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' 'A V E L I N E B E R N I C E B L A I S E ' '

Aveline is from Paris, France but was born in Dallas, Texas.
Her parents are both french but her father has a bit of a Texan
in his blood. She is the fifth daughter of the other four children
of Mr. and Mrs. Blaise. Aveline has two twin older brothers and
two non-identical sisters. She is the youngest of the Blaise's
family and the princess of the family, Aveline is 16 and studies
at Beauxbatons Academy of Magic. Aveline and the Blaise family
is related to the Dela Merced family, Aveline's ballet instructor is
her cousin Madeline and sometimes tutor in wizarding studies. She
is a bit of a bipolar, spoiled, mean (if she has to) and greedy at the
same time. Her sports includes: Quidditch and Gobstone, she is the
captain of the Gobstone team for Beauxbatons.

The following is what Aveline needed to be friendly to everyone and that can understand her being a bipolar:
[ul][li]Best Friends, Friends and other things that can be nice to her even in bad times
- I'm not picky with the person I role play, they just have to be active and not a one liner poster, I know people get writers block but I don't permit it to happen. Just be sure that you can take up drama in the topics that will be role played.</LI>
[li]Enemies and other things that can Aveline get very mad to hate you
- The same goes here, same rules applied but I want this enemy thingy be switched to frienemies by the end of the topic.
<LI>[li]Loves, Finals and Boyfriends
- It is up to you people if you want your IC to settle in life or not but I will give you Aveline. This request has to be PM to me, failed to PM because it was posted here is going to be denied.[/li][/ul]
Hope to have a good role play with you all ... Posting in this topic starts right now .... :)
I can offer Adele Smith as a Best Friend. :)

She's a bit older than Aveline but she gets along with anyone and she'll want someone to have some girly fun with every now and again, even if at other times there are lots of dramatic things happening.

What do you think?

And I'll PM you about James as requested. :)
Carsten here could be a friend or something, I haven't been able to use him for quite a while, and I figured that I should probably give him some life here.. :D

he's studying at Beauxbatons too by the way, he often comes off as mischievous and easy to anger, but this attitude is because he wishes no one to get involved with him. He is also protective to his friends and family, willing to suffer for them and sacrifice himself, so that they won't get hurt. He also can come across as rather detached and downright threatening when he wants to. He is rather rude, and, though he appears civil, he is actually a very lazy person as he likes to ditch his classes frequently. He's a part-Veela by the way.. :D
I can offer you


Zac Kuang

Half Blood

Zac is the eldest in the family and is very kind, patient, and sweet. He's been very busy lately, Andy Kuang, the father of Zac's own restaurants along with Zac's uncles and Zac works with them. And hopefully he will become an Auror soon.
Zac isn't violent at all, he dislike hurting other people and he'd rather stay away from fights.
James: Umm ... Maybe a casual meeting like knowing each other.
Carsten: A friend? Hmm ... That could work or rather, his perfect!
Chyou: So, what's your bet here? Anything in particular?
Aveline Blaise said:
James: Umm ... Maybe a casual meeting like knowing each other.
Carsten: A friend? Hmm ... That could work or rather, his perfect!
Chyou: So, what's your bet here? Anything in particular?
Great, so...shall we start a topic for them then?? :D
Charlie Willow said:
Rui you haven't bought Carsten on for a looooong time...and Pixie has rather gone inactive.....

I can offer Tuska Wolf, 18/19, BB
haha.. yeah, I noticed that as well, since Pixie hadn't been on for quite some time too.. :p :D
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