Karl Dimitrow

Karl Dimitrow

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Bloodwood Wand 15 1/4 Essence of Phoenix Ash
Basic Information
Name: Karl Dimitrow
Age: 16
Home country: France
Karl is a Beauxbaton student with numerous talents - he is a very good quidditch player and loves the sport. He is in his school's team. He is not very smart, but knows many spells and can get out of any situation. He has many friends due to his liking to speak to people.
Karl was born in the city of Lille in France. When he was small, he went to a normal school in France but never really gave any effort there. He hated all the other students and teachers. But after he received the message from Beauxbaton, he changed forever. Once he discovered that he was a wizard, his confidence started to build up and he started to make many friends - at the end of the first year, he was one of the most popular kids in school. His talent for quidditch was also discovered at an early age and he joined the school team in the third year.
He is currently in the sixth year.

<COLOR color="#37AAE0"><B>Mother: Jasmine Dimitrow
Father: Martin Dimitrow
Brother: N/A
Sister: Jasmine Dimitrow

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