Just here to study

Diane Winters

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Curly 12 1/2 Inch Sturdy Fir Wand with Boomslang venom Core
Diane wasn't a big fan of people most days. Exceptions seemed to be creeping into her life, such as Asaiah, but for the most part she didn't like people. As such she much preferred to do her studying in her dorm, alone and on her bed. Sadly, this wasn't always possible, as her bed could only hold so many books, so when she needed a monster study session she would have to venture out to the library. There was just one problem with that, the library was very often packed with people that she didn't want to be around. Diane scanned through the stacks picking out the books she needed for the classes she was behind in. After pulling out various books on Astronomy and History of Magic she began the arduous task of finding a table.

Unfortunately the library was full, precisely the main reason Diane tried to avoid it. She looked around for an empty table and when that failed she did the next best thing, and looked for a table with only one person on it. One person she could ignore at least. She spotted on in the far corner with just one girl on it, she recognised her as a fellow Slytherin so perhaps she wouldn't mind sharing her table, and hopefully would share her desire to sit in silence. "You mind?" She asked bluntly. "I'm just looking to study,"
Lilyanna was almost in her third year which she was very excited about. It meant that she would be able to take more subjects and learn more things to better herself in the future. But before all of that was going to happen, exams were right around the corner and the Slytherin was eager to make her way straight to the library to get some studying happening. Lilyanna had of course been studying all throughout the year for her upcoming exams, but now that she had everything that they had been learning throughout the year, she'd finally be able to study properly and not just with a textbook. The second year carried her large pile of organised notes all the way up to the fourth floor from her common room, occasionally dropping a few and having to go back to collect it along the way. She didn't care about the peculiar looks she was getting from people as she walked inside the double doors of the library and took a sigh of relief as the familiar smell of books took most of her stress away. The library was definitely her favourite place and she couldn't help but feel like it was the safest part of the castle, even if there were occasionally stupid people who entered it.

With a smile on her face, Lilyanna placed her notes carefully on the nearest vacant table and dumped her bookbag right next to them with a loud thud. The Slytherin then sat down and took her Astronomy notes from the top of the pile. The subjects she were doing that semester were sorted alphabetically with the first one on top. Each of the notes were also sorted into lesson order from number one through to five. Lilyanna had collected heaps of valuable information about stars and the universe and she was very happy to sit there and write it all out again neatly so she could go over it and remember it in her free time. Unfortunately, just as she was about to get started, she heard a voice speaking to her and Lilyanna took a deep breath before replying, minding quite a lot that the girl wanted to sit with her. "If you can find room, sure." she said curtly, gesturing to all of the pieces of parchment and textbooks scattered around her table. There was no way that she was going to move them for her no matter how hard she tried.
Diane raised her eyebrow as she took in the contents of the table, for the most part it was full of books and parchment. Clearly the girl liked to spread out when she was studying. Diane wasn't going anywhere, it was the table she had identified as wanting to sit at and sit at it she would. "Thanks, I guess," She muttered taking a seat opposite the girl, she piled a couple of unopened books on top of each other and slowly slowly she made enough room to take out her textbook and a half finished Defence against the dark arts essay. "I'll try not to disturb you," Diane added, her words dripping in sarcasm as she set up her ink pot and quill to get to work. All she wanted was a quiet place to work but the girl was determined to be uncooperative, there was no way she was using everything at once, even if she was dipping in and out of assignments. The table full was a technique she used herself to ward people off from joining her, which was one of the reasons Diane had felt comfortable approaching her in the first place. "I'm Diane by the way," She muttered quietly not taking her eyes off her essay. Maybe the girl would feel like being social after getting used to her presence. Introducing herself was at least a good place to start with her.

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