Just full of surprises

Riley Smith

Well-Known Member
Riley was sat on a bench waiting for Pat. He had met her on her last break and they had seemed to have gotten on well so they were meeting again. Usually Riley didnt go for the younger type because he usually only went with girls for one reason and one reason only but Pat seemed different and he was sticking by to see why she was different.
The sun shone down on him, it was blazing hot in the sky and Riley had only a shirt and some jeans on today. His dress in the summer never really differed from the winter as he never really felt the cold so didnt need to wrap up warm like other people. He shifted his position a little as he waited for her.
Patricia couldn't be more glad than to be back at work for this weekend. Things had been so hectic for her as of late, the OWLs of course remained at the forefront of her mind but the downsides to being a teenager had become more and more involved in her life and quite frankly she wished they had just stayed away like they had done for the past 16 years. With the feelings she had for Ruki and her current situation with Riley she didn't know what to do and felt like she had no one to turn to for advice. Elliot had been able to help her a bit during work but Patricia felt bad for downing her with her own situations.

When work was over for the day Patricia left Elliot to lock up, well it was her shop after all, and went to meet up with Riley. Patricia had finally sent him the letter that kept getting put off for one reason or another. She hadn't mentioned in the letter how Professor Weasley now knew about Pat and Riley and was still wondering if she should tell Riley or not. As she made her way to the bench something on her right hand sparkled and caught her eye. Dropping her gaze, her eyes landed upon the ring with Ruki had given her for her 16th. It was the most beautiful ring Patricia had even seen and she loved looking at it and letting her head be filled with thoughts of him. Then at times she hated looking at it for it pained the young Hufflepuff to have these feelings for someone she knew would never return them.

Sighing she arrived at the area she and Riley had planned to meet up. Looking around she saw Riley waiting at one of the benches. Taking a deep breath she walked over to him. This was the first time they had seen each other in a while and Patricia was a bit nervous but she tried to put them under control. "Hi Riley." Patricia said as she arrived beside the bench, her voice as soft and sweet as ever. She stood rather uncomfortably beside the older man, her hands stuffed in her jeans pocket and her feet starting to scuff against the ground below them.
Riley was deep in thought when he hard the familiar voice of the girl he was waiting for. He looked up with a charming smile on his face. As Pat was still the new girl on his arm Riley wasnt ready to dull down the flirt just yet although he knew she didnt really like it. " Hey beautiful. How have you been?" He asked her as he stood up, noticing how uneasy she seemed to be. He wondered if she was used to having a boy friend or not. It was a thought that Riley soon stopped thinking about as he didnt really want to be thinking of that stuff at the moment. Being in such a good mood after proposing to Adele and not getting rejected was really making him smile. " Anything interesting happen while you have been in school?" He asked wondering if she knew his little sister but guessed not as Alexia was only a third year
Patricia smiled back at Riley but as soon as she had done it she began to cringe at his opening comment. She knew it was in Riley's nature to be flirtatious and charming but Patricia didn't like it. What's wrong with me? She questioned herself. Most girls her age would love to have a boyfriend, if they already didn't, and Riley was sweet and full of compliments, what a good boyfriend was like, but Patricia just didn't like it. She knew it was because she couldn't return the words to Riley and be sincere about them and that she couldn't spend time with him and not be plagued with thoughts of Ruki. Why was she even in this relationship.

Realising that Riley was talking Patricia came back to Earth after having blanked out momentarily. "Huh? Oh I've been fine." she lied easily, with a small shrug. "School had been...OK I suppose, pretty boring. The Professor's have us running on empty with OWLs just around the corner." she said with a sigh, the sooner the OWLs were over the better. "How have you been?" she returned his question, trying to smile.
Riley smiled as he crossed his arms across his chest as he listened to her. " Oh cool, sounds.... riveting." He chuckled before shrugging. " Oh nothing really exciting to report. Oh did you hear that Caysi gave birth and is back with Jason." He said with a huge smile on his face. Jason being Riley's best friend he was naturally happy for them both and was happy to see that Jay was back with his dream girl. Riley missed out the bit of Adele agreeing to marry him as it didnt seem like the best thing to say when on a date with his other girl friend. " So what would you like to do today?" He asked her happily
Patricia laughed back lightly as Riley seemed to be as enthusiastic about Patricia’s life as she was since they had last met. Although Patricia really did enjoy her school work most of the time. She hadn’t known anything about magic up until she started Hogwarts so it was always exciting for her to learn all the fun and interesting things that most of her classmates probably knew about with growing up in Wizarding family their whole and by now found boring. Patricia’s smile widened, genuinely, when Riley told her about Caysi. She had felt so sorry for her old housemate about how things had turned out at her wedding, but now that things seemed to be going right for her she was happy. “Oh that’s wonderful!” she exclaimed. “What did she have?” she asked, regarding Caysi baby.

When Riley asked Patricia what she wanted to do today she shrugged lightly, having not really thought about what she’d like to do today. “I’m not particularly fussed.” she replied truthfully. “What about a picnic by the water?” she asked. She was hungry but didn’t feel like joining the crowds in one of the restaurants. “I’m sure some place would sell us a few sandwiches and drinks.” she added, beginning to like her suggestion more and more.

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