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Julia Rose Clarke

Full Name:
Julia Rose Clarke
Date of birth:
August 20th, 2025.
Current Age:
10 years
Julia is a part-veela and a half blood witch.
Hogwarts house: -
Basic Appearance:
- Hair: Julia has long blonde hair. She is very proud of her hair and wears it almost always down. She has some curls in her hair, but sometimes it is very straight.
- Eyes: Julia has big blue eyes, eyes you never have seen before. When you look into her eyes you melt. She has a cute look at first but she can be a little arrogant sometimes because of she is spoiled.
- Skin: Julia has a tinted skin. She is not very pale but because of she is a lot outside she becomes fast brown. She wears not very much make-up on her skin, because she has a beautiful skin and is a bit young. She wears a soft pink blush, that makes her face even more beautiful. And some mascara.
- Smile: Julia smiles a lot. She has got a beautiful smile to die for. She loves to have fun but also to laugh about some people.
- Build: Julia is very skinny but has the size for a child of her age.
- Clothes: Julia has got a lot of clothes. She also imposes a large wardrobe just for her. She wears a lot of dresses and from major brands.
Julia is a social girl, she is good in making friends but does know what she likes and not. She is not a person who is in the background just as her sister she is the one in the spotlights and likes it. Julia her parents are divorced and that has been really hard for her. Julia was even younger than Brittany when her parents were divorcing. She had problems with Madison her stepmother first but when she grew older she started to love Madison. Julia is Gullible and believes a lot what people say, she believes that her parents are going back together one day. Julia loves fairytails but knows that not everything has a good end. Julia her parents are rich and Brittany and Julia are very spoiled by them. That is because her parents are hard workers and a lot away, so to keep them happy they give presents or money. Sometimes love is missing in the family. Julia is not a mean girl but is used at luxury so if she see's anything what is not what she wants she is very negative.
Judy Van der Woodsen - Clarke: Mother.

Judy Van der Woodsen is the mother of Julia, she is a very beautiful woman. She is a part-veela. She was married with John Clarke. When they divorced she changed Clarke, back to Van der Woodsen. Brittany looks like her mother and they are the same. Her mother is a rich woman, and has a job on the ministry. She is a business woman, and is very fashionable. She is always buzy with working. The break-up with her ex husband was very hard for her, because he cheated with another woman from his work, and it was her best friend. She was a time very emotional. Brittany and Julia saw things and saw another woman with her dad. It is very confusing for a child. But Brittany and Julia were alone when her mother came back to her old self.
Elijah James Clarke: Father.

John Clarke is the father of Julia. He is a handsome men and He works just like Judy at the ministry, it is very hard to see each other there. But they love the job and he works a lot. He is really a gentlemen, but also a hard men. He has a strict face and don't let any emotions free. He is a rich men and want to show it to people, he walks in suit always. He cheated with Madison, he is married to her now for a few years. He gives Brittany everything but love is too much. She gets stuff and Madison the love, he thinks that his daughter is ok with all this. But she is not, but she doesn't have the strength to tell it to him. And even if she had, he would not listen.
Madison Ashley Forrest: Stepmother

Madison is the stepmother of Julia. She is a very beautiful woman. Her father falled for the charms of Madison. Madison is a mean and hard woman and works with John at the ministry. They know each other from there and the love was there. Madison likes Julia more than Brittany. When John is around Madison is sweet to both of the girls, but when is away she is just like a angry stepmother. Madison doesn't like competition and is a sneaky woman.
Brittany Elizabeth Clarke: Sister

Brittany is the big sister of Julia. She is a beautiful girl and has earned the part-veela from her mother. Julia is a bit more sweeter than Brittany is. Brittany had a lot of trouble still with her stepmother Madison, she hates her and has such an hate towards her that she has a big hate towards Gryfindor because Madison was once one. Brittany is spoiled and thinks bad about people who are poor. Julia loves her big sister and see's her as her role model. But Brittany is a bit angry at her sister for loving Madison, and tries to warn her.
Area of Residence:
Wellington, New Zealand a big land from the family.
Interests or Hobbies:
- Shopping
- Fun with friends
- Attention
- Money and presents
- Luxury
Her weakness is her past and her situation with her parents. When she see's family's together with much love she is very jealous on them. And Julia is very gullible so she is a easy target.
Plans for your future:
Julia has one plan to bring her parents back together. But she does not know how and what she will do in the future more.
Describe your character in three words:
Spoiled, Gullible, Social
She is social and has not a hate towards one group. She has a good look so she can get a lot of attention and is not a child who goes to the backside. She can stand up for herself.
Your Patronus:
A Rabbit
Your Patronus memory:
A vacation with her real family and having great fun together. And her parents not being busy with work.
Your Boggart:
Alone in a big house were she can't find a door who she can open.
Mirror of Erised:
If Julia looked into the mirror, she would see herself with her family happy together.
Your Animagus:
Julia would be a rabbit just like her patronus.