- Messages
- 571
- OOC First Name
- Kaitlyn
- Wand
- Straight 12" Rigid Black Walnut Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core
"Now this is what it's like when worlds collide...
now this is what it's like..."

now this is what it's like..."
What is it really, that's going on here
You're so alive but you're feeling kind of dead inside
<SIZE size="50">You're so alive but you're feeling kind of dead inside
[name] Kailie Lydia Styx
[etymology] The first name Kailie means slender which would five off the impression of a girly and feminine girl. This would not be true to her character, even though she is indeed slender, she is not feminine or girly. She is moreover, just cold. The middle name Lydia means of noble sort. It gives off the impression of a pretty, and very traditional woman who is quiet and calm most of the time. Her middle name describes her more than her first name, and fits very well with her character. The surname Styx and it means the underworld river of Styx. The surname is very rare, but it has power behind it. It comes from mythology.
[origin] The origin of Styx was by none other than her father, Kalif. After he was on the run from the Ministry, he started over with a new name, and had a clean slate. No one knows where he had gotten the name Styx from, but it represents one of the four rivers in the Underworld. So far, only their family is recognized with the last name, and most of them are pure-bloods, so it is a pure-blooded family.
[nicknames] Kailie does not answer to any sort of nicknames at all, seeing as Kailie is sort of informal and short anyway.
[alliance] She has not chosen a side yet.
[birthdate] Kailie was born on December 5th, 2017, around ten of the clock at night, in a hospital in Karnobat, Bulgaria.
[age] 20
[gender] Kailie is a female.
[sexual orientation] Asexuality, in its broadest sense, is the lack of sexual attraction to others or the lack of interest in sex. The sub-term that fits Kailie the best is aromantic which is a lack of romantic interest toward anyone. Kailie fits this perfectly because she has not had romantic interest in anyone or anything, and prefers to be on her own. Despite this, she did have a sexual relationship with her husband, but she did not have any interest for it.
[dialects] She currently knows Bulgarian and English. English was her first language, but she learned Bulgarian right afterward. She will speak Bulgarian when she is around her family, but not around them, she sticks to English.
[hometown] Kailie was born in Karnobat, Bulgaria, but she has no recollection of the place. She was raised mostly in the Styx Manor that is in New Zealand.
[residency] Kailie currently resides in the Styx Manor that is located in a private, unplottable place in New Zealand because Kalif likes to keep his place private. She lives there with Kalif Styx, Nicolette Styx, Kaleb Styx, Artemisia Styx, Damianos Styx, Nicolas Styx, Bothizar Styx, Kassye Styx, Kairi Styx and Lanithro Styx.
[heritage] Kailie was born from Nicolette Styx, who is full-blood Russian, and her father is Kalif Styx, whom is one-half Bulgarian and one-half French. Those two mixing created Kailie, making her one-half Russian, one-fourth Bulgarian and one-fourth French.
[blood status] Kailie is a pure-blood. Kailie is somewhat quiet about what she truly is, but she will not speak to muggle-borns at all.
[blood type] AB Negative is Kailie's blood type. It is rumored that in her family, those with AB Positive align with the side of good, whereas AB Negative align with the side of evil. This has been proven both wrong and correct. There is a belief in Japan that a blood type would give someone good traits and bad. The good traits from this belief are cool, controlled and rational, and the bad traits are critical, indecisive and unforgiving. These traits are true to her character.
[wand] The wand that Kailie currently carries is the Oak 14 3/4" Essence of Raven Feather. Oak has always been respected by nearly all world cultures. Admired for its strength and size it represents strength, endurance and power. Oak helps promote both observation and intuition. Oak provides a very balanced energy and is skewed neither toward the light or the darkness. The core of the Raven's feather establishes the balance, skewing it neither light or darkness, but creating an overall balance, and proving to be very reliable in a tight situation. The wand is stubborn and deems Kailie to be its only master.
[occupation] Apprentice in Wand-Making
[health status] Kailie is healthy, for the most part. She has a slight touch of asthma, but it is not threatening.
