Kalvyn Evans

Kalvyn Evans

OOC First Name
Knotted 15" Unyielding Blackthorn Wand with Fairy Wing Core
I miss the taste of a sweeter life ,
I miss the conversation ,

Say Hello to
Kalvyn Murray Evans!
I'm searching for a song tonight ,
I'm changing all of the stations ,

Kalvyn Murray Evans

Kalvyn - Derived from the French surname Chauvin, which was derived from chauve "bald". The surname was borne by Jean Chauvin (1509-1564), a theologian from France who was one of the leaders of the Protestant Reformation.
Murray - In Irish the meaning of the name Murray is: Lord of the sea. The name Murray is also a Scottish baby name. In Scottish the meaning of the name Murray is: From the sea.
Evans - In English the meaning of the name Evans is: Son of Evan. Evan is the Welsh form of the Hebrew John, meaning God has been gracious, or God has shown favour. Shakespearean Meaning: The name Evans is a Shakespearean baby name.

Part of his parents agreement when Kalvyn's mother first fell pregnant was that any boy, his father got to pick the name for and any girl his mother did. His father had desperately wanted a son, and so was overjoyed when Kalvyn was born, but he hadn't actually settled on a name. He looked through book after book but found nothing that suit his little boy in the way that he hoped it would. That was until his father landed on the name Kalvyn in a restaurant in Inverness about a week after Kalvyn had been born, and it was then that he knew that was the right name. It just suited his son so perfectly and he was just so surprised that it took so long for him to see it. Kalvyn enjoys hearing the story of how he got his name but very often faces questions because of the fact that it is spelt differently from how much would spell their names. Kalvyn has never felt bitter about this face, he actually quite enjoys it. He finds it makes it really very unique. Kalvyn thinks of his name as perfect for him, and he thinks it would be odd if he was called anything else.
Murray is the surname of his mother. While Kalvyn's parents are married, Mhairi, his mother, has always known that she didn't want her children to lose part of who she was. Which was why all three of them share the same middle name of Murray. It's not that interesting, and Kalvyn can never understand why her mother chose to do that rather than make the name something like Murray-Evans, which makes a little more sense. Kalvyn has never minded having her middle name being something that he shares with his siblings. He doesn't really ever tell it to people, so it loses a little of it's importance.
Evans is her father's name, and it is an old family name, which is incredibly common. He has always loved her surname. While it is so popular and many people do have it, he has always enjoyed it. It has never bothered him that she knows little of how his family came to get that specific name. Kalvyn thinks his surname is just great, he is proud of it.

Kalvyn doesn't have any nicknames, the boy doesn't have very many friends and none of which would be able to give him a nickname, so Kalvyn doesn't have one. He would very much like one, but without being able to make friends Kalvyn knows he'll never get one. His parents occasionally call him Kal, which is a shortened version of his name, he doesn't mind being called this, though it is mostly by his parents which isn't the most fun and he wishes it was by other people, but Kalvyn knows that he can deal with it and that it is truly fine. Kalvyn would rather have a sort of nickname than nothing. As much as he wants a nickname given to him by people he would consider friends he is just as happy to just be Kalvyn.

Kalvyn is 16 years old. Having always been a quiet and shy kind of guy he doesn't really enjoy celebrating his birthday as it means having to socialise with people. He is always thankful that his birthday is during the school term and usually in the run up to exams so most people forget and the few friends he has don't pester him about trying to do something. At most, Kalvyn will eat a slice of cake with a couple of his friends, his only few friends if they have actually remembered that it is his birthday. Kalvyn will not go around reminding people about it.

28th April 2022, Kalvyn much like his youngest sister was born in the late hours of the afternoon, the exact time is less precise because of a slight complications when he was born in that his mother started bleeding more than she should, thankfully the healers managed to fix that up and she was fine. But, it meant that while they were proccupied with his mother no one actually took down the time at which he was born. Instead they have a rough time. Kalvyn is just thankful it wasn't that important, and no one ever asks for an exact time because he wouldn't be able to give it. He is also very thankful for the magic that he has, and that his family has because he knows that without his mother might not have lived.

Student, which very academic and driven, Kalvyn has no idea what he wants to do when he leaves school. He thinks that being a teacher like his mother would be pretty fun, but he is very uncertain about this fact. He wants to do something that is cool, but he doesn't know what yet, and he has no idea what kind of place he could work at given how nervous he gets sometimes and how bad he can occasionally be at talking to people.


