- Messages
- 53
- OOC First Name
- Summer

Meaning of name:
Kari - Pure, Gust of Wind, Curly Hair
Lucas - Man from Lucania
Birth Place: Wellington, New Zealand.
Home town: Wellington, New Zealand
Current living place: Wellington, New Zealand.
Sign: Cancer
Element: Water
Ruling planets: Moon
Symbol: Crab
Stone: Ruby
Stone Meaning: Stone of nobility
Birth date: 17th July 2008
Durmstrang starting year: 2019
Graduation year: 2026
Basic Appearance: Kari is of average height and weight. He doesn't stick out from a crowd much. Kari has longish dark brown hair at the front that is usually in a spiky style and cut short hair at the back. When his hair is flat it reaches his eyes. His eyes are a dark brown, almost black. Though it is a dark colour his eyes send out calm and comforting vibes. Kari is often seen in old clothes, the colours are worn and there are rips and tears in his jeans. He has his guitar strapped on to his back and his method of transport is his skateboard.
Height: 5 ft 8
Weight: 150 lb (10.71 stone)
Body:Slightly toned but not significantly muscley.