[allergies] Kailie is severely allergic to pet dander and fur. If she touches it without her medicine, she will break out into welts, and her throat will try to close up, limiting her breathing. She takes medicine to help with her allergies at school, for her to be around pets, but she still cannot touch them without immediate care.
[pet] Kailie has an American Kestrel that she has named Medea.
[titles] President of Heta Omega and Prefect
You've got the system for total control
With every step of regret filled with compromise
[five words] Cold, Quiet, Loyal, Self-centered, DistantWith every step of regret filled with compromise
[personality] Kailie is very quiet, but in no mean shy, she prefers to say little words. She is very observant of her surroundings, and rather self-centered at times. She does not ally herself with anyone, and prefers that people would stay away from her opposed to coming near her. She does have one person she talks to but that is all. Her personality reflects some sort of a mix of her father and her older brother Hades. She seems eerie, but in no means creepy because of how she appears. She is deceiving, and will often trick people into doing things. Kailie mostly prefers to keep to herself, and is prideful especially about her house. She refuses to let anyone bring her or what she believes in down.
[beliefs] Kailie does not exactly have any beliefs just yet.
[boggart] She believes that it would be a giant tiger coming at her.
[fears] Kailie does not have many fears, but she is afraid of her parents and disappointing them. She wants nothing more but to please them. She is afraid of dogs, but she won't run in terror from them. Kailie is also secretly afraid of someone stalking her, because she doesn't find that comforting at all.
[likes] She enjoys to go outside and read. She loves to make potions and also loves to talk with adults, because they are wise enough to understand her and her ideas as she believes that she exceeds most people. She does like hanging around with her friends, what little friends she has, and also loves to create some form of chaos, without getting caught by her dad. As she grows older, her list of interests will grow.
[dislikes] As of right now, she dislikes people in general, and also cannot stand idiots that are around her. She will snap at them which is rare enough for her anyway. She hates it when people are in her business when they should not be. Her list of dislikes will grow as she ages.
[goals] She has no goals at this time.
[good habits] Kailie brushes her teeth not twice a day, but four times a day. She will often remind others of their hygiene but this could be proved as bad.
[bad habits] Well, her reminding others of their hygiene is bad, but she often does not pay attention when people are speaking to her, well, certain people.
[strengths] Kailie has a few strengths to her character, some of which she does not show since she knows that when one has strengths, they also have weaknesses. Kailie has a strength in her attitude, and how she is often never giving up at all. She will argue with someone up and down, especially if she were right to begin with. She has her father's attitude. Kailie has a strength in hiding her emotions and feelings so that no one can get inside of her head. She also has a strength in offensive magic and potions. She finds her skills in potions to exceed all of her skills and she is constantly learning more and more, which she retains it.
[weaknesses] Kailie has several weaknesses which she hates pointing out to anyone. She often has an intolerance to people, however with her allergies, she seems to have a weakness to animals, particularly cats. It could be because her mother can turn into one as well. She has a weakness where she cannot sympathize with someone, since she often hates people. Kailie has a physical weakness as she is not strong at all. She can be overcome in battle easily. Her ankles are her weakest points, and she also has a hard time apologizing to anyone as her pride proves to be a weakness. When it comes to magic, Kailie has a huge weakness in protection shields and magic. Anything like that often throws her off.
[loyalties] She is loyal to the Slytherin house and the Zhefarovich Family.
[magical talents] Her magical talents would include her charm work, specifically offensive spells. She also seems to have a very notable skill in flying as well as her potion work, which is her best skill.
[other talents] Kailie has one notable talent right now in her key observant skills, and her memory retaining information for her. She can memorize things with ease, and she has this amazing ability to sort things in a specific order that would make sense only to her.
[patronus form] Kailie believes that her patronus form would be a seal.
[annoyances] For right now, mostly annoying, loud and obnoxious people get on her nerves, and those that gloat about something that they should not. She also cannot stand those that are younger than her.