Name: Mhairi Evans
Birth: 15th March 1996.
Relationship: Mother.
Occupation: Professor.
Blood status: Mixed-blood

Name: Jeremy Evans
Birth: 29th March 1996
Relationship: Father
Occupation: Ministry official.
Blood status: Muggleborn

Name: Ailsa Evans
Birth: 30th November 2024
Relationship: Sister
Occupation: HNZ, Gryffindor
Blood status: Mixed Blood

Name: Eilidh Evans
Birth: 29 September 2027
Relationship: Sister
Occupation: HNZ, Slytherin
Blood status: Mixed Blood

Father - Jeremy Evans, Muggleborn wizard, attended Beauxbatons. Born in America on the 29th March 1996, works at the ministry in London. A hard working man, with brown hair and green eyes like Ailsa. Jeremy was born and raised in America, his parents died when he was still quite young, and his eldest sister took the family under her wing at this point and took charge of it all. The family was very close, but when it was discovered that Jeremy was like his sister and was of magical there was a divide between those with magic and those without it. However, he attended school in France, and loved it. He was mostly taken care of during the holidays by Elliot and the pair grew to be very close, but obviously they grew apart too as they grew up. Jeremy had always loved animals, and pursued a career in that field, which drove him away from England therefore Mhairi but eventually he moved in with her. He had intended to return to America and stay with his sister a while, but due to the fact she was pregnant with her second child he moved in with Mhairi, and the pair grew incredibly close. They started dating shortly after, sort of falling into it, and then one night Mhairi got pregnant, they had been planning to marry, and while he hadn't proposed a lot of the plans were ready to go, so they were easily able to get married. It was this point that Jeremy chose a move stable job that allowed him to be close to his small family. Jeremy was a smart wizard, but he was overly academic, and always preferred the outdoors, much like Ailsa. He is very happy with his family, he wishes he was closer to the eldest two sisters, but he know that his being magic and them not has really driven them apart.

Mother - Mhairi "Murray" Evans, mixed blood witch, attend Hogwarts Scotland, Ravenclaw. Born in Edinburgh Scotland, raised in Sussex on 15th March 1996. Works as a professor at the wizarding school in Iceland. An incredibly smart witch, brown, almost black hair with brown eyes. She is youngest of three children, and has two older brothers. She was always the baby of her own family, and was incredibly spoiled growing up, which she has tried to do with her own children. Mhairi was raised in Edinburgh for most of her life in the very wealthy magical area on the outskirts of the city. She was born into money and always resented the sort of position that it put it in. However, both of her own parents were self made people who didn't have much growing up and ended up making their fortune and provide their three children with everything they could want in life. Mhairi was always an incredibly bright girl, she had a natural curiosity about the world, but was humble and careful. She never attended primary school, and was home schooled until it was time to go to Hogwarts, where she really excelled. Hogwarts was an easy school for her, and she passed all her classes with ease, but decided that she didn't really want something dangerous or high pressured, so she chose to teach, loving how nice it was, and how good it felt to be able to teach the younger generation about things. She and Jeremy met by chance, when both ended up in Florish and Blotts during the last summer before their seventh year, they ended up fighting over one book in the store, and in the end split the price and spent the day together reading it. They kept in contact throughout the year and ended up meeting again after they'd both graduated. They went their separate ways until Jeremy moved back to the UK at 22 and ended up living with Mhairi and the pair grew close until she fell pregnant at 24, the couple got married later in the year, while Mhairi was still not really showing. Mhairi studied and eventually got a job in the magical school in Iceland, which was the point where the pair moved to Sussex to really start their family. Ailsa had been born early in that year.

Sister - Younger, Ailsa Evans, currently attending Hogwarts New Zealand, Gryffindor. Born in Sussex on 30th November 2024.
Sister - Younger, Elidih Evans, too young to attend school yet. Born in Sussex on 29 September 2027.

