Full Name: Kateline Morgan Smith, named after mother's dead sister who died a month before Kat was born.
Date of Birth: 30th October 2016.
Current Age: 11 years.
Basic Appearance: Kat has softly curled medium brown hair and china pale skin. She relies a lot on makeup because she has redness on her face she likes to cover up. She is 4ft 11in and weighs 98lbs, her BMI is 19.8. She has dark brown eyes and long dark eyelashes which she loves, but she hates her nose for the irritating bump at the bridge. She has small hands and feet and very small ears that some people take the mickey out of.
Personality: She isn't ditzy in the slightest. She is intelligent, and thinks everything through, but she tends to assume that she is always right and sometimes doesn't listen to other people's points of view or ideas which can get her into bother. She uses sarcasm sometimes for humor, but generally her humor is more dry. She has a smirk perfected, but it's not a conceited one. She doesn't like liars, and she can very easily see through lies. Stupid and irritating people annoy her quickly. She likes to appear perfect and fusses, sometimes overly, about how people see her and what people think of her.
Family: Her mother is Elaine Smith. She runs a shop in New Zealand which sells things like delicate china and crockery items which are very expensive. She is an 'old mom' at the age of 49 when Kat is 11 and Kat can get irritated by her very easily.
Pets: A cat called Tiff. She loves Tiff very much and has managed to create a bond with the cat that she doesn't really think she has with her mum, even though she loves her mum, because she's her mum, they are very very different people. Tiff is a very very poofy fluffy white cat with black ''socks'' and weirdly wide eyes :')
Area of Residence: Brooklyn, Wellington, New Zealand.
Blood Status: Half blood - mother is a pure blood and father is a half-blood (his mother was a pure blood witch and his grandfather was a muggle).
Special Abilities:
Interests or Hobbies:
Additional Skills:
Describe your character in three words:
Favourite place to be:
Hogwarts House:
Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
Best school subjects:
Worst school subjects:
Extracurricular Activities:
Current Job:
Plans for your future:
Your Patronus:
Your Patronus memory:
Your Boggart:
Your Animagus:
Mirror of Erised:
A page from your diary:
Date of Birth: 30th October 2016.
Current Age: 11 years.
Basic Appearance: Kat has softly curled medium brown hair and china pale skin. She relies a lot on makeup because she has redness on her face she likes to cover up. She is 4ft 11in and weighs 98lbs, her BMI is 19.8. She has dark brown eyes and long dark eyelashes which she loves, but she hates her nose for the irritating bump at the bridge. She has small hands and feet and very small ears that some people take the mickey out of.
Personality: She isn't ditzy in the slightest. She is intelligent, and thinks everything through, but she tends to assume that she is always right and sometimes doesn't listen to other people's points of view or ideas which can get her into bother. She uses sarcasm sometimes for humor, but generally her humor is more dry. She has a smirk perfected, but it's not a conceited one. She doesn't like liars, and she can very easily see through lies. Stupid and irritating people annoy her quickly. She likes to appear perfect and fusses, sometimes overly, about how people see her and what people think of her.
Family: Her mother is Elaine Smith. She runs a shop in New Zealand which sells things like delicate china and crockery items which are very expensive. She is an 'old mom' at the age of 49 when Kat is 11 and Kat can get irritated by her very easily.
Pets: A cat called Tiff. She loves Tiff very much and has managed to create a bond with the cat that she doesn't really think she has with her mum, even though she loves her mum, because she's her mum, they are very very different people. Tiff is a very very poofy fluffy white cat with black ''socks'' and weirdly wide eyes :')
Area of Residence: Brooklyn, Wellington, New Zealand.
Blood Status: Half blood - mother is a pure blood and father is a half-blood (his mother was a pure blood witch and his grandfather was a muggle).
Special Abilities:
Interests or Hobbies:
Additional Skills:
Describe your character in three words:
Favourite place to be:
Hogwarts House:
Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
Best school subjects:
Worst school subjects:
Extracurricular Activities:
Current Job:
Plans for your future:
Your Patronus:
Your Patronus memory:
Your Boggart:
Your Animagus:
Mirror of Erised:
A page from your diary: