Kamaria Tea Warlock

Kamaria Warlock

Well-Known Member
these are the things I can do without


Name - - Kamaria Tea Warlock
Ka-mar-ia T ai - uh War -lock
Nickname - -Tea and Kam
T ai - uh Cam
Date of Birth- - Eleven of June, Year Twenty Thirteen
Gemini- - does have more than two sides sometimes, but can tell difference
Hometown - - Westminster, England
Born and Raised. Will probably move on when she's seventeen
Blood Status - -Mixed Blood
Her father pure blood, her mother half blood
Ethnic Background - -American and British
Her mom is from America but she has a mix background, her dad British born with Islander mixed in him.
Just to simplify it she says she British and American.

Occupation- - Student at Drumstrang, Slytherin HNZ 2030 -2031
Currently in her sixth Year
Gender- -Female
Born as Independent female, never going to change that
Sexual Orientation- -Straight
Has dated twice in her entire life, but nothing serious. she yet to meet someone who suits her
Wand- -Cedar 7¾ core Unicorn hair
Core best suitable for Charm and Transfiguration; she does well in charm. </COLOR></SIZE></FONT>

you shouldn’t have to sell your soul
<FONT font="monacro">
Likes - -School, Charm Lessons, Reading Suspense Novels, Long Walks, The color beige, Secretly organized, The city nights, Silent films, Puppies and Supreme pizza
Dislike - -Mornings, The forest or any open space area, Failing, Obnoxious music. People’s Ignorance, Bath Breath, Seafood, Color mint green, cheaters,Herbology, and creatures.
Strengths - -School, Honesty, Tolerance, Independent, and Sensible
Weakness - - Attitude, Socially Distant, Procrastinator, Fear to trust, Hates to relied on
Quirks - -Walking around with no shoes, Finger painting on her shoes, Wearing toe rings
Personality - -When misjudge she could be really arrogant towards those who think above everyone else. Other than that Kam could be like most girls if she wanted to be. But to be like most girls would classified her as a follower, and knowing that Kam tries to stay away from society labels. She looks beyond what anyone would normally think on a very day basics. She does not judge knowing it bothers just the same when someone does this to her. She is a girl of many thoughts, yet it’s hard to share when she distant herself a lot from everyone. Fear in sometimes that she would get hurt mentally, but she can also be nice when treated right. Two rights makes it alright is Kam motto. Everyone should live by this, or else there will never be enough respect in the world.
Beyond under her dark clothes and shady black eye liner lays a shining Kam. When she at her best, likes in school, you would see the light in her glow. Kam is a strong believer in gaining knowledge to get you far. She learns that growing up, in order to get somewhere you have to learn every step of the way. Although she believes in learning greatly, Kam strides to not make that many mistakes in her life. It’s a hard way to live, and unsuccessfully she proven it’s hard not to make any mistakes. All she can rely is doing her best and keeping her head up when things do get rough.
they really, really ought to know

Family - - Catherine ‘Cat’ Williams, New York, American, Timeless Hippie, Biological Mother, Half Blood
- -Lenna Warlock, U.K Born, Biological Sister, Caretaker, Mixed Blood
- -Michelangelo Warlock, Biological Father, U.K Born, Deceased, Pure Blood
- -Anthony Warlock, Half Brother, U.K Born, Deceased, Mixed Blood
History- -Born out an affair her parents had with each other, Kamaria is a perfect example that something good can come out of something that started negative. Her mother a free spirited woman did know about her father’s illegal marriages with other woman. Yet at acknowledge that the man was taken, Cat love to love. Even if someone was spoken for, she did not believe that someone belong to another. That there is no such thing as marriage and vows, with so many broken family she lived her life trying to separate herself from the normal persona perspective. Lenna was born first then came Kamaria.