Kalvyn's family is relatively large, on her father side, he had three older siblings, all of them female. The eldest of the family is Katelyn Gray who was never overly bright, but incredibly beautiful, she married Kevin Gray a doctor who works in a private hospital in Northern Georgia. They have two children, Thomas, and Erin. Neither of whom are of magical blood. Ailsa doesn't see them very often, and they do not know anything about the face that Ailsa is of magical blood.
After that is the second eldest of the family, Crystal Dzienny, who was not so interested in school, and much more interested in preforming arts and things like that. She is a very good singer, and now privately tutors kids who want to learn to sing, she married Jeff Dzienny, whose family own a restaurant that he now runs. They have three kids, Joshua, Eva and Harley. The family lives in San Diego California, and all three kids are of muggle blood, though for a while Crystal suspected that Joshua might be magical. All three are not very interested by education, and much more in the preforming arts like their mother.
Lastly, Elliot Archer, who Ailsa's family is closest to. She was a bright young witch who did very well in potions. She married fairly young, to a muggle, Branson Archer. The couple have two children, Tybalt and Lydia, they had a third older son, who died when he was 11. The family used to live in America, but have since moved to Australia.
Both of Kalvyn's grandparents on this side are dead, they died in a car crash in 2005. The pair were very loving and caring, muggles and worked incredibly hard to provide for their family, but it had been driving at night, that the car had veered off the road, and crashed into a tree which killed the pair instantly.

Kalvyn's mother has two older brothers, the older of the two, Calum Murray, is a mixed blood wizard who currently lives and works in England with his wife, Dove Murray he attended Hogwarts Scotland, Gryffindor. They live in Manchester, but both work in the ministry in London. Calum works as part of the The Accidental Magic Reversal Squad, and his wife, Dove "Longman" Murray who also works at Gringotts along side the goblins. They have two children, Nicole Murray, 24, currently finishing her studies to become a nurse after having spent a good many years travelling the world, and Kieran Murray, 20, who has gone to muggle university to study history.

The younger of the two brothers, Rhuraidh Murray, is mixed blood, who attended Hogwarts Scotland, Gryffindor. He always bounced between jobs and places. He left school and became a healer, married his first wife in the summer of 2015 to a muggle. He never told her about what he did or the fact he was a wizard it was only after the birth of their second child that he told her, at which point she filed for divorce since the relationship had been crumbling and this was her way out. The two children they had split their time between the two houses, the oldest of the two, Aiden Murray, 20, who has decided to take a few years out, and is a round the world trip. The younger child, Joseph Murray, 18, who is in his final year of studies at Hogwarts Scotland, Slytherin, intends to get a career in politics when he leaves school. Rhuraidh remarried in the winter of 2031, to a young nurse, Zara "Milner" Murray who worked in the same magical hospital as in in Edinburgh, where his family now live. They have two children, with a third on the way, likely to be born in the summer of 2037. Patrick Murray, 5 and George Murray, 3.
Both parents are still alive, but are currently living on the Isle of Man, and do not often leave their home.

kalvyn does not own any pets, he has always wanted an owl, just to be able to with ease contact his family, but it didn't take long while he was at school for him to realise that he didn't actually need one, and being without was about the same as having one. He uses the school owls and has no problem with it. He doesn't often write to his family, so it's not like actually uses it that often. He would still however want some form of pet after school. He has no real preference over what kind of animal it would be, but he'd just want some kind of animal, something that would provide him with some company.

Mixed blood, due to her having a mixed blood mother, and a muggleborn father.

Kalvyn has never been bothered by his blood, nor has he seen it be a big deal. A lot of his family are muggles and he finds them just as interesting as the magical part of his family. Obviously a lot of them have no idea about the magic in the other side of his family, but it doesn't really matter. Kalvyn has never been bothered by the blood status of himself or others. He'll never actively seek out purebloods, or anything as friends. He has few friends as it is. If he does witness people being terrible to others because of blood Kalvyn is very unlikely to get involved. He really doesn't believe it's his place to get involved in such things.

Sussex, England, while he was born in London and spent the first four years in London, he would always considering Sussex to be his home time.

Kalvyn's family moved to Sussex, England about a year after his younger sister, Ailsa was born, and have always lived in the same place. He has always loved the home that they have in England. It's a large enough house for space for all of them, and it was the kind of place that was easy to live in. It is spacious enough, and has everything nearby. He has always enjoyed living there, and has only recently began to suggest that they move somewhere else. He has loved England all of his life but would love to live in other places.

