Justin Cliffeton

Justin Cliffeton

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 11 Inch Unyielding Dogwood Wand with Veela Hair Core

Character's Name:
Justin Cliffeton
Character's Birthdate:
November 24th, 2011
New Zealand, Christchurch.
Blood Status:
Half Blood
Walnut Wand 14 1/2" Essence of Vampire Blood - This wand is just the perfect wand for hexes, jinxes and curses and it works a treat for doing defensive magiIts a good wand also for simple and easy tasks, however you will find its weakness in controlling its power - Vampiric Blood is known to become very powerful and spells may become to strong, and you will not expect what will come out of its tip.
Hogwarts House:

Justin now has blonde hair, which is very straight and tends to curve into the center of his forehead.
Justin has brown eyes.
Justin is rather short, for his age, being only 5'4
Other Distinguishing Features:
Justin has permanent bruises on the left side of his stomach, as a result from some abuse handed to him by his parents.

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Justin is a more kind hearted person then what you would expect from somebody who was bullied by his own parents as a child. He's always willing to help people out if they need it, and he doesn't tend to let people get to him all that easily. Justin would never betray a friend, no matter what they did to him. He prefers to keep peoples secrets other then just throw them away into the world.

Justin doesn't like to think much about his parents, and that's pretty much the reason he's always a nice guy, and isn't quick to get angered. He hates his parents for what they did, and he's never going to forgive them unless they give him a really good reason for what they did to him. He may not like his parents, but Justin still can't handle people who go out of their to say mean, or hurtful things about his family, and he doesn't let them get away with it.

Being a Prefect has brought out a more law abiding side for Justin, and a side of him that wants to make sure that others obey the rules. Justin will hang out with troublemakers, but only if he knows that they won't do anything that is both outlandish and just plain stupid and that they wouldn't do anything to jeopardize his new status at the school, because that was a status that he quite enjoyed and he wanted to keep it.

Justin grew up in New Zealand, in Christchurch. For the first ten years of his life, he was abused by his parents who didn't seem to have any reason whatsoever for doing it half the time. Justin soon had had enough and left his parents home to go and live with his Uncle, a man who treated him so much better then his parents ever had. Justin was more than grateful for this because it meant he would be able to have a nice life. But when Justin's eleventh birthday drew near, his Uncle didn't think he was ready to go to Hogwarts yet, so they got him a tutor and kindly told the Headmaster he wouldn't be attending just yet.

Justin struggled with the work for the first year of his studies, and quickly began to realise what his Uncle had meant when he had said that Justin hadn't been ready for Hogwarts yet, but he knew it couldn't be all that long until he was. At least, Justin hoped so. Justin slowly began to get better during his second year, and by the end of the year he had been allowed to get into some of the third year stuff that they all learned at Hogwarts, and finally his Uncle was going to let him go to Hogwarts where he could finally learn from all of the teachers there and make all the friends that he could.

Justin settled into his first real year at Hogwarts quite easily, finding most of the people there fairly welcoming, and finding the classes easy to get used to. It wasn't long before Justin started to learn more in one week then he had learned back at home in a month. He was glad he had come here now, because everything was just all that perfect here, and there was nobody to tell him what he wasn't able to achieve. Towards the end of that year, Justin met somebody who quite easily changed his life forever, and he never wanted her to leave his life. Trinity Cornwell, and boy did Justin love her.

During his Fourth Year at Hogwarts, though it was only his second, and there was something Justin wanted more then anything to come next year. Justin wanted to be a Prefect, and he was trying his best in all of his classes so that he could make that dream happen. Justin found most of his classes easy, sort of, but it didn't matter to him all that much. Justin was learning a lot and he was going to keep on learning things until he left school, and even after that he was going to keep learning. Justin hadn't seen Trinity since the beginning of the school year, what was going on? Justin had been made the Assistant Editor of Hogwarts Monthly this year, the news paper that circulated through Hogwarts.

During his Fifth Year he was chosen as the male Prefect for Ravenclaw. This is going to be the year where he starts his Animagus training, and he's going to try hard in both those lessons, and Transfiguration itself. He wants to be able to master the Animagus form. Justin has found a new friend in Neveah Haze. Her overly happy moods seem to make Justin feel better, which is a good thing for him because he needs to be happy. Justin has now found Trinity, but he has caused a fight to happen between them. Justin was a Chaser for the Ravenclaw Quidditch Team.

Justin's sixth year at HNZ was by far the one with the most amount of emotional damage. This was the year that Trinity Cornwell died, the one person that he thought that he could trust and would be with forever. It was also the year that Justin met Dannii Merrythought, the person who seemed to be able to fill the void that had been cut into his chest when Trinity died. She made him feel better about his life at the time. Justin was made Editor In-Chief of the Hogwarts Monthly, as Beth Bastone left Hogwarts. Dannii and Justin broke up when she realised that she didn't love him and they were infact in different places in the relationship.

