Kane Cardosi

Kane Cardosi

Active Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
16 1/2" Australian Blackwood with an Essence of Serpent Scale

The Basics
Character's Name:
Kane Averon Cardosi
First name: Kane: Money and Battler
Middle name: Averon: Wild
Surname: Carodsi: Cunning
Character's Birthdate: 18th September 2008
Hometown: Venice, Italy
Current location: Venice, Italy
Blood Status: Pureblood
Wand: 16 1/2" Australian Blackwood with an Essence of Serpent Scale
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Occupation: Junior Secretary for The Cardosi Corporation
Martial Status: Single: Looking

Medium length, shaggy dark brown hair; although when he is in business mode is it always slick and pulled back.
Eyes: Light brown
Height: 6'1"
Style: Kane can been seen in typical young male-wear, jeans, hoodies, t-shirts, but more often than not he in his formal attire and would wear a classic suit with a long black cloak.

A Little Deeper
Kane is a very quiet and refined guy. He is always serious about what he does, especially when it comes to getting some he wants. From a young age Kane always knew what he wanted and that was to gain power by any means necessary. The Cardosi family is very rich so Kane never knew live without want and he grew accustomed to the money from early on and never wanted to lose. This determination lead to Kane growing up to become a quiet kid but not in the sense that he was shy, far from it. Kane was the quiet type of kid that you didn’t want to get on the bad side off. He would always sit away from the crowd and be thinking things through, always planning and always thinking of the next step. Living up to the family name he was always cunning and knew who to be nice too when need be if it meant getting what he wanted. He has a lot of leadership skills and has no problem with bossing people about so he can get what he wants.

History: Kane comes from the, very powerful and Pure Blood, Cardosi family. The family are very prejudice and your typical Pure Blood supremacist family that believe Pure Blood's are the best and the only way to go. They are a great supporter of the Death Eaters although only a few from the family decide to become one of them as the family have to decide if they feel someone is worth enough to even think about becoming one. While a lot of the family are not Death Eaters they do support them. The Cardosi family is a very big business based family and help in other ways for the Death Eaters, financial aid and things like that.

Kane is one of the youngest in the family and is a recent graduate from Slytherin in Hogwarts Scotland. He had shown a lot of promise over the years and has wanted nothing more than become a Death Eater as he sees it as one of the greatest honours that someone could have bestowed upon them. He has always had a great interest in what his family does and from a young age has been brought up around the business side of things that his family do for the Death Eaters.

Throughout his years at school he wanted nothing less than being accepted into the ranks of the great Death Eaters and even trained himself to fight and learned how to not get any close ties with someone as he knew people just kept him back and didn't want to become weak like the rest around him. He gathered a few followers throughout his years but never would have thought two seconds about dropping any of them if he thought for a second that they were becoming weak or keeping him back.

After graduation from Hogwarts he went right into work with the family and remained to build bonds with any influencing people and Death Eaters at any opportunity.

Link to family tree!

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