Kate Hills

Kate Hills

OOC First Name
Name: Kate Hills [b/]
brithday: September 1 2032[b/]
blood status: Half [b/]
appearance: she is 4 feet and 6 inch tall and has Red hair with blue eyes.
She where a pink dress when not in school.[b/]
personality: she is cleaver and Kind. She is also helpful and adventurous. Ambitious and determined. She is very curious sometimes she can be to curious for her own good and that sometimes get her into trouble.
She like book,learning studying and quidith.
She doesn't mean people or bullies.
family: Mother Megan Hills witch age 48
Father: Mike smith Muggle age 47
Sister: Shelly witch age 8
Grandmother on Mom side Lara Hill witch 85
Grandfather on Mom side Jake wood wizard 86
Great grandfather Steven Johnson 98 wizard
Great grandmother Katherine Hills 97 witch
History: Kate Hills grew up in new zeland and went to school from age 6 to 9
She had dragons pox when she was 8years old. In the school she went to she was mad at teacher when she 7year old and trun the hair pink her mother handle that one. She got her letter on her when she truned 11 years old. She is 12 years old now. When she got to Hogwarts she was sorted into ravenclaw[b/]
fear: afraid of eating something poisones or being bit or stug by something poisness.[b/]


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