Just like old times

Professor Cyndi Kingsley

Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
Arriving at the lake, Cyndi realized that she had forgotten a blanket to sit down on. Placing her folder down, Cyndi pulled out her wand and conjured a plaid blanket like the ones people used for picnics. Once she was seated, the young professor pulled the folder toward her and opened it. The folder was full of her students' papers and she had picked today to grade them all.

Looking out over the blue lake for a moment, Cyndi smiled and felt at peace. It was her absolute favorite spot in the school. Sitting there felt a lot like old times, with her sitting at the lake with schoolwork. The only difference was that she was no longer a student and the work in front of her wasn't her own schoolwork. She turned her attention back to the paper before and began to read the introductions that one of her Slytherin students had written for her.
Days were starting to run together now. It was like time didn't mean much of anything. Kat spent the majority of her days alone and that was starting to feel normal to her. Instead of being held up in her room she decided to take a walk across the school grounds hoping that the fresh air would do her some good. She walked closer to the lake, having always loved the view. As Kat got nearer she noticed a familiar head of dark hair. "Cyndi?" Kat couldn't believe it. What was one of her best friends doing back at the school?
As Cyndi was just finishing up the last of the papers she needed to mark, she heard a familiar voice call her name. Turning her head, Cyndi broke out into a grin. It was Kat, one of her dearest friends, and she looked like she couldn't believe what she was seeing. "Suprise!I'm baaack" Cyndi sang with a laugh and then she gestured for Kat to join her.
For the first time in weeks Kat felt her heart shine. Cyndi was back and somewhere in the back of her mind she knew that she would finally have some sort of normalcy back in her life...unless of course her friend would react the same way Andy had when she found out about what she had done. No, Cyndi wouldn't be as cruel as Andromeda was...it's just not like her she thought as she sat down beside the older girl, hugging her tightly. "What on earth are you doing here? Could have at least let someone know," she said, still ecstatic that her best friend was back.
Cyndi laughed again. “Nah, that wouldn’t have been fun!” She looked at her friend for a second, looking for any signs that she wasn't ok. Kiera had told her that their friend had been really down lately. As her friend sat down, Cyndi continued. “I’m actually here as an assistant to Professor Dippet. Can you believe they’ve decided to let me teach?” she finished in mock horror.

She was actually pleased with how her lesson with the third years had gone and was eager for the next class. Her students seemed like a good bunch. “How have you been?” she asked gently, knowing some of what had gone on for her friend during the summer, but not everything.
"Runes? That always was your strong suit," Kat said nudging her a bit. "Too bad I don't have that class. It would be awesome to have you as a teacher."

When Cyndi asked how she'd been Kat's brow furrowed a bit. "Depends. How much have you heard and from who?" Kat didn't know how long her friend had been back at the school and worse she didn't know who she'd talked to since she'd been back. Just then something that Professor Rowann had said to her the day in the duelling chamber popped into her head. "Cyndi...would you be willing to do a reading on me?"
Cyndi smiled. "Yea, I have the third and fourth years." She listened to Kat and was surprised when her friend asked for a reading. "Sure, just let me know when." She loved to do readings for people and seeing as it was one of her best friends who was asking her, she had no hesitation in her reply.

When Kat asked who she had spoken to, Cyndi shrugged. "Kiera may have mentioned something about the two of you fighting with Andy." She definitely wanted to hear what Kat had to say about that. She still couldn't believe that her roomies were barely talking to each other. "I also heard someone mention that you and Sumner aren't together anymore?" she asked with a curious expression on her face. The pair had seemed so happy just a few short months ago and she wondered what might have happened to break them apart.
"Just whenever you have the free time. There were just some things I was curious about," she said still considering what the professor had said to her. Kat nodded when Cyndi said that she'd already talked to Kiera. At least then she knew that Cyndi had an accurate story and not some bullshit that Andy had made up. "She moved out of the room. I don't know where she's living now and quite frankly I don't care," Kat said a little harsher than she had intended as her hand went to the small area that had no hair growing where Andy had decided to rip a nice handful of it out. She swallowed hard and replied, "You would have heard correctly. Did you hear why?" Kat knew that Cyndi would never judge her, but the thought of rehashing the dirty details of it made her sick to her stomach.
"Ok, no problem" Cyndi said with a nod. She frowned as Kat began to talk about what was going on in their room. Things were worse than she thought they were and she knew she would have to find Andy and speak to her soon. So far, she hadn't seen the younger Gryffindor around and wondered where she would be able to find her. Her eyes widened as she saw Kat brush her hand over a patch of missing hair. No way, Cyndi thought to herself as she looked at the spot.

"Please tell me Andy didn't do that to you" Cyndi pleaded and then added, "I'm really going to have to talk to that girl soon." She crossed her legs under her as Kat continued and then shook her head when Kat asked if she had heard why the breakup occurred. "No...did he do something to you?" she asked with narrowed eyes, "I think I still have my beater's bat somewhere..." Cyndi tried to make light of the situation, knowing that it was probably difficult for her friend to talk about.
Kat looked at Cyndi and said with a bit of ice, "Oh I got one good slap in before she did this." Hope it bruised the b1tches cheek she thought hatefully. "Good luck. She's like a woman possessed. I don't know what has gotten into her lately, but if she doesn't fix the attitude then there will be plenty more where that came from," she said honestly to her friend, knowing that making threats about fighting probably wasn't the best idea in front of a professor, even if it was Cyndi.