Now is there anybody out there
There's no escape still you wait for the end to show
[chinese year] Being born in 2017, it makes Kailie a Rooster. People born in the Year of the Rooster are deep thinkers, capable, and talented. They like to be busy and are devoted beyond their capabilities and are deeply disappointed if they fail. People born in the Rooster Year are often a bit eccentric, and often have rather difficult relationship with others. They always think they are right and usually are! They frequently are loners and though they give the outward impression of being adventurous, they are timid. Rooster people's emotions like their fortunes, swing very high to very low. They can be selfish and too outspoken, but are always interesting and can be extremely brave. They are most compatible with Ox, Snake, and Dragon.There's no escape still you wait for the end to show
[zodiac sign] Kailie is a Sagittarius, the Archer. The good traits of an Archer are optimistic, freedom loving, good humored, honest, straight-forward, intellectual and philosophical while the negative sides are blindly optimistic, careless, irresponsible, superficial, tactless and restless. These are not so true to Kailie. What an Archer likes are traveling, getting to the heart of the matter, freedom, laws and meanings and the general 'feel' of things while they do not like off the wall theories, being tied down domestically, being constrained, cooling your heels and bothered with details. The color that Sagittarius chooses is purple and their starstone is the beautiful topaz.
[mutable sign] A Sagittarius is a mutable sign, and a person that is associated with this sign is associated with adaptability, service-providing and expansion. This is sort of true to Kailie's character.
[transpersonal sign] Also being a Saggittarius makes them have a transpersonal sign which makes them principally aware of and concerned with humanitarian and existential concerns. This does not really pertain to Kailie, as she has little to no interest in it.
[planet] The planet that rules the Sagittarius is Jupiter. A love of freedom, new experiences,generosity, and expansiveness allows its children to grow through impositions and challenges. The children of Jupiter has a sense of legal justice whether man made or natural. This sign conveys a great range of vision and the ability to assess a complex situation quickly and gain control; however, coping with details is boring to them and for this reason they should always read the entire document before signing on the dotted line. They have a charming sense of humor but they can let it get out of hand; practical jokes are never funny to the victims. They are lovingly optimistic, jovial, generous, philosophical and lucky. On the downside, they are rather arrogant, lack humility, bigoted, careless and lawless.
[element] The Sagittarius' element is Fire. People with an emphasis on the fire element tend to be outgoing, inspirational and 'fiery'. When expressed well these people often are an inspiration to others, are quite moral and can be very creative. If the person has difficulty expressing or experiencing the more enjoyable aspects of the fire element they may become selfish, risk-takers and/or inclined to give in to their passions too easily. A lack of representation of this element can indicate a lack of initiative, inspiration and difficulty in becoming inspired. They can be lively, truthful, straight-forward, just, upright and virtuous in their dealings with other people as well as aggressive, egocentric, non-caring, center of attention, thinking they are never wrong.
[birthstone] Being born in December, the birthstone is Turquoise. Turquoise was once linked to happiness, fortune and luck, making it a very popular gem in centuries gone by.
Now watch us suffer yeah cause we can't go
A flash of light tonight for you
[martial status] Kailie is presently married to Caspian Rolvsson (now Styx after her death).A flash of light tonight for you
[when] The arrangement officially began in December of 2033. They were married June of 2036.

[past relationships] None.
[innocence] Kailie lost her virginity in 2036, in July, after a heated argument.
[past sexual partners] None.
[turn ons] Snarky attitudes, forcefulness, coldness, a glare in cold eyes
[turn offs] Chad Aria, niceness, those who act younger than her.
[aphrodisiacs] Kailie discovered that one of her aphrodisiacs is spearmint.
[the perfect male] She dreams of having a potions master, pure-blood man to sweep her off of her feet, if that were possible.
[the perfect date] Brewing a dangerous potion together.
What is it really that is in your head
You're living small on the other side of nowhere
[playby] Kaley Christine CuocoYou're living small on the other side of nowhere
[natural hair] Her hair is a radiant blonde, just like her father's, and it is straight as a pin. It tends to flow just past her shoulders, and she keeps her bangs neat and trimmed. She will curl it for formal occasions, but otherwise, she prefers a relaxed look. Her hair is rather thin, and there is a lot of hair there, so it can never get too long without giving her headaches.
