Just forget the world

Yerik Rhys Price

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Black Walnut/ Maple Wand 12 3/4 Essence of Silver Thistle
A whistle in the tune of Young Folks escaped his red lips. The grass under his feet made a little crisp noise. It had become dry and fresh Spring's cutting wind started to come up. But soon enough the grass would be granted some flowers. Spring would throw a nice thick blanket of colorful flowers over it, giving the plants to bloom. The seasons made nature awake around this time of the year. The Ravenclaw. however was as alive as could be.The whistle stopped and got replaced by a little laugh. The cool wind blew in his back, making the locks of dark brown hair tickle his cheeks that were blushing from the warmth. It was obvious he needed a new haircut. Colours of blue and silver were swirling past him as his scarf lingered along. It made him stop dead in his tracks for a moment, giving his eyes the opportunity to enjoy the sight in front of him. A watercolour painting, mixing green, brown, orange and red together. The sun was setting.

He couldn't keep all that energy inside. His body felt like a stove in this weather with a feeling of warmth radiating from deep down. The colours around him got blurred and mixed together as the pureblood started spinning around. His arms were spread out wide as far as possible and his face pointed towards the redding sky. Yerik Rhys had learned that closing your eyes made you feel less dizzy. This was the place he had to be, though the ground felt even more chilly than the air above it. Yerik blew a leaf away that had found its way to his mouth. It didn't taste that well. Yerik closed his eyes again. Why wouldn't he just stay here? Falling asleep in the pile of leaves and just forget the world.
Georgiana was typically a happy person, someone who always had a smile on her face. However after a recent encounter in Brightstone with her ex-boyfriend she hadn't been nearly as happy as she used to be. One could simply explain this as she still wasn't over the boy and wanted him back, but given the distance between them it would be nearly impossible to have a good strong relationship anyway. The girl took a long walk outside of the building she called home and school, her feet took her to the lakefront where the sun was creating a beautiful sunset. Georgie wasn't depressed by any means, however now her personality was much more like everyone else. Being happy all the time used to be her, now she experienced mood swings just like any normal person her age and of any age.

Walking near the shoreline Georgiana found a rock that seemed to be decent enough to rest on. Sitting down she leaned her elbows on her knees an clasped her hands in front of her intending to watch the sun go below the horizon till it was almost to dark to see, however cold wind was bringing a chill to her body that wasn't very comfortable. But tonight the cold did bother her much as much as her thoughts about her ex-boyfriend did. She had been very quiet up till the point when her body, mainly her throat, was telling her she needed to cough and she let it out loud not realizing she was about to distrub a person nearby.
As the Ravenclaw was in his sleep he heard something disturbing, at first he decided to endure it but when he heard the sound for the second time he couldn't help but to wake up. At times his ears are quite sensitive, he hated any unusual sound when he's sleeping. Take for instance his dorm mate snore, he hated the sound of any human thing. He gave a big sigh and wondered why would a person join him, when it was obvious he needed to be alone for a while. Yerik Rhys began to smirk and decided to mimic the persons cough. He cough twice then stood up, he was bothered and all he can do was blame the person next to him.

Yerik stood and turned around only to find out it was the girl she met a year ago, she still looked the same though. He stood there staring at the girl, he didn't wanted say anything at first. He was still quite irritated which means he needed to be still and quiet or else he'll probably be mean at the girl. There was nothing to say at the girl, then he thought that he needed some new friends after all. Yerik Rhys had changed for the past few months, he learned to be a bit caring and thoughtful to other so which why he decided to say hello to the girl who still remained unnamed. "Uh Hey, I think we've met before." he said facing the girl who seems to be still lying on the ground. Yerik Rhys then brushed off the dirt on his pants and shirt with his hands.
Georgiana turned to the sound of a voice that came not long after her cough. She hadn't realized she wasn't alone before, and was slightly sadden that she actually wasn't now. Being left alone in her thoughts more recently has given Georgiana a distant look at the people she once knew and now she was better off having more alone time then she had granted herself before. Looking at the boy she realized it was true that they had met before, she remembered him as a snobby little boy who was a lonely person she tried to talk with before.