"He didn't do anything to me. I did something to him," Kat started, taking a deep breath before continuing on, "I...I kissed someone else. I screwed up. It was all on me. He saw it and well now...he told me he doesn't love me anymore and I can't say I blame him." A few tears managed to escape her blue eyes, but she quickly wiped them away.
The frown on Cyndi's face deepened as she listened to Kat speak. She had never heard the tone that her friend was taking in discussing the whole situation. It was especially surprising because it was Andy she was speaking about. For the second time in a week, Cyndi was warned about speaking with Andy. She was determined to do it anyway because she had to see for herself that Andy was in fact not acting like the Andy she knew and loved. "Kat" Cyndi warned and then added, "I'm going to pretend I didn't hear any of that."

Cyndi was surprised to hear that it was Kat who had caused the breakup. Her expression softened as she listened to her friend. When Kat began to tear up, she wrapped her arm around her ex-roommate's shoulder and gave her a tiny squeeze. "Oh Kat...I'm sorry to hear that that happened. I wish I could help you..." She trailed off, wanting to help Kat but at a loss as to what to say. He really said he didn't love her, Cyndi thought to herself, shocked at that bit of information.
Kat cowered back slightly and then gave Cyndi a sheepish look. "I wouldn't really hit her again," she said and then thought with a smirk Not unless she really needs it that is. She sighed heavily and looked at her friend. "You're going to actually...that's kind of what I want the reading for. Professor Rowann suggested it. I figured what can it hurt."
Cyndi nodded, "We can do it now if you'd like... I'd just have to summon my runes." She looked for her wand, knowing she'd placed it on the blanket somewhere, and finally finding it under a corner of the blanket. Holding it aloft, Cyndi silently summoned her wand. "So, do you have a specific question or did you just want a general reading?" she asked curiously, beginning to think about the spread she should use as she waited for her runes to arrive.
"Umm, maybe one about...well, love," Kat said a little embarrassed. She was almost wishing she hadn't even asked, but as Professor Rowann said it might help she figured what could be the harm in it.
"Love, you say?" Cyndi said with a small smile on her face. It turned into a smirk as she turned to watch her rune bag pass a group of bewildered looking first years and land gently on the blanket. She picked up her familiar blue knit bag and began to shake it concentrating on the runes and Kat. She then stuck her finger into the bag and pulled out seven runes, placing them into the formation of the combined runes spread.

Once all seven runes were laid out, Cyndi glanced at them. "Hmm...interesting" she said, more to herself than to Kat, though she was sure her friend heard.
Kat's face turned pink and she said, "Umm, yeah." She watched as Cyndi withdrew seven tiles from her bag. Having not taken Runes herself Kat had no idea what any of them meant, but her ears perked when her friend said it was interesting. "What is? What's interesting about it," she asked eagerly.
"Ok" Cyndi said looking up, "these first two- Hagalaz and Isa- are in the area discussing your current situation as it relates to love. They are basically saying that there's been a big change in your life recently and now you're kinda stuck in limbo. Duh, right?" she said with a small smile and then moved on to the next pair.

"These runes" she said pointing to Laguz and Jera, "are looking at past influences and the effect that they have on your current love situation." She looked at Kat before continuing, "Well...you are very influenced by your emotions and sometimes you rush into things without thinking them through enough, which leads you into trouble. So, one of your battles seems to be listening to your instincts and being more patient when it comes to love." Cyndi glanced at Kat, wondering what she thought of the reading so far. There were only three runes left to discuss, and she knew her friend would want to hear these.

"These three are Ehwaz, Inguz, and Uruz and in this reading, they give you advice and show you what will happen if you listen to the advice. What these are saying is that you need to first take some time by yourself before you are going to be ready to be in another relationship." With a raised eyebrow, Cyndi continued the reading. "When it is time to find a relationship, you should look for someone who you know you can trust and who you have a true friendship with." Cyndi figured Kat was probably thinking of Sumner. "If you do this, you will be more in charge of your love life than you've ever been." Finished, Cyndi sat up straight and waited for Kat's reaction.
Kat listened intently as Cyndi began to explain. So much of it made sense that it was scary. The reading gave Kat so much hope. In her mind it meant that she and Sumner would eventually get back together. "Wow. You got all of that from a few little tiles? That is amazing," she said still sifting through it all in her mind and what it meant for her.
Cyndi nodded and smiled, pleased that Kat thought the results were helpful. "Yup...and that was just a general reading." Cyndi swept all of the runes into a pile and then began to put them back into her pouch. Kat seemed to be deep in thought and she figured she would give her a moment to process all of the information.
A thousand thoughts were whirling through Kat's mind. She wasn't one hundred percent sure what to make of the reading, but she had her hopes. Maybe one day she'd get another chance with Sumner...heaven only knew how bad she wanted it. "Thank you Cyndi. You have no idea how much that just helped me. And it's right. I need to take some time for myself...figure out what I want out of life," she said hugging her friend, grateful that she was here now.

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