just sat here

Caley Shale

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Caley was sat by the lake not up to much she was thinking about steve and how soon she would be able to see him again she just hoped that that day came soon. she heard some footsteps and looked around to see a girl about her age behind her a little distance away. she turned around to face her wondering what year she was in.`hey arn`t you in some of my classes`she asked smilling at her.

((sorry speech marks are jamed on my computor))
Eden walked along the Lakefront. She had her wedding planner in her hand and was going to get some real work done in it even if meant the death of her. Noticing a girl up a head Eden smiled and waved. "Yes I do believe that I have seen you in a few of my classes. My name is Eden Koshiba. What might yours be?" Eden took a seat next to the girl and placed her book done. It looked like once again the wedding would have to wait.
She watched as the girl got nearer and waved she waved back. "well its very nice to meet you Eden, i go by the name of Caley Shale" Caley had noticed the book that she had just set down on the ground but didnt bother to ask about it. "so how are you then,Eden..lovely day isnt it"she said looking up to the sky, the sun was shining and there wasnt a cloud in the sight of her own eyes. "im sorry that i interupted whatever you were doing before hand." she said not wanting to be in her bad books already.
Eden wrinkled her nose. "Did you just transfer in or something? Your name does not ring a bell with me." Laying down on the ground, Eden looked up at the sky and sighed. "Yes it is a very lovely day. Great day to be outside." Eden looked over at her wedding planner at the mention of her being interupted. "Don't think nothing about it. Its just my wedding I'm planning I have until 2027 to have everything done I can take a break and not fall behind on anything." Eden thought about just how big her wedding was going to be and smiled. Everything was falling into place so perfectly.
`yeah i just transfered in this year from scotland. i didnt think you would recognise it.` she said smiling.`well if it wasnt a lovely day i would be tucked up in the commen room.`she laughed and lay down along side Eden. She rolled onto her side as Eden said about the wedding.`did you say that its your wedding?` she asked polietly. `you look like your too young to be getting married.`she said hopping that it wouldnt offend her. `well anyway its good to get everything planned in advance`she giggled and asked`how old are you then? i bet the wedding will be just perfect`.
"Well welcome to Hogwarts than. It is lovely to have you here." Eden gave the girl a friendly smile, but than giggled when she mentioned Eden being to young to get married. "Yes I did say my wedding but it is not going to happen until I'm 17 so I have a few years, plus it is going to be a huge wedding so it is going to take all the time we have. I am fourteen." Eden hopped that she was not sounding smug but she could not help it.
`well thank you`she laughed she thought it was young and it was wasnt it.she kept asking herself. `wow the person whos marrying you must be a very special guy to get you in the bag.`she laughed.`you know what i reckon that your wedding will be wonderful...especially as your already planning it. know one will know what hits them.`she giglled and sat up leaning on her arms. she thought about herself and steve and wondered if it would turn out the same way for her.
Eden grinned at the very mention of Chase's name. "I do believe I am the lucky one. If we had not met when we did I am not sure we would have ever met. You see he was a seventh year last year and so he is no longer a student here and I miss him so much." Eden thought about the weekend they had spent together. "We have a lot of people coming to this wedding most of the school I'm sure and than my family is a good size and than all of my fathers friends are going to want to be there." Eden could talk about the wedding all day but she did not want to bore the girl so she stopped talking. "So what do you think of this school so far?" Eden hopped that so far the school had been to her liking if not than the next few years where just going to drag on for her.
Caley listenened intently to what eden was saying`quite an age difference then, i mean i have no problem with it if you dont.`she giggled. `ahh thats unfortunate.. at least this school isnt stoppig you from owling him. i doubt you would be very pleased if they stopped all contact.` Caley knew that weddings could be all the hottest gossip around.`schools been great so far everyone ive met have been just so welcoming.`she said smilling at Eden`i know youve been here a while but how are you finding it?.`she asked intrigued as she had asked the same question.
Eden flushed. "I think if they stopped me from owling him they would find they have very angry fourth year on there hands. One who is very smart and could cause a lot of trouble for them. Thankfully they have not done anything." Eden thought about what it had been like when she had first came to Hogwarts. "Well I got here the middle of my second year I was here my first year for about a couple of weeks until my mother got very sick and I had to return home and take care of her. But I love this school and I will be sad to leave it." Eden had many reasons on why she would be sad but she knew that she was getting closer and closer to 17 and as much as it made her happy to know she would be marrying Chase she would miss Hogwarts.
`Well thats good then i know if they stopped me contacting my boyfriend they wouldnt be to overjoyed for llong as they would have me and loads of other angrey people on there hands.`she said smiling`is your mother all right now?`she asked concerend.`Although i havent been here long ive got a feeling i will miss the school too.`
Eden tried to keep a light voice but it was hard. "Sadly my mother is no longer with us. She just could not handle leaving without my father and has since passed on. My sister and I have been adopted by the Koshiba family and has been happier since than." Eden missed her mother at times but not really she had the Koshiba's now and they where more than Eden could have asked for.

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