"I believe we have," she said from her position on the rock. Her head turned back to the lake as she wished her troubles away, as well as the boy. It seemed now that their lives had almost switched, she once was the one starting conversations now it was he. She was still her normal caring self, however the number of people that she did care for dwindled slowly and resorted just to people she spent her time with, who were just a few.
For the past few months, Yerik Rhys changed. He turned into a friendly boy though he remained careful and aware of his surrounding. Still he did changed for the good, he gained a few friends and hope gain more. Not that he was born snobbish, unfriendly or something, he was just used to being independent and he needed to concentrate on his lessons. His has high expectations for him, though at time he would over reach that. Which made his father proud of him, as well as his mother. Yerik Rhys had been that good son to them, rather great. But for sure he was now a different person that he was, he now glanced at the girl wondering what's her name. He never got the chance to ask her name during her past conversation, Yerik Rhys slightly frowned quite guilty for he had done to the stranger.

"I guessed so.."he told her still facing the girl. "I'm sorry by the way" he said to the girl without even saying why or what was his reason for doing so. Still he felt he needed to apologize to her, there was really nothing to say to her after the whole situation that was going on. Beside it wasn't his fault that he had disturbed the girl, he had been disturbed by her as well.
Georgiana looked out over the lake undistrubed by his standing nearby, it was easy to tune people out when they needed to be. However she listened to what he was saying to her. He hadn't need to say sorry to her, really it was her who needed to apologise for their first encounter, she didn't realize that being alone for long periods of time could be meditating, that for a few days it was nice to only have to talk to a few people and not everyone on her list of friends.

Georgiana turned her head and her body followed halfly in suit to look back at the younger boy. "How've you been then?" She asked suprised that he was the one starting the conversation between them. Georgie was used to sitting alone reading a book in the more recent months, having a conversation with a person wasn't something she really wanted to do at the moment but she couldn't turn anyone away even in a depression.
He remained still quite unsure if the girl would ignore him or might answer him. It didn't matter as long as he had said what he needed to say to her,and for that it made some sense. Still he couldn't figure out why the girl was there, perhaps she needed a break like him or something. But it wasn't his problem anyway, Yerik Rhys then lay flat on the ground as the leaves scattered on the ground went inside his hair. "I really do need a haircut?" he thought aware that his hair was getting shaggy each day. Still he didn't have the time to do so, in which he decided to let it grow for a while. Perhaps during his fourth year he'll go to their family barbershop or something.

Luckily his hair was naturally straight, he didn't wanted looking like a girl or something. Which made him remember his closest sibling Geni, it's been a while since he had talked to her for hours he thought. But before he could continue his flashbacks he heard the girl spoke some words. "I've been good, better actually. How about you?" he returned the question. Now as he folded his arms staring at the tall tree above them, he wasn't quite sure if the girl was looking at him at the moment.
Georgiana heard the leaves rustle as the boy laid down, turning her head she glanced down at him before continuing to look out over the lake. The weather was peaceful for once as winter began to leave the air and spring bloomed. Being outside, though it slightly chilly, was actually enjoyable for the young girl and her mood began to lighten more then it had for the past few months. "I've.... I've been different. From before I mean, things have changed and I'm afraid myself has become what you used to be like," she told him hoping he wouldn't take offense to what she was saying to him.

