- Messages
- 161
- Wand
- Hazel Wand 13" Essence of Dragon's Whisker
- Age
- 12/2009
FULL NAME : kallisto eumelia yosef
NICKNAME(S) : kalli, alli, lisa, melia, mel, mellie, yo-seeef, seffers, the list goes on.
AGE : twenty-one.
BIRTHDAY : april fourth.
GENDER : female.
SEXUAL ORIENTATION : heterosexual.
OCCUPATION : visual artist.
HAIR COLOR : brown.
EYE COLOR : brown.
BUILT : skinny, perhaps a bit too skinny to be healthy.
HEIGHT : 5'6"
WEIGHT : 110 lbs.
TATTOOS : strawberry on foot &&found in love on index finger && female warrior on back && german words on forearms[sup]meaning [/sup]&& pi / infinity on nape of neck && defy gravity on foot.
PIERCINGS : three on one ear, two on the other and a tongue piercing.
SCARS : one that the tattoo on her back accentuates because she is proud of it.
I LOOK LIKE : lights aka valerie poxleitner.
I LOVE : tattoos && the smell of paint && foreign languages && having money (she rarely has any) && inspiration && the feeling of canvas && libraries && make up && history && high fives && the word papaya but not the fruit && interesting people && space && dragons && being naked, if it was socially acceptable she would walk everywhere naked && honesty && her father (he is her favorite person in the world) && trampolines && rubix cubes && star wars && bright colours && funny names && fast food && pin up style of clothing but wouldn't wear it herself.
I HATE : chauvinism && guns && having authority, it scares kallisto a bit && quidditch && bills && the word mudblood. she can't even say it && stupidity && liars && the word hate && talking over the phone.
FEARS : tigers && bears && possibility not being able to walk again && the dark.
STRENGTHS : pain control && faithful to her religion && painting && tattoo design && making people smile && finds inspiration in anything/anyone && open-minded && elegant. && is very honest.
WEAKNESSES : is skeptical && is too trusting && is always borrowing money from her parents && she tends to be late && how blunt she can be && sometimes she acts more like her shoe size then her age.
HABITS&QUIRKS : goes here
PERSONALITY : min. 2 thick paragraphs
HOMETOWN : london, england.
PARENTS: robert yosef; fourty-nine; elementary school teacher
SIBLINGS : hannah yosef; eighteen; high school in england & joseph yosef; sixteen; beauxbatons.
SPOUSE: not applicable.
OFFSPRING: not applicable.
PET(S) : 2 gold fish named peppermint and gerald.
CURRENTLY LIVING : obsidian harbour, new zealand.
OVERALL HISTORY : min. 2 thick paragraphs
NICKNAME(S) : kalli, alli, lisa, melia, mel, mellie, yo-seeef, seffers, the list goes on.
AGE : twenty-one.
BIRTHDAY : april fourth.
GENDER : female.
SEXUAL ORIENTATION : heterosexual.
OCCUPATION : visual artist.
HAIR COLOR : brown.
EYE COLOR : brown.
BUILT : skinny, perhaps a bit too skinny to be healthy.
HEIGHT : 5'6"
WEIGHT : 110 lbs.
TATTOOS : strawberry on foot &&found in love on index finger && female warrior on back && german words on forearms[sup]meaning [/sup]&& pi / infinity on nape of neck && defy gravity on foot.
PIERCINGS : three on one ear, two on the other and a tongue piercing.
SCARS : one that the tattoo on her back accentuates because she is proud of it.
I LOOK LIKE : lights aka valerie poxleitner.
I LOVE : tattoos && the smell of paint && foreign languages && having money (she rarely has any) && inspiration && the feeling of canvas && libraries && make up && history && high fives && the word papaya but not the fruit && interesting people && space && dragons && being naked, if it was socially acceptable she would walk everywhere naked && honesty && her father (he is her favorite person in the world) && trampolines && rubix cubes && star wars && bright colours && funny names && fast food && pin up style of clothing but wouldn't wear it herself.
I HATE : chauvinism && guns && having authority, it scares kallisto a bit && quidditch && bills && the word mudblood. she can't even say it && stupidity && liars && the word hate && talking over the phone.
FEARS : tigers && bears && possibility not being able to walk again && the dark.
STRENGTHS : pain control && faithful to her religion && painting && tattoo design && making people smile && finds inspiration in anything/anyone && open-minded && elegant. && is very honest.
WEAKNESSES : is skeptical && is too trusting && is always borrowing money from her parents && she tends to be late && how blunt she can be && sometimes she acts more like her shoe size then her age.
HABITS&QUIRKS : goes here
PERSONALITY : min. 2 thick paragraphs
HOMETOWN : london, england.
PARENTS: robert yosef; fourty-nine; elementary school teacher
SIBLINGS : hannah yosef; eighteen; high school in england & joseph yosef; sixteen; beauxbatons.
SPOUSE: not applicable.
OFFSPRING: not applicable.
PET(S) : 2 gold fish named peppermint and gerald.
CURRENTLY LIVING : obsidian harbour, new zealand.
OVERALL HISTORY : min. 2 thick paragraphs