Juliet Angus

Juliet Angus

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name


Full name:
Juliet Helena Angus

Julie, Jule, Jewel, Letta

Date of birth:
may 15th

Current age:

Basic Appearance:
Blonde/Brunette straight hair, about 5"4, Gymnast body, girlyish clothing style, a scar on her stomach from her appendix removal.

Personality: Juliet is bubbly and friendly, liked by most people and easy to get along with. She'll happily skip classes to have some fun but will read up on the lesson when it comes to bed time so she still has great grades. She's up for a bit of fun but knows when to stop and take something seriously.

Jonas Angus

Louanne Emily Thompson

Valentine Milan Angus
Twin Brother

Marina Olivia Roux


Area of residence:
Paris, France

Home town:
Perth, Scotland

Blood Status:
Half Blood

Dancing, Reading, Swimming

Description in five words or less:
Sweet, bubbly, friendly


Best lesson:
Muggle Studies

Worst lesson:
Hey there, just a few questions for you.

How and when did her father die?
Was she close to her father?
What does her mother do?
What school does her brother go to?
What type of dancing does she like?
How come she lives in France now?
Why did Juliet get sent to Beauxbatons?
Does she like it?
Why is Herbology her worst subject?

I'll give you more when I think of them :D
Okay, wow. Here we go then.

How and when did her father die? Her father died when she was three during a muggle house break in. He was stabbed by one of the robbers while her mother protected the children. When they noticed he had been stabbed it was too late and he died on the way to the hospital.

Was she close to her father? She was as close as a three year old could be with him. She was a proper little daddy's girl.

What does her mother do? Her mother doesn't work, she got a hefty inheritance from her father (A muggle lawyer) and has been married three times, getting alimony from one and an inheritance from her first.

What school does her brother go to? Durmstrang, they were allowed to choose and Valentine found Durmstrang to fit his style more than Beauxbatons.

What type of dancing does she like? Mostly classical dancing, she does Ballet, she also dances things like the Tango, Cha-Cha, the kind of thing you see on strictly come dance ( :) )

How come she lives in France now? When her father died, Juliets' mother found a new man in Italy and moved in with him. They separated when Juliet was nine and Louanne met a man who had a holiday home in Italy but lived in France. They got together and the family moved in with him.

Why did Juliet get sent to Beauxbatons? Juliet liked the sound of the school and, when given the choice, chose it over the other two choices.

Does she like it? She loves it.

Why is Herbology her worst subject? She is very forgetful and not very good at growing plants. She'll often forget to water them or she will almost drown them when she does.

Hope that helps : )

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