Sighing she turned herself on the rock to face the younger student, though he wasn't much younger then herself. She pulled her legs close and wrapped her arms around them. Balancing herself on the rock the best she could so she wouldn't fall. Looking down at the Ravenclaw her mind began to wander to back when Logan was still at the school. They would spend countless hours outdoors or up in the North Tower, him trying to teach her something and ending up doing the work himself instead. Though he never did well enough to get her prefect scores, but she began to do her own work after awhile and kept that fact from him till the Professor he happened to live with gave her away to him.
Yerik Rhys eyes gently closed awaiting for the girl's reply, he could feel his body tingling as a light breeze covered his body. Hearing those words, what you used to be. He could feel his body burn a bit, realizing that this girl didn't knew him at all and never will. Yerik Rhys wasn't a bad person at all, only when someone disturbs him as well. He shook his head in dismay, knowing that the society of people do sucks. It was the thing he hated with half-blood and muggleborn, they were all the same. They judge people without even knowing them, which cause the society to fall. Unlike the purebloods he knew, they weren't like them at all. They were somehow keen and observant, making sure to know the person first. The Ravenclaw didn't know how to react as he could feel his whole body burn like a raging fire. The only thing that was keeping his sane was the girl's gender and again it would be rude to leave the stranger once more.

"Now that's where you're wrong, you have no idea what I used to be like and what I'm like now. It's easy for you people to judge without even knowing the person. And that a pity for a girl like you, I guess I was wrong. Clearly." he replied with a blank tone composing himself. Judgement, it was the thing that Yerik hated the most and most of all strangers judging strangers. He was never like that, he never assumed that the person was bad or good, he saw them equally. Once more the Ravenclaw closed his eyes, wishing he wasn't here in the first place, still he was able to keep his nerve at ease.
Georgiana rolled her eyes at the younger boys response, he sounded very similar to her twin brother, full of angst and this lead him to generalize what she was saying. She know herself couldn't refer to how he completely used to be and what he was now, she only meant to refer to how to he treated her the first time they met and how he seemed to have changed and be more open in speaking to her who is a stranger, whereas she has gone in the opposite direction. This misunderstanding of his was exactly why she was sick of talking to people who did not understand her thought process. It was why she had hoped he wouldn't take offense to what she had said, but even her thinking that must have started a cosmic process that made him take offense.

"Now you are in the wrong. You took my statement to generally, I did not mean to say what you use to be like with everyone and everything in every instance. I meant in how you were with me, being cautious and not willing to talk to now; where you now are the reason we are even here sitting and talking. While I have seemed to go in the opposite direction, not caring to talk with strangers or people who have once been rude to me," she answered in reply very shortly. The young girl cared not to continue with this conversation anymore and hoped that would be the end of it, or that he could sit and think about her words long enough for her to get up and leave under the assumption that the conversation was over. Though Georgiana knew better then just leaving as it most likely would not end up the way she hoped.
Obviously, there was something that was bothering the girl. But that didn't mean that she should let it out on Yerik Rhys, he was after all here to take a break and just relax for a moment. He didn't want any misunderstanding nor any argument at all, but the way stranger acted it seems like she was finding a fight or something. If it was the way he treated her before, he didn't find any reason to avenge something at all. In the first place he was minding his own business until she showed up at the Trophy room and begun to ask him questions. Also he wasn't there to talk to someone, he was there to see the trophies stored int he room. Was the girl just narrow minded for her to get that? Yerik Rhys didn't know what was happening in the girls life, but he was sure he didn't wanted to be a part of it at the moment. All he wanted was to make new friends, that and ace his exams for the coming weeks. He surely knew that if a person is going to say something, they should know the consequences of their words.

"Then you should have made your statement clear, now I have some personal issues back then and I guess you have some right now. I mean i'm just being polite to you, that is what you've always wanted right? Now, don't you think you're being unfair at some point, thinking that I'm the only one who's been rude? Try blaming yourself for once, it works you know." Yerik Rhys replied to the unnamed stranger with a hint of sarcastic at the end of his sentence,. Perhaps faith made this happen, not knowing her name was a better idea for him to have. He knew very well that the next thing was for her to stood up and and leave, it was so expected that Yerik Rhys covered his mouth to hide his laughter. It was so typical for girls to leave a person when they feel assaulted, scared or even defenseless. Just like his sister Geni, who would leave in the middle of the conversation when she learned that she was defeated. So basically, Yerik Rhys was used to this which was why he decided to just laugh it off.

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