Kanuha Palakiko

OOC First Name
Curly 13 Inch Unyielding Blackthorn Wand with Fairy Wing Core
With Every Broken Bone I Swear I lived.



I Hope That You Take That Jump
and don't fear that fall

Name || Kanuha Konani Palakiko
Age || 25 years of age
Gender || Male
Race || Pacific Islander/Hawaiian
Occupation || Metal Charmer
Birthplace || Honolulu, Hawaii
Current Residence || Travels quite frequently, however his true home is on the islands.

Hope When The Water Rises
you built a wall

Physical Description of Character || Kanuha is a large man of about 6'3" with well tones muscles. Being that he has worked with metal large and small for about eight years now, he is strong - able to lift large items without trying to hard. His black hair is often kept long and currently it is in dreads. His eyes are a brown/Hazel color with what appears to be red streaks in them. Kanuha can be found wearing a smile most of the time and though he is large, his size tends not to intimidate too many people, because he always acts so approachable.
Personality || Kanuha is a kind, family oriented man. He loves children and seeing them happy, often making snitches for young witches and wizards to practice with, free of charge. Though he tends to look scary, Kanuha almost always holds a smile on his face and is a very approachable person. He is rather touchy-feely, even with new people. The man loves to give out hugs and is all around a very generous and friendly person. He of course has his moments, and often times is very lonely due to the passing of his mother. He does not act such on the outside though, being that his caring nature doesn't want others to deal with his problems.

on the other side of him that few get to know, it seems that Kanuha can be slightly childish. He often likes to do things with little thought, and if things don't go quite right he can be know to throw a bit of a fit. He can be stubborn when it comes to wanting to go out rather than stay in, or vice versa, and often times will argue his point into the ground. His mother always said he was just like his father, whom he had never met. Kanuha thinks that his mother was brave for putting up with a man so bull-headed, and constantly acknowledges that his stubbornness is a huge problem, however he doesn't exactly know how to change it.
Hobbies || Kanuha enjoys working with his metal charming tools, he loves to go for long walks anywhere, including mountain hiking. His mother got him into cooking and baking, and he often does so as a hobby now.
Likes || Sunsets/Sunrises, baking, eating, the water, magic, metal-charming, nature, and the first snowfall, spontaneous trips
Dislikes || Cloudy days, rainy days, people who are hurt, rudeness, and being told what to do.

Hope When The Crowd Screams Out
they're screaming your name

Family Relationships || Kanuha is the last living member of the family bearing his name being that both of his parents have passed away, his dad when he was young and his mom two years ago.
Friend Relationships || He makes friends just about anywhere he goes, and really couldn't list them all if he tried.
Enemy Relationships || None that he can think of, though he supposes that if anyone didn't like him they wouldn't say it out loud.

And When Everybody Runs
i hope you choose to stay

History || Kanuha was born in Honolulu, Hawaii to a loving mother and father. Soon after his birth his father was called to service, being that he was a military man. That unfortunate turn of events took away the only father Kanuha had - biologically that is. The village took care of him after his father died in war, and his mother was of course thankful for the help when she needed it. She was a full time medi-witch, and often traveled for work, leaving Kanuha in the hands of people she trusted and that Kanuha trusted too. Things were of course easier when he was able to attend school, as it meant he was gone except for on Holidays. He didn't mind so much, as his mother always sent letters.

In school, for the first few years at least, Kanuha was more concentrated on finding his Niche. He attended Hogwarts Scotland and was sorted as a Hufflepuff, which made sense with his friendly behavior. He would always smile and greet everyone, even at a young age. As he was taller than most kids his age, many didn't see the point in picking on him for anything. As the years went on and he became a quidditch player - a beater - he became larger in size. He was protective of all his friends, and his girlfriends when it came that he was old enough to date. Kanuha never really found anyone he wanted to spend much extended time with, and when he was in his fifth year decided to concentrate on charms instead of girls. After all he wanted to make snitches, like the ones sought after in the Quidditch games he played.

He of course followed his dream, as when he put his mind to it he was able to complete anything. The man exited school with a smile on his fqace just as he'd entered and began apprenticing under another metal charmer. He'd just gotten his certificate when he got the sad news of his mother's passing. This of course took a hard chunk out of Kanuha's heart. His mother had raised him, and now he was alone - being the last one left with his namesake. He has been coping since then, but it's coming slowly.

And I Swear I Lived!
i swear i lived
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Lyrics OneRepublic "I Lived"

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