Kate Rose Moon- Old One

Kate Archer

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Knotted 16 1/2 Inch Sturdy Cherry Wand with Billywig Stinger Core
Kate Moon

The Basics

Full Name
Kate English, It has been used in England since the Middle Ages.
RoseEnglish,Originally a Norman form of a Germanic name, It was introduced to England by the Normans in the forms Roese or Rohese. From an early date it was associated with the word for the fragrant flower rose. When the name was revived in the 19th century, it was probably with the flower in mind.
Moon Scottish,.From a Scottish surname which was derived from the region in Scotland called Moray

Date of Birth
17 of May 2015

Current age

Basic Appearance
Kate is 5'1" pretty average for her age.She has long brown hair which in the summer goes quite blond.She has blue eyes and she thinks they as her best asset to her appearance.She has very long eyelashes and a button nose.She has an athletic figure which she loves.The only part of her body she dislikes is her legs she just thinks they are too short and she usually doesn't show them but in summer she likes to wear shorts and skirts.

Kate has quite a happy,bubbly personality.She is nearly always smiling and she has a fun personality and she is also quit funny.She is very kind and caring.She puts other people first which can lead to some problems.She is not very out going and she is not over smart.She can work very hard when pushed but other than that she is not that ambitious.

Area of Residence
Outside London,England

Blood Status

Kate is Irish and most of her family is too.But she has French and English descent.

Sara Moon:Kate's twin.Witty and Smart.
Ryan and Star Moon.Kate's younger siblings they are twins.Both have completely different personalities but they are super close.
Sophie Moon:Kate's mum a very quite person but just as fun
Thomas Moon:Kate's dad is a very funny and fun person

Special abilities
Kate can speak French,Irish and knows some German and Spanish.She can sing,play the violin,piano,tin whistle and recorder.

Kate is a very kind and caring person.She is very light hearted person and she makes people around her smile.

Kate is not very ambitious she doesn't try as hard as she can at things and at school work.She is not very organised and tries to show off sometimes

Interests and Hobbies
Kate loves music,reading,acting,cycling,swimming and gaelic football

Favorite Place to Be
Her home in Ireland,Ardmore and Hogwarts

Three Words to Describe my Character
Bubbly,happy and caring

Willow,Stefan,Jake and Tara

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Hogwarts House

Hogwarts hopes and ambitions
To do well in school.Become a musician

Best School subjects
Transfiguration and Astronomy

Worst School Subject
Herbology and and Potions

Extracurricular Activities
Kate has joined the glee club


Current job

Your Patronus
Elk - Strength, Agility, Freedom, Power, Nobility

My Patronus Memory
When she and Stefan were practicing dancing on the Lakefront after he asked her to the Yule Ball

My Boggart
She is sick like she was in second year

My Animagus
Elk - Strength, Agility, Freedom, Power, Nobility

Mirror of Erised
She is standing nextto someone who means a lot to her.They are smiling and seem very happy​


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