Lenna was already use to not seeing Michelangelo not around, like her mum, she grew up with the same views as the woman who nurtured her. Kam was the one who noticed that her parents weren’t living a quite normal life. Yes, she detested labels and is much for equality in everyone, but she was born to be the sensible one. At age four she’d question her mom why daddy wasn’t around much. Cat gave her daughter straight forward answer. Her free spirit had cause her to be truthful with both her daughters. Lenna didn’t pay mind, Kamaria was a different story.

Kam would compare her life with other children around her age. She was six years old when her next door neighbor, a girl name Susie would ask about her family. Kam once told her truth when she was eleven, at six years old she was lying a little to protect her families image. Cat may have not cared, but Kamaria did not like when the neighbor were exploiting her family’s dirty laundry. Susie would tell Kamaria the lies she would hear about Catherine and her father Michelangelo. It got to a point when caring was too much for a young girl to handle. Kamaria grew tired of covering up for her mom and dad mistakes. What was supposed to be the innocent days of her life left her a little to be independent on her own. She disregards some of her mum teaching and learn by books and real life experience.

As she grew older, her mum started to disappear too. Lenna would be in charge of them when left behind, these actions made Kamaria stronger as a person. Her mum would be out on the other side of the world loving another man or helping out a friend in need. In a weird way, some of her teaching had prepared both her daughters to deal when she wasn’t around. Lenna for example took up cooking, as Kamaria did the cleaning. Both girls balanced out the house chores. They knew it was pointless to keep it up, but they wanted to live in a better environment regardless if Cat was around or not.

The letter from Drumstrang came in the summer that she turn eleven. She was scared when she found out she would be attending Drumstrang, just like Lenna had done and was almost done completed the year she was starting off. Drumstrang had its reputation, Kam felt like they have mistaken her by sending her to that school. The fear had gradually increased when the days started counting down for her to start school. School started in September, Kam felt completely unprepared without Cat around for moral support. She had sent a letter and wished Kam well. Kam went off to school with mix feeling, it was a rough start but at least that one year Lenna was with her before she graduated from Drumstrang. She had getting use to the school and the lessons that whole year to sink in. It went amazingly well that her second wasn't overwhelming to her. She fell in love with wanting to do well in her classes, in all her studies in general.

Lenna met Anthony Warlock first out of the two sisters. He was quite older; passing thirties years old made Anthony the eldest of his father’s kid. In her fourth year at Drumstrang, Kamaria met Anthony for the first time. She describes him to be dark hearted and frightening to look at. The same year they met, their father was killed by the mother of Anthony. The woman took her own life the same night she killed the man. Anthony decided for a while he stayed around with Lenna and Kamaria. Kamria bear with him being around. Although she highly suspected her brother to be working on sinister acts, it was later on in the year she confirm her suspicious of him to be right. A death eater. It was a secret she kept to herself, she was afraid to confront her brother not knowing the danger he possessed. She never told Lenna, not once of what Anthony Warlock was. Later on into her early fifth year, Anthony was killed by an auror. Lenna broke the news to Kam, Lenna couldn’t believe he was a death eater all this time. Kam wanted to tell her, but she thought if she said something now it will start an argument between the sisters. Kam continued her studies at Drumstrang, while her sister works in the city they live in, helping out an elderly shop keeper run his business.

they took you for a working boy
Music List
[li]Angie Stone - Brotha</LI>
[li]Musiq - Halfcrazy
[li]Incubus - Drive
[li]Lauryn Hill – Everything is everything
[li]India Arie – Ready for Love
[li]Iron and Wine - Such Great Heights
[li]Rihanna - We Found Love ft. Calvin Harris
[li]Linkin Park - Leave out all the rest
[li]M83 - We Own the skies
<LI>[li]Jay-Z - Forever Young
<COLOR color="#576b77">KISS THEM GOODBYE
you shouldn't have to jump for joy

R o l e P l a y s

Running Into You
M-E-A-N is half of Me
A Day Out
<SIZE size="75">Bio made by me,
Shout by Kirk Franklin but remix by Skins is the inspiration lyrics to the bio.
Don't use, please thank you.

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