Despite everything, one of his favourite places in all of Hogwarts would be the library and by extension this would be the one place that he would always want to be. He finds the room comforting and good. He loves sitting at the windows with a good book in his hand. He finds it comforting and he really loves it. He loves being able to find solitude and quiet within a busy school. He has no problems finding spot in amongst the shelves and reading the hours away.

FIRST HOME: A small apartment in South London. When she was born, her parents had both gotten their first real jobs, and so they were only really beginning to make any real money and had enough saved up to be able to move to a much bigger place. Outside of the city, where they were able to fill their home with more magical objects. Kalvyn remembers this house the most out of all his siblings, he really loved it despite the fact it was small and cramped. They moved away about a year after Ailsa was born. They once stood outside it during a family trip to London, but it wasn't the type of place that they had ever intended to stay in. It had two bedrooms, a small living area with a kitchen and a small bathroom. It only had single glazing, and was pretty old. It was on the second floor. The place itself was not that modern, and while clean, didn't have much in it.

Kalvyn has never been interested in guys in the same way that he loves girls. He can appreciate a good looking guy and he has no problem with same sexual relationships, but Kalvyn has for a long time known that he was straight. He's never been in a relationship or anything like that, but he really is certain of the fact he is straight. He has never been sexually attracted to guys, as he has been with girls. However, if things changed down the line he would be open to it.

Kalvyn is currently single, he has never been in a relationship, and is far too shy to talk to people, so he hasn't made any friends.

This happened purely by accident, and Kalvyn still has no idea why, but when he was in fourth year at Hogwarts, someone from Slytherin, a girl, came over to him and just kissed him on the lips. He has no idea who this person was and hasn't seen them since it happened. Kalvyn has never placed much importance on first kisses and such but he feels cheated that this was his first kiss.

This has not yet happened.

Kalvyn can barely talk to people, he has never been able to form any real friendships so he's not managed to be in any relationships.

None yet

Not happened yet

To Come
We drew a map to a better place ,
But on that road I took a fall

Like most of the rest of his family, Kalvyn has dark brown hair. He keeps his hair cut fairly short and doesn't do much with it. His hair stays at a short length and after a certain length Kalvyn will buzz cut his hair to get rid of it. He doesn't particularly like when his hair gets beyond a certain length, he finds it messy and doesn't particularly like that. So, his hair remains a short manageable length, and at a dark brown colour.

Kal has never had any inclination to dye his hair, he doesn't he'd be able to because his hair is often so short anyway. He doesn't pay too much attention to it, or think that it would really deserve being dyed any colour. He doesn't see the value in it, and so he doesn't and also wouldn't do so.

Again, like most of the rest of his family, Kalvyn has brown eyes. He has never thought that his eye colour is anything of importance. Really, Kalvyn doesn't care too much about his appearance to pay enough attention to it when it comes to the details. He knows that his eyes are brown but that's all he really knows. He doesn't mind them, he sees them as fulfilling a purpose and that's about it. He hasn't actually noticed in fact that his mother and father have slightly different shades of brown, and that kalvyn's shade is the only one of siblings that takes after his mother.

Despite how removed and reserved that Kalvyn is, he does a lot of sports. With no other friends to spend the time with, Kalvyn spends a lot of time, running, swimming, playing quidditch, never on a team, but this gives his still largely forming body a bit of build. He finds it relaxing, and because of all of this, Kalvyn is very much in shape. He is fairly tall, a little taller than most his age, and relatively well built for his age. However, it would probably take a lot for him to notice this. He isn't the type of person to pay attention to it, so he neither cares nor really knows about it.

Much like his mother and his two sister's, Kalvyn's blood is O negative. He has never needed to know this but he was told it, and so he does in fact know it. He isn't sure about if he would need to know it when it comes to magical areas and healers, but he figures it's a good thing to know it anyway. Kalvyn just likes knowing these things. He just likes being able to know things that while may never have any importance he still knows.

Right Handed
Kalvyn has never questioned which hand he writes with, the moment he picked up a pencil and began writing it had always been with his right hand. He doesn't care much for those who can write with both, he figures that really it doesn't matter because in the end they are all just writing, it doesn't matter which hand it the better hand.

To Come

Kalvyn's accent is very clearly english but it has slight nuances, due to the fact that his father is american and his mother scottish both of whom have fairly clear accents, his accent has been largely influenced by the people he spent time with in primary school, and follows into the english side of things with some little hints of something else on certain words and phrases.

