- Messages
- 42
- OOC First Name
- Beth
- Sexual Orientation
- Pansexual
- Age
- 3/2017
Full Name
Kaspar Joachim Frost
Date of Birth
March 7th, 2017
Basic Appearance
Brown tends to be his chosen colour, as it is not as harsh as black. The original reason for favouring this colour was because the brown clothing tended to blend blood stains better than the black stuff, which made for a more subtle line of work. He continues to wear brown a fair amount, though if he is in the muggle world, he will favour hooded jumpers and jeans, as this seems to be an ever relevant, and easy to change into fashion. However, he scarcely wears trainers. He favours a good fitting shoe, either black, brown, or grey. His favourite pair are worn both within the muggle world and the wizarding world, and are the one thing that tends to stand out about him- solely because they are a connecting point between the two worlds, and they seem just a little too smart to wear with jeans and a hoodie.
Kaspar's hair is a nice deep brown. He has never dyed it, and never plans to. The richness of this colour comes from his mother's side. His skin tone, which, at times, has been termed 'olive' in colour, was inherited chiefly from his mother. His eye colour, on the other hand, comes from his father (his mother's eyes are a rich emerald green). Kaspar has lovely nut-brown eyes, which are ideally framed by his heavier brows and strong cheekbones.
Kaspar is six feet and three inches in height, which is particularly average of the men in his family. His mother stands at five feet and seven inches, and the women of the family generally grow to be between five seven, and five ten. He is very muscular, with muscle to spare, though his bulging biceps are usually unseen under the length of sleeves he often opts for. He weighs in fairly heavy with the muscle weight. Kaspar does have a number of tattoos, most of which are covered. He also has a scar from a burn on his inner right thigh, from an incident in which he was captured by a criminal gang and 'branded'.
Kaspar was raised under the strict rule of his parents. He struggled to define himself as a person during his childhood, and it was only when he attended Durmstrang that Kaspar finally managed to gain some personal identity. Although he retained the cold, and sometimes formal nature that his parents had instilled within him, and experienced shame should he breach their moral ideals, Kaspar managed to form a bond with a fellow student: Arlo. The two boys were outcasts and helped each other to grow and thrive. Kaspar grew intensely loyal to his newfound friend, and the pair were inseparable even after school.
Although Kaspar is not hugely a family person, due to the cold and harsh nature of his upbringing, he is very protective over his younger sister, Albine. He has especially made attempts to bond with her as her sexual orientation has started to become more apparent, and his knowledge of his own life an feelings has made it clear to him that while their parents suspect nothing, it should always remain that way. This said, Kaspar can be incredibly loyal to the people he manages to make a connection with, such as he once had with Arlo.
Father: Emmerich Frost ♦ Pure Blood ♦ 14/07/1992
Mother: Freja Frost (Née, Goldschmidt) ♦ Half Blood ♦ 22/03/1995
Sister: Albine Frost ♦ Half Blood ♦ 12/03/2032
Paternal Grandfather: Johann Frost ♦ Pure Blood ♦ 26/03/1965
Paternal Grandmother: Agnes Frost (Née, Albrecht) ♦ Pure Blood ♦ 07/03/1970
Maternal Grandfather: Felix Goldschmidt ♦ Muggle-Born ♦ 08/03/1963
Maternal Grandmother: Cecilia Goldschmidt (Née, Aust) ♦ Pure Blood ♦ 13/08/1959
Maternal Aunt: Alina Goldschmidt ♦ Half Blood ♦ 30/04/1991
Kaspar did get his own familiar in his third year at Hogwarts; a cat named Copernicus. When the silver tabby with emerald eyes was purchased, Kaspar was told that it was male, but in his fifth year, Copernicus gave birth to a litter in the kitchens. In total, there were five kittens. One was adopted by a professor, two by students, one by a house elf as a kitchen companion, and the remaining one was kept by Kaspar. This kitten was named Oberon, and had one yellow eye, one green. He was the scrawniest in the litter, and never really grew much meat on his bones. His fur, though mostly mirroring his silver tabby mother, had large patches of black. He was the most mongrel looking of the kittens, and perhaps it was this that Kaspar was captivated by.
Copernicus was given to Kaspar's parents upon his leaving school, though he always kept Oberon by his side, with the exception of any dangerous jobs he took on. The pair lived quite happily in Kaspar's flat for many years.
Copernicus passed away in her sleep in June of 2042. She had enjoyed a very happy life with Kaspar's parents and little sister, and had spent many hours catching rodents, flying creatures, and sleeping on the warm patches within the house. She was survived by her litter of five, one, of whom, went on to become a show cat.
