Just leave me alone

Izzy Shale

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Izzy was sat making up lyrics for the songs that herself and Tom had written.She was leaning against a tree dreaming of the songs with lyrics once they had been completed. It had only been a few weeks ago that she had bumped into Jerrod and she had never wanted to see him again but she had a bad feelin about today, ever since she woke up she felt somthing wrong with her plans for today.
Jerrod walked out of the castle and smirked when he saw Izzy sat by a tree. He had been in a bad mood since Paul and Jasper died. Lily had obviously noticed his bad mood because she had stayed away. Now he was able to take his bad mood out on someone. "Hey Dizzy. Been having fun recently??" His tone was mocking as he leaned against the tree she was sat against. "You know, if you wanted to stay hidden, you weren't doing a very good job by sitting in a place where I can see you clear as day." He grinned down at her evily.
Izzy groaned when she saw who was coming towards her."ive bee having absolutly loads of fun"she said"untill you arrived again"she added mumbling.she shifted around the the base of the tree,just so she could get a bit more space. "please just leave me alone, i dont want to see you now."she said standing up ready to walk away."perhaps i feel like i need the air and wanted f=to sit out here, is that ok?"
Jerrod smirked at her reply. "Your funs about to end." Jerrod grabbed her arm so she couldn't walk away from him. "I need three thousand words on were wolves and animaguses and, frankly, I can't be bothered." There was no way he was going to tell her the real reason why he wasn't doing it. Truth was that since Paul and Jasper's death, he couldn't concentrate.
"i dont think so "she said squirming trying to loosen his grip off of her arm.she tried to get hm off of her and she didnt think it would work."you really think i would do that, i could do better stuff thn do that."she said

((really bad))
Jerrod smirked. "Hi Steve. Sorry to tell you but your girlfriend is a complete s1ut and has three other boyfriends in the school." He shrugged and kept his eyes icy cold and staring at her. "Believe me, I can do worse than that and he will still believe me. I'm family after all."
"No you wouldnt."she yelled"if i were you i wouldnt dare."she said loudly,"he wouldnt believe you!"she said quickly she really didnt want to do the work but knew that if she didnt stev would be told and she didnt want her sister tobe upset she didnt know if she would cope. she edged her way around the tree.
Jerrod laughed. "Are you seriously naive enough to think that he wont put family before friends?? You obviously don't know my brother very well. There's nothing he cares about more than family. Why do you think he was so upset when paul and japser died??" He shook his head at the dumbness of this stupid little girl.
"i dont know i havent seen steve in ages, how am i supposed to now.?"she said "just leave me alone, "she pleaded knowing he would somehow make her do the work anyway and she would have to live with that there wasnt much that she could do.

((what does naive meanand soz wrong character))
Jerrod laughed. "Get a brain, do my homework and don't complain." Jerrod loved being in charge and it was so easy with this girl. She was a complete wimp and she had no friends.

((I'll tell you when I see you tomorrow))
"urh..fine then"she said loudly.she took ut a pen and started to scribble out a load of rubbish at least then she could be free. she wrote about what he had told her to write about but she didnt knw much, so it wasnt very good, and it wasnt very lon definately not 3000 words but surly he couldnt tell, she hoped he wouldnt be able to anyway.
Jerrod frowned at the parchment she handed him. "For starters this is a load of rubbish and also, there is no way this is 3000 words. Do it again." He handed her the paper and glared at her with a smirk.
"you know what ....NO."she shouted turning to walk away."you cant make me do anything"she said squaring up to him and shouting in his face. "Nothing gives you power over me your a second year, you make yourself look stupid, you may think its power but you dont know much."se said loudly stil in his face.she knocked the paper out of his hand and leant against the tree to see what he had to sayfor himself.
Jerrod smirked when Dizzy started fighting back. He couldn't help but chuckle at her feeble attempt. "You seriously have no idea what you're doing to you??" He chuckled again then stepped forward and punched her straight in the face
is it meant to be DO?

Izzy stepped back as she was punched she didnt think that he would do that to her, she shreiked in pair and stumbled backwards. "im not your slave and i will not be treated like this!" she said once again. she regained balance and tried to walk away, she threw the bracelet that he had given her to the ground and turned to face him prepared for what ever he threw at her next.
Jerrod grabbed a fistful of her hair and yanked her head backwards. "Don't even try it you piece of scum!!" He didn't shout but anyone would be able to hear the power in his voice. It was hard to not hear it. "You are going to write that essay or I'll be writing a letter." Jerrod didn't mind working hard if it meant ruining someone else's life.
Izzy jumped when he yanked her head backwards both of her hands went straight to he hair and then she started shaking in fear. She could both hear and feel the power that was in his voice as he spoke at her,"fine ill write it but you wont get away with this."she said loudly. she tried to get up and was ready to leave forever.
Jerrod grinned with success when she gave into him. His smile grew when she threatened him. "Watch me." He had gotten away with a lot of things that most people wouldn't have and he was glad of it. He had his father's cunning and it came in helpful.
"fine"she yelled turning and walking away, he was never going to get away with this, she had to tell someone, anyone, adult or student she didnt care. she turned to run towards the cliffs leaving the paper and pen with him she wasnt going to to do it ever.
Jerrod grabbed the back of her top and threw her against the tree. He lobbed the parchment and quill at her. "Do it now." He glared at her as he towered over her.

(soz rubbish)

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