Kalvyn can only speak english, he would like to learn another language but his French lessons in primary school really have done nothing to help in his learning of languages. He just knows a couple of words in french and the same can be stretched to some other languages in which he only knows a couple of words and nothing more than that. Kalvyn is intelligent though and assumes that if give the chance that he'd probably pick it up with ease, but for now the teen is happy to be able to speak english.

Of all his siblings Kalvyn is allergic to the most, he can not eat, tomatoes or any tomato based products, he can't eat shellfish, of any kind and he can't eat most kinds of nuts. While it does mean that he has a lot of allergies and he has to watch what he eats, Kalvyn is pretty used to it now and doesn't worry so much about what he's eating. He knows what food he can eat and what he can't, he'll always be careful with food that he doesn't know. he is sometimes a bit frustrated by what he's allergic to, but he's gotten used to it.

Most of Kalvyn's clothes are his father's old clothes, they essentially dress in the same fashion, despite the fact that he takes after both parents equally. He wears mostly simple clothing, so t0shirts and jeans, he'll wear the occasionally shirt and he usually wears his father's old leather jacket. Kalvyn is often dressed in his uniform, and will dress smartly at every occasion that he does. His style could be most easily describes as convenient.

Theo James

When I was at my worst ,
I wonder where were you ,

Kalvyn likes reading, and everything with that. He likes reading everything and anything. he loves going to classes and learning. He enjoys sitting in lectures and spending time reading things he knows nothing about. He has no real friends so his friends are in the lessons he goes to and in the books he reads. He enjoys spending time on the quidditch field, although he is mostly alone when he does. He likes swimming and running and general sports. He likes spending time with friends, even if he doesn't have any, he knows he would enjoy it because he's the sort of person whom once he manages to get to know someone he'll be lively and talkative and open, he just hasn't been given the chance yet to do so.

Kalvyn really hates being alone, he doesn't like being by himself. It is why he is so often doing school work, or extra work or reading because he is endlessly lonely because of how shy he is. Kalvyn doesn't like bullies for obvious reasons and he really hates when people say that learning is pointless. He hates when people he knows act stupid and do things they shouldn't. He hates when he gets anything less than perfection in his work. He really hates muggle films and doesn't understand why anyone would like candy floss because it's just pure sugar.

Kalvyn wants to graduate school with perfect grades, he doesn't know what he wants to do after that, but he wants to build his confidence because he wants to be able to be in a relationship, get married and have kids of his own. He wants to achieve more with his life, but he doesn't know what he wants to do with his life. All he knows for certain is that at some point he wants to have children of his own.

It would at this point probably be failing a test, or getting something lower than an O, with no real friends so to speak, Kalvyn would fear getting anything lower than an O, and his boggart would take the form of any teacher tell him he's failed, his intelligence in his mind is all that he has left. he would hate to have nothing and for himself to be a complete failure at everything in life.

Kalvyn's patronus would be a grey squirrel.
Sciurus carolinensis, common name eastern gray squirrel or grey squirrel depending on region, is a tree squirrel in the genus Sciurus. It is native to North America but now also inhabits other regions.

Getting sorted into Ravenclaw, there are few memories which Kalvyn has that he loves as much as this. The pure joy and elation he felt when the hat uttered the word Ravenclaw. He felt his heart swell at it, he felt his joy grow, he knew that if nothing else he had his brains and his brains would see him there. He would say that getting sorted into Ravenclaw was just about the greatest thing that ever happened to him, even if he hasn't had an excellent time in ravenclaw he still loves and is so happy to have been sorted into it.

Quidditch try-outs when Kalvyn was a second year, he didn't particularly want to go, but he made himself go, and despite being good at the sport, Kalvyn was just overwhelmed with the amount of people that he felt so terrible and unable to be able to do it, that he just left the field. Kalvyn felt truly horrible about it, he had never felt so down on himself in ages, mostly because he knew deep down he was good anough for the team but he couldn't bring himself to be a part of it. He couldn't drag himself to the front, say his name and a position and then play.

Since he doesn't have many friends, there is not much for Kalvyn to admit to, or even enough to gage how honest or dishonest he is. Kalvyn would probably end up saying that he would give away all the intelligence which he has, all of the grades for just a couple of people to talk to. For the ability to talk to people and create meaningful, long lasting relationships. Kalvyn would admit that he is endlessly lonely and all the brains in the world have done nothing to help him.