Oberon continued on strong, and remained by Kaspar's side (though his fur gained a grey glossing with age, and one of his eyes was lost to a fight). Kaspar had a very strong relationship with Oberon, and though the two no longer go everywhere together, Oberon has his own room in Kaspar's small house- a telling sign of a man with a hidden heart and a love for feline companions.
Area of Residence
Kaspar was born in Dendermonde, Belgium. He lived there until the beginning of the 2040's, when it became apparent how much in danger his criminal activities had placed his family. Kaspar spent several months convincing the family to up an move somewhere- anywhere, without ever mentioning why. His parents eventually decided on New Zealand, having heard of plenty of work opportunities, and wanting to start life in a pleasant and homely environment (in which they did not currently live). The family moved to New Zealand, and Kaspar, still wealthy from his criminal activities, purchased himself a home to share with his cat (though his original intention for the spare bedroom had been as a bolt hole for his sister, and has always remained dressed as such - though Oberon is only too happy to sleep on the bed).
Blood Status
Half Blood- pure father, half mother.
85% German (both his parents have a lot of German ancestors)
10% French (his mother's side has some French ancestors)
5% Unknown (mostly his mother's side as there is some question about a possible South African ancestor)
Interests or Hobbies
Kaspar has take some liking to Quidditch. He supports the same team as his father (Flanders) and did once get to see them play in 2023, which was one of the few happy memories he managed to take away from an otherwise controlling and obsessive childhood. He has never taken a huge amount of interest in playing Quidditch, or in attending further matches, though the wealth he culminated through criminal activity did mean he could make the occasional splurge, and would sometimes take one of his former girlfriends on week long trips to see her favourite team play.
Kaspar is very keen on business, and how to turn a good profit. Of course, this has scarcely been a legitimate business deal, and has usually ended with violence. However, Kaspar does have a genuine interest in the concept of running a business, of making money, and building something wonderful out of nothing.
He has a lot of association with criminals. Most notably a man named Arlo whom he met through his years at Durmstrang. The two men formed a close allied relationship, and went on to commit a number of grossly violent crimes. Kaspar also has connections with a wizarding mafia (run by a man known to him as 'Krypta' (Crypt, for his meetings frequently conducted in the depths of cavernous tombs). He spent several good years profiting from working for them, whilst also assisting his long term ally, Arlo, in other tasks given. In 2039, Kaspar was held captive by a gang (who rivalled the mafia, and who had lost several men to Kaspar on the mafia's command). He was beaten for information, but upon his constant refusal to talk, was branded by a hot poker, and sent back to the mafia as a message. Kaspar later came to an agreement with Krypta for him to leave their service (though in this agreement, he would be recognised as an inactive agent for future use). He continued only to work with Arlo until he fled Europe in the early 2040's.
The hobbies and interests that Kaspar is more readily recognised as indulging in are card games, drinking (though mostly in solitude), and spending time with his little sister, roaming the shops and taking trips to the beach.
Additional Skills
Kaspar can speak three languages: German, English and French. His parents taught him German, his mother taught him English, and his maternal grandfather taught him French. He has only ever flown on a child's broom (one that hardly hovers above the ground) and struggled, initially, with his balance. He hasn't ridden a broom in at least four years. Kaspar is very good with 'wiring things up' and could easily make all kinds of traps if he set his mind on it. He can also play the piano, ride a bike, walk on his hands, forge signatures/handwriting, and balance a peacock feather on his nose while standing on one leg.
His creative mind which can aid him in inventing physical solutions to problems, and can help him to create traps to aid escape.
His confident heart. Though his parents have tried to squash every last morsel of individuality from him, Kaspar has remained confident at heart that he will succeed in what he tries.
His ability to talk his way out of situations. Rather than fighting straight away, Kaspar will try and talk his way out of trouble.
Kaspar has a tendency to believe what people (other than family) say to him, and therefore may gain a few trust issues.
Favourite Place To Be
His bedroom at home: Because Kaspar would rather avoid his parents than spend time with them.
Kaspar has never had any actual friends. His parents want to control who he meets and, eventually, marries. He is hoping to make some at Durmstrang.
Durmstrang Hopes and Ambitions
Kaspar hopes to make at least one close friend, maybe get a girlfriend (when he is older), join a Quidditch team, join a club, get 'Outstanding' in at least one subject.
Best school subjects
Most likely something like Potions or Transfiguration.
Worst school subjects
If he takes it, possibly Divination.
Extracurricular Activities
None at present.
Current Job
Future Plans
Parentally Influenced: To study hard at Durmstrang, to become a prefect and maybe even head boy. After school, to get an important job and a sophisticated wife.
Kaspar's Plans: To make friends at Durmstrang, to have fun, to join a Quidditch team. After school, to get a job in something he enjoys, to find someone he likes to spend the rest of his life with.
Patronus Memory
Mirror of Erised
Kaspar has many times envisioned a life with a family, and though that may be his dream, he would likely see himself in the mirror with Krypta stood beside him.
