue">Ravenclaw


Eyes: Dark Brown
Hair: Brown, slightly Curly, and soft. Turns blonde under the sun’s exposure
Skin: Light and soft.
Height: 4’10
Weight: Underweight 65 pounds
Style: Katerina usually wears sweater and skirt. Sometimes, she wears dresses.

Other Distinguishing Features: Katerina used to have bangs and her front teeth were a little bit large which makes her cuter. She always carrying a book whenever she goes and used to walk a little bit fast with her head up.

Five Words to Describe: Clever, Learning, Creative, Moody, Pretty
Play by: Emma Watson

A Little Deeper

Personality: Highly intellectual and brilliant, that’s how the other people describes Katerina everytime they found out how she’s very good in studies. No one had ever beaten her from being intelligent. She’s like; she’s always been carrying the whole library and had eaten a book because of that unbeatable cleverness. She almost know everything as if it like she’s an encyclopaedia. She’s too bright for her age and everyone thought that she might be gifted. Kate used to speak in an intelligent and bossy voice and what’s the surprising was, she can speak five languages; (Aside of English) French, German, Spanish, Filipino, and Japanese. She maybe the most intelligent kid but she’s not like that when she was younger.

When she was only four, she doesn’t care about her studies even when she turned seven. She was not as intelligent as she was now because she’s not good at Math neither English. She’s not even a bookworm and used to play with her toys a lot even though her parents and uncles give her lots of books. That’s why she’s seldom to open it and read. Her parents didn’t know how to help her because they already tried their best but it seems, it didn’t work for Kate.

But it was a surprise when she turned eight. She suddenly asked her parents with lots of questions until she suddenly always been curious. And that curiosity suddenly pushed her to read books until she became fond with books. She used to read lots of it. Encyclopaedias, geography, novels, and even her mother’s old wizard school books. And sometimes, she used to sleep with her books due to reading them at night and ended up not finishing it.

Even she’s very clever, she’s often shy in school. She’s always aware with things that she might get wrong and end up in an embarrassing moment because her classmate end up laughing and started to bully her. Even though she’s the brightest in their school or at her age, she used to down herself because of what her classmates tells her; ugly and looser. And because of that, she suddenly became a loner and end up with lack of coordination and cooperation with her fellow students around her. That’s why she’s not very friendly because she’s afraid that she might get ignored. She’s quiet and that’s why the other people tell that she’s mysterious because they didn’t know her inner personality.

Kate maybe quite sweet with her parents but she’s also quite brat. She used to ask her parents to buy things that she really want to have. And because of that, sometimes she turns out to be short-tempered. She really hates waiting too long but she couldn’t control it. There were times also that she suddenly became moody which leads her to being snobby when she’s not in mood to talk or do things that were enjoyable. She’s also weird because sometimes she wants to be different among the kids even in the Wizarding World and sometimes she wants odd things to become true.

Katerina has also have love of music. She used to listen in every music she wants to listen. Aside of modern musics like country and rock, she’s also fond of orchestras. While studying or reviewing, sometimes she always play some music to take away her from being bored. She also loves to sing.


Photos of Katerina said:

History: Katerina Anne Marie Montereal was born in the nearly end of autumn on the 18th of November 2019 in Glasgow, Great Britain. She’s the only child of the wizard married couple, Helena (nee Blackbell) Montereal and Samuel Montereal, who were both working in the Ministry of Magic. Half-blood witch and had studied at a Muggle School from Kindergarten to 4th grade to learn additional knowledge before she could get her Hogwarts letter and get to that school. Katerina had lived for seven years from her grandparents to take care of her while her father and mother were away. At the age seven, she was taken by her mother and had lived in Edinburgh. Katerina’s mother and father had separated but they didn’t divorce or talked about the annulment. But even though her parents separated, she’s still given support by her father and loves her even though he had a new family and had two sons. She lives in a broken family and lives with her mother together with her grandparents.

Katerina was also a victim of bullying when she was studying at a Muggle School. Usually they were two mean girls who used to knock her books everytime she’s reading. She was also been called ‘ugly and arrogant’ by her classmates due to their insecurities which suddenly made her to down herself. And because of this, her parents usually transferred her to the other schools that are away from the bullies. The last Muggle School she went to study was a Catholic School. There, she had been quite happy and had freedom to do anything she wanted. Katerina had also learned how to be a strong kid in any challenges she took and had learned to defend herself in a right way and right time.

Hobbies: Katerina’s passion was to read books all over again as many times as she want.
Favorite Color:
Pink and Purple

Helena Blackbell Montereal


Helena Marie Claire Blackbell Montereal was born on October 21, 1994 at London, Great Britain. A Muggle Born witch who was sorted in Ravenclaw in Hogwarts Scotland. She's the second daughter of the three siblings of the family. She was poor and lives in a small house when she was only a kid suffering from hunger because of financial problems and lived with her stepmother together with her two siblings at her early age. She's intelligent and logical but she's not very fond of reading books. Very good at analyzing and had become a prefect and head girl in Hogwarts. Aside from being the logical person, she was very known from being beautiful and attractive during her teenage years until now. She's simple but she really goes on trend. She started to be rich when she started to work at the Ministry of Magic in 1998 at the age of eighteen about Muggles. She was married to Samuel at the age of 28 and have one daughter, Katerina.

Samuel Montereal


Samuel Sean Farraday Montereal was born on September 21, 1994 at Barcelona, Spain. A Pureblood wizard whose family never despise Muggles as well as him and sorted in Ravenclaw at Hogwarts Scotland. His mother was a British while his father was a French-Spanish wizard. He lives in a middle class family and was the third son of four siblings. His well talent of drawing landscapes and portraits were very good and he can read a thick book only in one day if he wants. He was very fond of vintage things and orchestras since he was a teenager. Works at the Ministry of Magic for Wizard Transportation. Married to Helena but separated after their two years of marriage. He have now a new family and had two sons but still supporting Katerina.


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