Kalvyn would see himself as he is now, with the same grades as he has but he would be headboy and he would have friends, he would be surrounded by friends, not cousins, or family members but actual friends. Kalvyn would very much enjoy having friends if he was just a little less shy about things, but he isn't. He would really just see himself as one of the popular kids and he would be well liked by all of the people who were surrounding him.

There are only certain smells that Kalvyn really likes he's fairly fussy and the first is pizza, despite not being able to eat most kinds of pizza because of the tomato which is usually on it, Kalvyn loves the smell of it. He just thinks that it is the most incredible thing ever and if his allergy to tomatoes wasn't as bad as it is, he would honestly just spend most of his time eating pizza. Kalvyn also really likes the smell of lavender soap, his mother always packs him bars of it for school because she knows how he loves it and it's just a really lovely smell, Kalvyn more often than not smells of lavender. He also really enjoys the smell of cookies, usually chocolate chip ones. Despite not having much of a sweet tooth, most of his favourite smells are sugary things.

His mother. Because of their very close relationship Kalvyn has always looked up to his mother. There has never been a point in Kalvyn's life where he has not looked up to his mother. They get along really well, and Kalvyn would do anything to protect her, even though he knows that she is in no need for protecting. He love his mother and would not mind ending up like her one day. He has never felt anything less than respect and is always happy to help her in any way that he can when she asks him to.

Atheist. Having been raised in a non-religious household, most of the research that Kalvyn has done regarding religion has been of his own reading, and from most of it, Kalvyn has decided that he really doesn't like most of it, and he doesn't believe in any of it. He views most of it as just good stories but he's never thought to base his entire life around something like that. He had at times believed that this is due to the fact that he was raised a wizard and it gives him a little different perspective on a lot of the things mentioned, but really Kalvyn doesn't think his opinion on the matter will ever shift.


Underneath their cool, calm and collected exterior, Taureans differ greatly from all the other signs of the zodiac. Taureans manage to discreetly stay apart from the crowd, even though they have a well-earned reputation for being socialisers. They will let others get close, but only so close as they want them. Some claim that trying to get your point across to a Taurean, should they not want to hear you, is rather similar to talking to the trees they simply won't budge. And, there is no such thing as an open-book Taurean. Their feelings, fears and desires often run far deeper than anyone around them would guess. Like the butterfly that chooses to remain hidden in its cocoon until it is ready and prepared to emerge, so the true Taurean spirit remains hidden behind a veneer of day-to-day activities. That's why Taureans are sometimes regarded as snobby, withdrawn, boring, or even sulky. The truth is, when Taureans manage to operate very adequately on their own form of automatic pilot, they can switch off from the world around them very efficiently. And when they do switch off, they are actually gathering in their inner reserves to deal with the outside pressures. This sign is also very closely connected to 'feeling good'. Most Taureans like their creature comforts and hate change because it takes them out of their automatic pilot condition of separating themselves from the world around them.

To Come
Down on my knees ,
you said you had my back

West Sussex Nursery and Primary School

Because both of his parents worked full time jobs, but unlike his sister's he started at the school in primary 1 and he left the school when he was 11, when it was time for him to go to high school, or really in Kalvyn's case magical school.

Kalvyn's primary school did not have any houses. It had people sorted based on their year and nothing else. it was a very typical school, and it was only the high school part of it which had houses. This was mostly due to the high population of students, and the ability to then be able to play more competitive sports. Kalvyn didn't mind not having houses in his primary school. It didn't really need anything. And it would've in his mind been pretty pointless.

Because of his young age, kalvyn doesn't remember much about the school, he found it fun as far as he can remember and he had the most friends during that first year, all of the other years within his primary he didn't have any friends because he lacked the confidence to talk to people. Kalvyn remembers enjoying everything that they did during his first days at the school. he remembers it was his teacher that encouraged his enjoyment of school and of education.

Despite the fact that Kalvyn had no friends in most of primary school, he was very much involved in the sports part of the school and this ended up being his absolute favourite class. There was so much about it that the boy had enjoyed. He had loved getting ready for the sports and doing things like that. He enjoyed having fun with others in his team, because despite his unpopularity Kalvyn was good at the subject.

