Why did Tamalia have such a bad attitude? Tamalia has a few problems getting to know others, so she sometimes does not know how to act with certin people, she also hates to get close to others because they tend to ask to many questions.
Why are they all sickly or do they just appear sickly? They are all healthy, they just look very pale as if they were sick.
If Tamalia were queen, what would be her first order of business? To try and make the world better, like getting rid of all the wars and poverty, although she would be tempted to send all who she hates out to sea.
What do your parents do for a living? Tamalias mother is a stay-at-home mum, her dad is a door to door sales men. (they get most of their money through inheritants)
Do your parents live as wizards or muggles? Tamalias parents live as muggles, so their squib children do not feel left out. (with all the magic the others would be able to do if they did live as wizards)
Do your parents treat their squib children differently than they do the ones with magic? Tamalias parents treat their squib children a little better, they are more likely to go to their squib childerns occasions then their magical ones, they also help them out more, just little things like that, this maybe because they feel a little guilty because they have no magic so magic is not allowed in the house and because they live in a muggle comunity.
What is it that Tamalia likes about fire? Tamalia likes how fire can overcome everything, how it is respected, how it is free and it reminds her of her eldest sister.
What's Tamalia's favorite food? Tamalia is a fan of food, her favourite would have to be chicken, noodles, her mothers secret recipe and/or ribs.
What house does she want to be in? Tamalia would like to be in Slytherin (because it is likely her enemy wont be and she has alot of Slytherin qualities) or Gryffindor (she believes shes brave and she thinks it may help her to make friends easier)