Kate Johnson

Kate Johnson

Well-Known Member
Holly wand, 11" Essence of Phoenix Feather
- Full Name: Kate Emily Johnson

- Birth Date: 1-5-2009

- Current Age: 12

- Basic Appearance: Deep brown eyes. Blond, medium length hair, 5' 5".

- Parents: Anna Helen Johnson, Mark James Johnson. Both = Half bloods. Dad is the shopkeeper of Scrivenshafts. Mum is a nurse in the hospital wing.

- Siblings, if any: NONE

- Pets, if any: Owl = Tawny owl - Tilly. Horse - Midnight. Tabby kitten = Milly

- Area of Residence: New Zealand

- Blood status: Half Blood

- Hogwarts House (And why): Hufflepuff. Her friends come first with her. She is a shy, inteligent and polite student. A loyal and caring friend. She is solid in her affections and is very pure with her desicions.

- Best school subjects (And why):
~ Transfiguration = She loves to be able to take something simple and turn it into a precious jewel and to change something.
~ DADA = She would love to become an auror.
~ Charms = Kate loves the thrill of being able to learn new spells that will become very useful in her lifetime.

- Worst school subjects (And why): (all characters:)
~ Flying = She hates the controling of the broom and when she was young she fell off her dads this has put her off flying for the rest of her life.

- What would their Patronus be? Her patronus would probably be a horse. Because they give her strength and that would protect her.

- What would their Boggart be? Her parents being killed or tortured.

- What would their Animagus form be? (If they ever were to become one) A badger because it is very like her. Shy, timid and inside full of admiration for those around her.

- What would your character see if he/she looked in the Mirror of Erised? Herself and her parents holding a new baby sister. And her as an auror.

- What memory could they use to create a Patronus? When her parents took her around the world.

- Write an example roleplay by your character:

Kate smiled at the autumn wind as it blow her backwards across the pavement. It looked like a lovely place to be in the tops of the trees with the wind blowing through you making you feel free to the world. She decided to. Climbing a very good tree she stood up there with her head facing the wind, She wedged her legs between the two brances she was standing on and smiled. This was the life. Or was it? Her parents below her were figuring out how to use the muggle camera with the ability to take moving photos. She sighed. Both her parents being aurors was pretty tough on her as they were out a lot. Still they cared for her with all of their hearts and she loved them the same back. Her mum seemed to have mended the camera with a hidden tap of her wand so Kate smiled up into the wind and waited for the photo to have been taken. It finally had done and so she climbed down the tree. As she did her foot got stuck in another branch and she slipped half a metre down. Screaming she tried to inwedge her foot from a painful postion. It was very high up so her parents couldn't get to her. Suddenly there was a most hansome boy untangling her body from the tree. She stuttered words of thanks as she was carefully lowered onto the ground where he examined her foot. Her parents had gone away down another road to check out a place that they hadn't seen before. Kate was very shy and so couldn't speak in awe of this boy. The look upon her face was enough for him and before she could protest he gave her ankle a shake to check how good it would be, winked at her and ran off into the distance to catch up with his friends.

Questions were reeling her mind, Why, How, When, Where, What? She smiled gratefully at where he had disapeared and got up to meet her parents. Never had she told anyone before and never was she planning to. Every night though she thanked God for that boy. He was a life saver!

- Imagine that your character keeps a diary or journal. Write a page that could possibly be found in it:

Dear Diary,

It is all confusing! Mum has just recieved a great new job in the hospital wing. Tonight we had a celebration to celebrate her new job and her success, me here and them at home. Dad is now a shopkeeper in Scrivenshafts which is awesome to have him here and for him to recieve my owls here, while mum can recieve them at work!
However, today James and I recieved the most awful letter. When James was 4, his mum sadly died from an illness that they didn't catch in time. If that wasn't hard enough for him, his dad found out that he had the same illness yesterday. It was again too late and he has tragically passed away. James is really strong and has asked to stay at the school so he can carry on with his life but i can see that he is broken up about it. My parents have adopted him as it is written in the will and he is in their care until he is of age. How awful for him.
Everyone is being really supportive though. I think he needs some normallness at the moment. I mean with everyone being really nice to him and caring for him. He just wants people to move on so he can move on. James just says that it is over now and they are gone. We can't bring them back and so that is the end of it. I can't believe him, he is really strong. Moving on is the best thing right now but that doesn't mean it isn't tough on him.
I am hoping that i can do something for him and help him out, make him feel normal and special again.

Maybe i will think of something,

Till next time,

Kate xxx

[ I have editied my post about my parents and my apperance. That is why it is a little different.]
You asked for hard questions so here is my best shot at it... :D :p

1) Alright here is your warm-up question: Kate's wand is very similar to Harry Potter's. Does she know of this connection and do you think that says anything about her character?

2) I see she is an only child. a) How did that affect her childhood and who she is now as a person? b) Was it harder/ more of a struggle for her to leave home to go to school?

3) As Kate has a horse did she live on a farm? Just out in the country? If yes how did this affect her life growing up?

4) You said that Kate would like to become an auror. a)Is this actually a decision she had thought about or was it more that was what she would always do? b) If she had to choose a muggle job for herself what would that be?

5) Can you please elaborate a little on why her patronus would be a horse or how it gives her strength?

6) This ones just for fun: How do you think Kate would combat her boggart of her parents? What funny thing would she change that into?

7) You said that her hearts greatest desires were to have a baby sister and being an auror. a) Is there a reason why her parents stopped at one child? Was it that they weren't home enough or some sort of medical thing that stops them? b) Is her hearts desire to actually BE an auror, or is it to make her parents proud by BECOMMING an auror?

8) You gave two options of memories for making her patronus. a) The first one was being taken all around the world but I wonder if you could make that a little more specific. Is there and particular powerful moment from that experience/ groups of experiences? b) Her second memory was seeing her parents do a joint patronus for fighting dementors and that made me ask a few questions. What are her parents' patronuses and why? When was she attacked by dementors with her parents? Like what was the circumstance?

9) Who is this mysterious boy in your roleplay? How would her life have changed if she hadn't met him? Has he made any other appearances in her life?

And there you go :D I hope I didn't dissapoint :p
Right then, lets get started!!! :shifty:

1) Alright here is your warm-up question: Kate's wand is very similar to Harry Potter's. Does she know of this connection and do you think that says anything about her character? No she doesn't know this, when she was handed it something inside her twitched with comfort and the magic that it produced was AMAZING! I didn't do this on purpose but as it is Holly it detests evil - the same as Kate.

2) I see she is an only child. a) How did that affect her childhood and who she is now as a person? b) Was it harder/ more of a struggle for her to leave home to go to school? It was more of a struggle for her but she is use to being away from her parents. I don't think that it did affect her childhood only that she is very shy around people.

3) As Kate has a horse did she live on a farm? Just out in the country? If yes how did this affect her life growing up? They lived in the country - a little like the weasly's. It might also be the cause that she is very shy but it might also be that there is a small muggle village near, so she did make a couple of friends.

4) You said that Kate would like to become an auror. a)Is this actually a decision she had thought about or was it more that was what she would always do? b) If she had to choose a muggle job for herself what would that be? She would like to be an auror on her own decision because her aim is to wipe out all evil to make the magic world a better place. If she had a muggle job it would be a nurse, because she loves to look after people.

5) Can you please elaborate a little on why her patronus would be a horse or how it gives her strength? Her patronus is a horse because she feels at home and safe around them. It feels to her that her horse would protect her against anything and that is why it would take the shape percificly of her horse, Stelupon.

6) This ones just for fun: How do you think Kate would combat her boggart of her parents? What funny thing would she change that into? Not got a clue! I will think about that!

7) You said that her hearts greatest desires were to have a baby sister and being an auror. a) Is there a reason why her parents stopped at one child? Was it that they weren't home enough or some sort of medical thing that stops them? b) Is her hearts desire to actually BE an auror, or is it to make her parents proud by BECOMMING an auror? They stopped at one child because her mum had medical problems having Kate. They didn't want to have her scrape death again. Her hearts desire is to be an auror because of the same reason as question 4.

8) You gave two options of memories for making her patronus. a) The first one was being taken all around the world but I wonder if you could make that a little more specific. Is there and particular powerful moment from that experience/ groups of experiences? b) What are her parents' patronuses and why? Like what was the circumstance? Well they went up the pyramids, niagra falls, moutains, deserts, that kind of thing. Her mum's patronus is a terrier dog - they give her strength in knowing that she can always do something no matter great or small, her dads is a horse - same reason as Kates.

9) Who is this mysterious boy in your roleplay? How would her life have changed if she hadn't met him? Has he made any other appearances in her life? Good question, yes he appeared once more, before she was about to leave to go to Hogwarts NZ. He appeared to her on the muggle platform to get to the Hogwarts train. He is called Daniel. He changed her life by showing her that anyone can help anyone in any situation.

Hollie's question:

Why does Kate have the same patronus as her dad? is there a reason for this or is it coincidence? Yes, there is a reason. She doesn't look like her dad but they are very similar in personalitys. They are both shy and feel safe and strong near horses. I wanted Kate to have a similarity with her dad.

Thanks guys for the questions!! Keep them coming! If you don't understand an answer just post telling me!! :p

( Ok, i have edited my post so it all ties up!!)

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