[eyes] The color of Kailie's eyes are rather eerie to look into because they are a very pale blue, something that could resemble ice itself. If one looked into Kailie's eyes, they would see coldness, but something in there that would give chills like with most of her family. While she cannot hold emotion back, she often does not show emotion at all anyhow. As part of the Zhefarovich trait, her eyes darken to onyx when she is mad. The color of her eyes represent connotations of the wide-open sky, sun energy, electricity, the power of conscious thought, and that which is direct and unhidden. Blue eyes may indicate a forceful, direct person who has an immense vitality and a gift for insight and observation.
[height] With her genes, she gets then from her father's side of the family. They have many tall women, and Kailie is no exception. She stands at a height of five feet and ten and a half inches.
[weight] Because of her lean figure, as well as tall, her weight is one hundred and fifty-seven pounds.
[complexion] Her skin is nearly white, like an ivory hue or porcelain, and the feel of it is soft, and natural. She hardly has any markings on her skin. It is smooth also to the touch.
[scars] She does not have any notable scars.
[birthmark] A crescent moon on the side of the neck.
[smile] Her smile is rare, but when it is seen, it is gentle yet icy somehow.
[body build] She is quite lean and slender, and Kailie is very proper when she walks and sits.
[body modifications] Kailie has the Zhefarovich tattoo that covers her entire back.
[dominant hand] She is dominant in her left hand.
[style] Her style is nothing too flashy, she wears robes the majority of the time, however since Nicolette has been in her life, she has shown some style, and in the future, perhaps some that her father would not approve of.
What little life that you had just died
You'd like to ask for the truth but you don't dare
<FONT font="arial">You'd like to ask for the truth but you don't dare
[school] Kailie is currently attending Hogwarts New Zealand.
[hogwarts house] She was sorted into the house of Salazar Slytherin. This was her sorting post:
Indeed, another one of Kalif's children were attending the school of Hogwarts New Zealand. Kailie was a different matter, and the second daughter to come here. Kailie's blue eyes went from student to student, wondering on who would be her housemates and who would be her rivals. She looked down at her nails before she stepped forward with her robes all around her. She wondered where she would go to. No doubt it better not be some house that was worthless. However all of them, as her father told her, were great in their own way. Kaleb was a Slytherin, her father was, and her mother... Kailie did not even know. Kailie knew Nicolette was a Slytherin. Chances are, she could go down that route too. She would not mind. As long as she would not be surrounded by complete idiots. Kailie looked forward once more, trying to find her dad before she cast him a subtle smile, and turned her eyes back to the man holding the hat that would soon place her. It was nothing too shabby, but it was ancient magic. That magic was to be well respected.
Stepping up, Kailie heard her name called and she walked in front of the others. She was not the last, but she was one of the last. She sat down on the stool and immediately she felt the hat on her head. She flinched under the touch at first, but being as calm as she was, she closed her blue eyes. The hat could probably see every thought in her mind, and she had nothing to hide. She just hoped, that wherever she went, she would be left alone unless she wanted to socialize. That would be rare enough. Kailie let out a small sigh. She patiently awaited for the judgement of the hat.
"Yes, that route is most certainly for you too. SLYTHERIN!"
[special titles and awards] Kailie received both presidency of Heta Omega and prefect in her sixth year.
[extracurricular activities] Kailie is a member of Heta Omega, and became president in her sixth year. She also plays Quidditch for her team.
[favorite subject] Potions
[best subject] Potions
[loathed subject] Astronomy
[worst subject] Transfiguration
[favorite professor] Professor Styx and Professor Hensel
[loathed professor] Professor Blaze
[grade average] Average
[owl grades] Not available
[newt grades]
Potions: Outstanding; Exam: Outstanding
History of Magic: Outstanding; Exam: Outstanding
[graduated] June of 2036