Karen Jenine White

Karen White

the facts​
Full Name: Kitty Karen Jenine White.
Birthday: August 25[sup]th[/sup], 2005.
Age: Eighteen.
Blood Status: Half Blood.
Blood Type: O Positive.
School Attended: Hogwarts Scotland.
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff.
Area of Residence: Bells Beach, Victoria, Australia.
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual.
Relationship Status: Single.
Occupation: Professional Surfer and a Part-Time Actress.
<I>the looks
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Eyes: Her eyes are russet brown [sup](Click for example)[/sup] and they show her emotions as clear as day.
Symbolism of Eye Colour: Brown is a strong and rich color that has connotations of earth-energy, creativity, simplicity, strength, endurance, and fertility. Initiates into spiritual orders often wear brown robes to indicate their humility, simplicity, and stability. The color brown signifies their desire to ground themselves by renouncing all superfluous luxuries and dedicating themselves to becoming stewards of the earth. In living close to the land, they can free their souls to seek enlightenment. Brown eyes may indicate a strong and independent person who feels a deep connection to nature and the earth.
Hair: Naturally it is sandy blonde [sup](Click for example)[/sup]and has been died over the years, changing the true colour of her hair. Her hair is relaxed and wind blown due to all the time spent at the beach. She never does anything to it, aside from braiding it or putting it into a pony tail when she doesn't want her hair in her face. Karen's hair is wiry and not as soft as female's hair usually is from sun damage and it smells like the ocean as there is no where she spends more then it, but her shampoo adds a hint of lavender to it, making the scent the best part of her hair.
Clothes: Karen is usually in a bathing suit [sup](Click for example)[/sup]with shorts or loose dresses to cover her skin when she is heading to the beach. Typically she wears light colours but when she doesn't it is coupled with jeans. She is a relaxed girl so she doesn't take much notice of her outfits, but that doesn't mean she can't dress up, she just prefers not to.
Scars & Marks: She has a scar on the nape of her neck from a bad fall in surfing when she was eight, in short the board hit her neck. It isn't particularly nasty or prominent, just a simple white line along her neck.
Distinguishing Features: She has golden brown skin from time in the sun and a flat stomach that outlines the muscles she has from working out as often as she does. Her teeth are straight and clean and they are shown when she pulls her soft, pink lips into a smile. Her smile and eyes are her most prominent features and they light up her face when she is feeling any emotion.
the inside
In Five Words: Relaxed, carefree, fun, protective & playful.
General Personality: Karen is laid back and playful but is rather protective over her friends and her small family. When she lets someone into that circle, which doesn't take too long, they are in for good unless they do things to other people she cares for. In which case she will give them one more attempt but if they mess up again she simply cuts them out of her life. She can get quite competitive with her sport but all in all she is just an eighteen year old looking for a good time.
Pet Peeves: She hates it when people feel sorry for themselves or don't try hard enough.
Habits: Being self-critical when it comes to surfing || Grinding her teeth.
Quirks: She snorts when she laughs.
Strengths: Surfing is Karen's strength and her career. She is also very talented in changing her friend's moods for the better, but she also seems to have the unfortunate talent of making people she likes her friends rather then her boyfriends, no matter how much she flirts.
Weaknesses: She isn't particularly good at flirting and she had a hard time applying herself in school.
Fears: Sharks attacking her little brother when he swims, as he had nearly escaped one when swimming in the Atlantic ocean is her biggest fear. She also gets a little nervous when she thinks about space and the unknown.
the family
Father: Edmund Baird White VI.
Edmund is a muggle man that comes from wealth. At the age of eight he met Isadora and they became instant friends, despite the secret kept between them. When he was twenty-three he asked Isadora out for a date and being childhood friends made it more comfortable for them. Only three years later they were engaged to be married and in another year they were. They had planned on eloping but when he was told that she was a witch he felt uncertain about it all. When he was twenty-eight he impregnated Isadora with their first child. Now they have had three children and do not plan anymore.

Mother: Isadora Rae (nee. Taylor) White.
Isadora is a pure blood witch that comes from a strict family, however she is unlike them in the sense that she is relaxed when it comes to blood statuses. When she was eighteen she realized her love for Edmund White VI and they dated and eventually got married and had children. She does not wish to have any more and will not.


Sister: Luciana Ivy White.
Luciana is twenty-three years of age and a half blood mother. When she was twenty she was impregnated and although abortion was her first choice her mother and father wouldn't let her take such actions and now she does not regret having her daughter. Unlike Karen and Edmund VII, Luciana doesn't care for surfing or water much at all and spends most of her time with her daughter.


Brother: Edmund Baird White VII.
Edmund is eleven and will begin at Hogwarts New Zealand in September. When he was seven years old he was swimming in the Atlantic ocean and got very close to being eaten by a shark, his leg has a large scar from the bite taken out of him by the shark. His leg often hurts and has trouble moving it when he doesn't take his pain pills. Despite everything he does still surf with Karen and is quite good.


Niece: Olivia Lucia White.
Olivia is currently three years old and as cute as ever. She is energetic and happy and looks up to Karen while she is extremely close with her mother. She has only met her father once but she thought that he was just a friend of her mothers.
the extras
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Zodiac Sign: Virgo.
Symbolism: Virgo exists in the mind, everything is inside. To the world, Virgo presents a calm and collected exterior but on the inside, nervous uncontrolled intensity in the mind, trying to figure things out, how to improve everything, analyzing and thinking. Virgo can tire itself out without even moving! Virgo has a constant drive to improve and perfect, this can lead to extreme pickiness and finickiest. They are pure, their motives are honest never malicious and they want to accomplish something [sup](Click for more)[/sup].
Favorite Colour: Purple.
Symbolism: Purple embodies the balance of red simulation and blue calm. This dichotomy can cause unrest or uneasiness unless the undertone is clearly defined at which point the purple takes on the characteristics of its undertone. A sense of mystic and royal qualities, purple is a color often well liked by very creative or eccentric types and is the favorite color of adolescent girls [sup](Click for more)[/sup].
Least Favourite Colour: Brown.
Symbolism: Brown says stability, reliability, and approachability. It is the color of our earth and is associated with all things natural or organic [sup](Click for more)[/sup].
Favourite Dish: Karen has always been fond of Lammingtons [sup](Click for information)[/sup].
Least Favourite Meal: Fake Fried Fish[sup](Click for recipe)[/sup].
Favourite Musician: Kit has a love for older music so her favorite artist at the moment is a group called Bright Eyes.
Patronus Form: A dolphin.
Symbolism: Dolphins symbolize kindness, salvation, wisdom, happiness, playfulness, prudence, capable of deep emotion, and happiness.
Patronus Memory: Kit's patronus memory happened when she was twelve. She won her first surfing competition and was quite proud of herself.

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