Justin was named Head Boy of HNZ during the beginning of his Seventh Year at HNZ, he's honoured that it was home and happy that his dream came true. He's upset, and confused, over losing Dannii though. Justin graduated during this year and also managed to transform into his Animagus form for the first time. He reunited with Danni this year but the two of them were never able to work things out so they remain apart from each other.

When Justin graduated, he spent a few years as the Groundskeeper at the school that he had just graduated from, not really the best job for a Hogwarts Graduate who had been Head Boy as well as a Prefect. He did what he had to do to get by, and eventually came back to Hogwarts as the Flying Professor, he wanted to be an Auror but he hadn't been successful because of the low grades in his final year.
Family of Justin Cliffeton, known to him.​

Name - Alexander Cliffeton
Relation to Justin - Father
Blood Status - Half Blood
Occupation - Ministry of Magic, Department of Law Enforcement.
Age - 36
Justin's thoughts on them - Justin's Father is a lot like a Death Eater at times, even though he is in the Ministry. He abused Justin as a child if he did something wrong, and even sometimes for no reason at all. Justin wouldn't and couldn't forgive his Father for any of this.

Name - Melissa Cliffeton
Relation to Justin - Mother
Blood Status - Muggle
Occupation - Unemployed.
Age - 38
Justin's thoughts on them - Justin's Mother is somebody who he couldn't have gotten away from sooner. She abused him, and sat there while his Father abused him even more. Nothing would make Justin feel better then if his Mother and Father were both sent to Azkaban where they couldn't hurt Justin anymore.​

Name - Eustace Cliffeton
Relation to Justin - Uncle (Father's side)
Blood Status - Half Blood
Occupation - Unemployed
Age - 34
Justin's thoughts on them - Justin's Uncle, Eustace, is quite easily his favourite family member. Nothing would be able to come between the two of them, and Justin would fight for his Uncle if it came to that. There is nothing he wouldn't do for his Uncle if he wanted help. All this is because he had protected him from his parents.​
Justin's Careers
Dream Job: Auror
- Since Justin was young, he always wanted to be an Auror! He slipped a little in his final year at school though and wasn't able to become an Auror because he didn't get the grades he needed.​

Hogwarts Caretaker
- Upon graduating Hogwarts, Justin worked for several years as the caretaker for Hogwarts where he graduated. It wasn't the most spectacular work but it was work that he liked doing.

Flying Professor
- Justin currently works as the Flying Professor at Hogwarts, teaching the first years how to fly their brooms for the first time. It is something that he really enjoys doing and has held a interest to him.
Justin and Trinity
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Justin and Trinity hadn't been together for that much over a year, but they both loved each other quite a lot. The sad thing was that that Justin hadn't seen Trinity towards the end of their relationship. He found out that Trinity died near the beginning of Y13.

Current Relationship Status Between The Two: Widowed.

RPs Together:

Skipping Rocks
Justin and Trinity meet for the first time, with a result neither one expected.

This meeting is not by chance
Justin and Trinity meet up inside an abandoned classroom so that they can be together.

Seeing Trinity... again!
Justin and Trinity head out onto the grounds today, somewhere they can be together and let the worries of the world fade away.

The words 'I missed you' don't even come close
Justin and Trinity meet up in the Student Lounge, after not having been together for a long time. They had both missed each other a lot.

A boy by any other name ...
Justin and Trinity find each other after what seems like forever, but Justin is angry and causes a fight. What will happen next? Will they fix it?
Justin and Danni
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Justin and Danni were a complicated couple, they were on and off again and she was very confusing. One minute she wanted to be with him, and the next they were breaking up because she wasn't sure how she felt about him. It was very confusing. But while they were together and happy, Justin loved her. Even when they broke up because she wasn't sure she loved him and she wasn't ready, he wasn't sure they would get through it, but he hoped.

Current Relationship Status: Broke Up.

RPs Together:

Together Alone
Justin and Dannii hang out for the first time.

Saying Goodbye
Justin and Dannii break up when Justin tells her he loves her.

A Few Drinks
Justin and Dannii meet for the first time after the break up, by complete accident.

It's Been A While
Dannii shows up at Justin's graduation.
Justin and Lily

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Justin and Lily are a pretty new couple still, only having met recently but they hit it off pretty spectacularly together. They seem to have a lot in common, and get along really well with each other. He's very sweet to her and she really enjoys his company.

Current Status: Together!

RPS Together:

Been A Long While
- Lily returns to New Zealand and meets Justin, they spend the day together and their lives change for the better.

How Fast the World Moves
- Justin and Lily have dinner together and the two of them get to talking, they end up dancing together and Justin kisses her. She is hesitant but agrees to get together with him.

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