Kaspar Joachim Frost
Date of Birth
March 7th, 2017
Basic Appearance
Brown tends to be his chosen colour, as it is not as harsh as black. The original reason for favouring this colour was because the brown clothing tended to blend blood stains better than the black stuff, which made for a more subtle line of work. He continues to wear brown a fair amount, though if he is in the muggle world, he will favour hooded jumpers and jeans, as this seems to be an ever relevant, and easy to change into fashion. However, he scarcely wears trainers. He favours a good fitting shoe, either black, brown, or grey. His favourite pair are worn both within the muggle world and the wizarding world, and are the one thing that tends to stand out about him- solely because they are a connecting point between the two worlds, and they seem just a little too smart to wear with jeans and a hoodie.
Kaspar's hair is a nice deep brown. He has never dyed it, and never plans to. The richness of this colour comes from his mother's side. His skin tone, which, at times, has been termed 'olive' in colour, was inherited chiefly from his mother. His eye colour, on the other hand, comes from his father (his mother's eyes are a rich emerald green). Kaspar has lovely nut-brown eyes, which are ideally framed by his heavier brows and strong cheekbones.
Kaspar is six feet and three inches in height, which is particularly average of the men in his family. His mother stands at five feet and seven inches, and the women of the family generally grow to be between five seven, and five ten. He is very muscular, with muscle to spare, though his bulging biceps are usually unseen under the length of sleeves he often opts for. He weighs in fairly heavy with the muscle weight. Kaspar does have a number of tattoos, most of which are covered. He also has a scar from a burn on his inner right thigh, from an incident in which he was captured by a criminal gang and 'branded'.
Kaspar was raised under the strict rule of his parents. He struggled to define himself as a person during his childhood, and it was only when he attended Durmstrang that Kaspar finally managed to gain some personal identity. Although he retained the cold, and sometimes formal nature that his parents had instilled within him, and experienced shame should he breach their moral ideals, Kaspar managed to form a bond with a fellow student: Arlo. The two boys were outcasts and helped each other to grow and thrive. Kaspar grew intensely loyal to his newfound friend, and the pair were inseparable even after school.
Although Kaspar is not hugely a family person, due to the cold and harsh nature of his upbringing, he is very protective over his younger sister, Albine. He has especially made attempts to bond with her as her sexual orientation has started to become more apparent, and his knowledge of his own life an feelings has made it clear to him that while their parents suspect nothing, it should always remain that way. This said, Kaspar can be incredibly loyal to the people he manages to make a connection with, such as he once had with Arlo.
Father: Emmerich Frost ♦ Pure Blood ♦ 14/07/1992
Mother: Freja Frost (Née, Goldschmidt) ♦ Half Blood ♦ 22/03/1995
Sister: Albine Frost ♦ Half Blood ♦ 12/03/2032
Paternal Grandfather: Johann Frost ♦ Pure Blood ♦ 26/03/1965
Paternal Grandmother: Agnes Frost (Née, Albrecht) ♦ Pure Blood ♦ 07/03/1970
Maternal Grandfather: Felix Goldschmidt ♦ Muggle-Born ♦ 08/03/1963
Maternal Grandmother: Cecilia Goldschmidt (Née, Aust) ♦ Pure Blood ♦ 13/08/1959
Maternal Aunt: Alina Goldschmidt ♦ Half Blood ♦ 30/04/1991
Kaspar did get his own familiar in his third year at Hogwarts; a cat named Copernicus. When the silver tabby with emerald eyes was purchased, Kaspar was told that it was male, but in his fifth year, Copernicus gave birth to a litter in the kitchens. In total, there were five kittens. One was adopted by a professor, two by students, one by a house elf as a kitchen companion, and the remaining one was kept by Kaspar. This kitten was named Oberon, and had one yellow eye, one green. He was the scrawniest in the litter, and never really grew much meat on his bones. His fur, though mostly mirroring his silver tabby mother, had large patches of black. He was the most mongrel looking of the kittens, and perhaps it was this that Kaspar was captivated by.
Copernicus was given to Kaspar's parents upon his leaving school, though he always kept Oberon by his side, with the exception of any dangerous jobs he took on. The pair lived quite happily in Kaspar's flat for many years.
Copernicus passed away in her sleep in June of 2042. She had enjoyed a very happy life with Kaspar's parents and little sister, and had spent many hours catching rodents, flying creatures, and sleeping on the warm patches within the house. She was survived by her litter of five, one, of whom, went on to become a show cat.
Oberon continued on strong, and remained by Kaspar's side (though his fur gained a grey glossing with age, and one of his eyes was lost to a fight). Kaspar had a very strong relationship with Oberon, and though the two no longer go everywhere together, Oberon has his own room in Kaspar's small house- a telling sign of a man with a hidden heart and a love for feline companions.
