Karah S. Love

Karah Love

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Curly 16 Inch Sturdy Rowan Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
full name || karah sapphire love (formerly green)
etymology ||
pronunciation ||
nicknames || kar, kare, kare bear (her family only)
roots ||
languages spoken || english and french
birth date || march fifth, twenty-fifteen
age || twenty-five
gender || cis gender female
sexuality || heterosexual
birth town || clovelly, england
current residence || wizarding new zealand
socioeconomic status || middle class
blood status || mixed blood - part veela
occupation || interior designer
education || hogwarts new zealand
house || gryffindor
titles || prefect
sorting || under the cut.
'We aren't in Kansas anymore' thought Karah as she filed into the Great Hall of Hogwarts towards her future. The knowledge that a hat, a very out-spoken and intelligent hat, was going to change her life for better or for worse brought her back into her five year old self when she wanted to be with her mommy while she chewed on her hair as a relaxent but that was not today. Karah had promised herself that she would stay away from the bad habits until at least the third day because as much as she didn't car what people thought of her, she also didn't want to be looked at in disgust.

As the line went down, Karah was thankful that no one from Clovelly could see her like this, a shaking, idiot version of the Karah Green that people hated to see coming their way for various reasons. Karah was also thankful that her name started with a G and not a Z or an A because that would be too much for stress, even for her. But when her name was finally called, Karah wanted nothing more than to melt into the ground just to disappear but she tilted her proud chin up and walked forward, counting her steps as she did so to avoid the prying eyes of the students until she sat down and the sorting hat was placed on her head.
<SIZE size="150">"Bossy, daring, not very selfish, and adventurous? Godric had some more brains than you... but regardless, you're a GRYFFINDOR!"
wand v1 || bloodwood sand 15 1/4" essence of phoenix ash
details || useful in divination, bloodwood is said to reveal secrets of both the past and the future and to aid its possessor in understanding the given knowledge. well known for its brilliant red color it is also perfect for matters of the heart and healing.
history || karah's wand snapped in multiple places during a very bad floo trip, in which she fell on her wand.
wand v2 || curly 16 inch sturdy rowan wand with meteorite dust core
length || a little on the longer side of things, wands of this length are slightly more uncommon and not easily forgotten by others.
style || great care was taken in crafting this wand's wood to spiral to its point, giving it a beautiful aesthetic quality.
wood || 'rowan gossips' - there may well be truth there, as a rowan wand is excellent at protective spells: its owner will live to gossip! this wand calls to the pure of heart - no known users of the dark arts have held such a wand.
core || this wand core works well for people who adapt easily to their surroundings while still maintaining their own personalities. meteorite dust seems to produce wands that are useful in divination work.
flexibility || a solid wand for any witch or wizard - easy to use, and highly dependable.

play-by || emma jean stone
height ||
weight ||
complexion || fair
hair colour ||
hair style ||
eye colour ||
face ||
dress style ||
outfit examples ||
favourite item of clothing ||
acessorises with ||
other distinguishing features ||
build ||

in five words || artistic, friendly,
loves ||
hates ||
patronus ||
patronus memory ||
boggart ||
riddikulus ||
mirror of erised ||
amortentia ||
strengths ||
weaknesses ||
biggest fear ||
biggest secret ||
favourite song ||
favourite dessert ||
favourite instrument ||
favourite colour ||
hated colour ||
favourite season ||
hated season ||
favourite subject ||
hated subject ||
favourite animal ||
hated animal ||
favourite creature ||
hated creature || veelas
overall personality ||

marital status || single
by who? ||
mother || camille jolie love
adopted mother || molly katherine green (nee. ***)
father || jack john green
half siblings || adam green, lindsey hall (nee. love), nick green, audrey love, simon green, wayde green
nieces || arabella
nephews ||
maternal grandmother ||
maternal grandfather ||
maternal aunt ||
maternal uncle ||
paternal grandmother ||
paternal grandfather ||
paternal aunt ||
paternal uncle ||
first cousins ||
pets || a barn owl named houdini, and a half-kneazle named anais

2026 || ugh reading sucks but i ought to get this over with anyway - karah picks up her school books for her first year at hogwarts new zealand
2026 || what is brown and sticky? - karah and her older brother, adam, go pick up her first wand.
2026 || hip hoppin', show stoppin' - karah buys a companion, meeting her half-sister for the first time.
2026 || hey, i don't like you - karah meets ezra shaffer who she instantly dislikes.
2026 || we are family - karah tells the shop owner of the magical menagerie that they are half sisters
2026 || meeting the sister - during a bright stone weekend, karah meets lindsay as sisters and her cousin.
2026 || did you survive avada kedavra?
2027 || different face, different attitude
2027 || exercise no caution -
2027 || don't do sadness
2027 || a bad case of the cooties
2028 || something more
2029 || forget about the boy
2029 || falling
2030 || prefects meeting year 15
2030 || a night to remember
2030 || let it die
2030 || lego house
2031 || y16 prefects meeting!
2033 || running for cover
2034 || i see love
20-- ||
20-- ||
20-- ||
20-- ||
2040 || love yourself
2040 || all the furniture
2040 || entropy


code is w.i.p. and mostly by emmah

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