just one more chapter

Hugo Stark-West

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
11 (12/2046)
Hugo was engrossed. He had gone to the library after dinner to make a start on his homework but somehow he had picked a novel off the shelf and was now half a world away in a place where defence against the dark arts essays didnt exist. he had lost track od time. Curled up in a chair in the corner as he was. he hadnt noticed the clock tick forwards and the amount of students thinning as people headed back to their houses calling it an evening. it was now nearly the library closing time. which meant half an hour until curfew. but he was engrossed. He needed to know what was going to happen. He turned the page and kept going. maybe at the end of the chapter, he would move. or maybe he would keep reading. one more chapter wouldn't be too much of a problem. He would go when he finished. he wasn't causing any harm to anyone staying her a little longer.

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