Area of Residence
Kaspar was born in Dendermonde, Belgium. He lived there until the beginning of the 2040's, when it became apparent how much in danger his criminal activities had placed his family. Kaspar spent several months convincing the family to up an move somewhere- anywhere, without ever mentioning why. His parents eventually decided on New Zealand, having heard of plenty of work opportunities, and wanting to start life in a pleasant and homely environment (in which they did not currently live). The family moved to New Zealand, and Kaspar, still wealthy from his criminal activities, purchased himself a home to share with his cat (though his original intention for the spare bedroom had been as a bolt hole for his sister, and has always remained dressed as such - though Oberon is only too happy to sleep on the bed).
Blood Status
Half Blood- pure father, half mother.
85% German (both his parents have a lot of German ancestors)
10% French (his mother's side has some French ancestors)
5% Unknown (mostly his mother's side as there is some question about a possible South African ancestor)
Interests or Hobbies
Kaspar has take some liking to Quidditch. He supports the same team as his father (Flanders) and did once get to see them play in 2023, which was one of the few happy memories he managed to take away from an otherwise controlling and obsessive childhood. He has never taken a huge amount of interest in playing Quidditch, or in attending further matches, though the wealth he culminated through criminal activity did mean he could make the occasional splurge, and would sometimes take one of his former girlfriends on week long trips to see her favourite team play.
Kaspar is very keen on business, and how to turn a good profit. Of course, this has scarcely been a legitimate business deal, and has usually ended with violence. However, Kaspar does have a genuine interest in the concept of running a business, of making money, and building something wonderful out of nothing.
He has a lot of association with criminals. Most notably a man named Arlo whom he met through his years at Durmstrang. The two men formed a close allied relationship, and went on to commit a number of grossly violent crimes. Kaspar also has connections with a wizarding mafia (run by a man known to him as 'Krypta' (Crypt, for his meetings frequently conducted in the depths of cavernous tombs). He spent several good years profiting from working for them, whilst also assisting his long term ally, Arlo, in other tasks given. In 2039, Kaspar was held captive by a gang (who rivalled the mafia, and who had lost several men to Kaspar on the mafia's command). He was beaten for information, but upon his constant refusal to talk, was branded by a hot poker, and sent back to the mafia as a message. Kaspar later came to an agreement with Krypta for him to leave their service (though in this agreement, he would be recognised as an inactive agent for future use). He continued only to work with Arlo until he fled Europe in the early 2040's.
The hobbies and interests that Kaspar is more readily recognised as indulging in are card games, drinking (though mostly in solitude), and spending time with his little sister, roaming the shops and taking trips to the beach.
Additional Skills
Kaspar can speak three languages: German, English and French. His parents taught him German, his mother taught him English, and his maternal grandfather taught him French. He has only ever flown on a child's broom (one that hardly hovers above the ground) and struggled, initially, with his balance. He hasn't ridden a broom in at least four years. Kaspar is very good with 'wiring things up' and could easily make all kinds of traps if he set his mind on it. He can also play the piano, ride a bike, walk on his hands, forge signatures/handwriting, and balance a peacock feather on his nose while standing on one leg.
His creative mind which can aid him in inventing physical solutions to problems, and can help him to create traps to aid escape.
His confident heart. Though his parents have tried to squash every last morsel of individuality from him, Kaspar has remained confident at heart that he will succeed in what he tries.
His ability to talk his way out of situations. Rather than fighting straight away, Kaspar will try and talk his way out of trouble.
Kaspar has a tendency to believe what people (other than family) say to him, and therefore may gain a few trust issues.
Favourite Place To Be
His bedroom at home: Because Kaspar would rather avoid his parents than spend time with them.
Kaspar has never had any actual friends. His parents want to control who he meets and, eventually, marries. He is hoping to make some at Durmstrang.
Durmstrang Hopes and Ambitions
Kaspar hopes to make at least one close friend, maybe get a girlfriend (when he is older), join a Quidditch team, join a club, get 'Outstanding' in at least one subject.
Best school subjects
Most likely something like Potions or Transfiguration.
Worst school subjects
If he takes it, possibly Divination.
Extracurricular Activities
None at present.
Current Job
Future Plans
Parentally Influenced: To study hard at Durmstrang, to become a prefect and maybe even head boy. After school, to get an important job and a sophisticated wife.
Kaspar's Plans: To make friends at Durmstrang, to have fun, to join a Quidditch team. After school, to get a job in something he enjoys, to find someone he likes to spend the rest of his life with.
Patronus Memory
Mirror of Erised
Kaspar has many times envisioned a life with a family, and though that may be his dream, he would likely see himself in the mirror with Krypta stood beside him.