They didn't do it very often, but Kalvyn really hated drama, he always found it to be the worst class, and this wasn't just because it required him to get up in front of a bunch of people and usually preform something. Kalvyn had been fairly lanky while growing up and unsure of his limbs which meant that he was often tripping up over himself and he got bullied because of it, this was always worse when he had to get up in front of the class for anything drama related.

There were only certain days in the year that Kalvyn skipped and it was any preform days or rehersal days where they didn't learn anythingbut spent all of their time doing rehersals for whatever show their year group would have to put on. Kalvyn hated those and always begged his parents to not make him go to them. He much preferred just being at home where he didn't have to worry about anything.

During the first few years in primary, Kalvyn was very involved within the school sports, but as they grew older and more people picked on him, he grew less confident about it and by the time he was eight, Kalvyn no longer went to any clubs because of the other people that were in them and whom didn't want Kalvyn to be a part of them.

Despite good grades, Kalvyn was never given any positions in the school, they balanced good grades with firm friendships and leadership qualities which Kalvyn had neither of so he wasn't ever going to be able to get anything in the school, not that he really minded because being given a position of authority meant standing up in front of everyone and Kalvyn really didn't like that.

I wonder where were you ,
all the roads you took came back to me ,
<COLOR color="black">

<SIZE size="50">WAND:
Knotted 15 Inch Unyielding Blackthorn Wand with Fairy Wing Core

Length: A little on the longer side of things, wands of this length are slightly more uncommon and not easily forgotten by others.
Style: The knots of this wand's original wood remain clearly visible - earthy, this style of wand is perhaps most traditional and closest to nature.
Wood: A wand best suited for a warrior-type, Blackthorn wands bond most strongly to their owners after going through adversity.
Core: Wands with this core are good for charms spell-casting. Be warned that they do sometimes lead to failed hexes.
Flexibility: Unyielding: A wand which takes a special skill and determination to master; but once mastered its spells leave an unforgettable impression.

He was the first of his siblings, as the oldest to get a wand, and boy was he happy with it. He loved the way it felt, the length, the sleek style, everything about it was just simply stunning. He spent days just staring at it after he got it. Everything about the wand was just perfect to him, he couldn't get over how stunning it was, how light and natural it felt. he thought it was honestly the most incredible thing he had ever seen.

Hogwarts Scotland

Kalvyn was nervous about going to magical school, he had always wanted to go, but he felt nervous about it. He didn't know what to expect and he didn't think he'd do well in it, but he just wanted to be there. he thought the building itself was amazing, he just couldn't help but think of how steeped in history it was, how much had happened in those halls, how much had altered the course of history because of what had happened here. Kalvyn had just felt overwhelmed by it all and incredibly nervous too. He didn't know what to expect and much more than that he didn't know if he would live up to the standards of the school either.


Kalvyn has always idealised his mother so the thought of being in any other house than Ravenclaw scared the life out of him, he just wanted to be like his mother and he knew he was intelligent enough to be able to get in. He did all the work. He worked hard, he loved learning and stopped at nothing to be able to read all that he could. He was sweating really badly and just very fearful that he wouldn't get in. His family wouldn't mind where he got sorted but Kalvyn really wanted to be a ravenclaw and was incredibly glad when he was sorted into that house.

6th Year


To Come

Because Kalvyn is fairly removed in that he has very few friends and he doesn't know very many people, or spend to much time around others he has not achieved any positions despite near perfect grades throughout school. He has no problems in classes but that is the only place he doesn't have problems.


Currently Kalvyn's best class is Transfiguration, he has no problems in Transfiguration, he gets on well with the professor and finds the balance of theory work and wand work to suit him perfectly. He likes reading about it, but he also really enjoys doing the work and doing the spells for it. He's never managed to find a class with a more perfect balance for him.

Easily Defence Against the Dark Arts, while Kalvyn has no problem with the class itself and is in fact actually fairly good at it, he doesn't like having to be in the class, because of the spells they occasionally have to practice on one another. It usually means pairing up and he doesn't have enough friends to pair up with, and while Kalvyn doesn't mind usually having to be forced to go with someone, or with the professor he would just really rather not.

I was there for you,
In your darkest times
Coding Done by me, Emzies, if you want to use it just PM me and I'll get it to you!
Lyrics: Maps by Maroon Five

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