Julia Maria Wright

Julia Wright

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Lignum Vitae Wand 16 Essence of Dragons Whisker
Julia Maria Wright


The Basics
The Deeper Things
The PreHogwarts Years
The First Year​

Character's Name: Julia Maria Wright
Character's Birthdate: 4th March 2017
Blood Status: Muggleborn
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Appearance: Blonde hair, blue eyes
Height: 4'3" | 4'4" | 4'6" | 4'11" | 5'2" | 5'4" | 5'4"
Logical: Capable of reasoning in a clear and consistent manner. Julia's world consists primarily of logic. Creativity does not make sense to her- nor does things that are out of the norm
Introverted: Shy, reserved. Julia is severely introverted- she mostly prefers to amuse herself as opposed to socialising.
Compliant: Obediant. Submissive. Disposed to or willing to comply. Julia is a compliant sort. She's never known to question authority, or even anyone who appears to be confident.
Sensible: Acting with or exhibiting good sense. In conjunction with her logic, what Julia does mostly reflects deep thought goverend by sense and logic. She is rarely spontaneous.
Analytical: Of or relating to analysis or analytics. Julia spends much of her time observing and analysing situations and context of them- preferring this to taking part.
Family:(Include any relatives your character has [parents, siblings etc.] and some basic information on them [age, occupation, etc.]) tbe <3

Harry Potter Astrology
Ravenclaw Pisceans spend so much time dreaming or reading books of legends that it's a wonder they ever come down to earth. Care must be taken that they do not neglect their material needs, including those that involve sleep, food, and drink. These wizards are natural seers, and often specialize in things like horary astrology, cartomancy, dream interpretation, oracles, and the summoning of visions. Because they possess both intellectual acumen and emotional awareness, they are capable of great insight. They are quiet students, not always the best in their classes, but tend to be brilliant at subjects which they are personally interested in. Shy and nervous, they are easily bullied or intimidated, and need some looking after by more assertive students.

Courtesy of Harry Potter Astrology
The Animal in You
The affable and meek nature of the sheep personality evokes some derision from carnivorous, but a grudging respect from its fellow herbivores. Sheep have no real defense mechanisms other than the safety of numbers, so they huddle in the suburbs with like-minded individuals, pooling resources and raising families. They are religious creatures, seeking comfort in the collective reassurance of the church where they are quite content to be labeled as flock. When confronted by obstacles, they hate to make decisions - deferring instead to their partners or their religious leaders. While this may help the sheep maintain a superficial sense of well being, it leads to the loss of identity that typifies the sheep persona.

Their reputation for lack of vision and ambition is well deserved. Largely disinterested in politics, viewing it as time taken from work, sheep respect the law and never question authority. This leaves them susceptible to the whims of the canine personalities, who with their dominance and leadership are able to change the direction of an entire herd. Like most things in life though, sheep turn this into an advantage by utilizing the protection and guidance provided by these stronger animals.

Physically, sheep are nondescript and uninspiring. Dressing conservatively (in wool coats), they draw as little attention to themselves as possible. Lacking the bulk and strength of larger animal personalities, they are vulnerable to predatory behavior. As a defense mechanism they utilize their strong herding instinct. Safety in numbers and the pooling of resources more than make up for the sheep's vulnerability, and they flourish accordingly.

A prime factor in their success is their ability to concentrate on resource acquisition and money-making. Preferring to let other animals perform the time-consuming jobs of philosophizing and defending the community, they quietly go about building their family.

Sheep are tireless and valued workers with the ability to spend hours on monotonous tasks. Skilled at taking direction, their ability to concentrate makes them outstanding accountants, research assistants or secretaries. Theyare rarely found in leadership roles and would even turn down a promotion if it were to remove them from the safety of the herd.

Courtesy of Animal in You

Age 0 ~ 1: Julia was born in Waikato Hospital on 7th January 2017 to Jasmine Wright (nee Clarke) and Harold Wright. A normal birth, Julia did not spend much time in hospital before they moved back to Te Awamutu. In her first year, Julia learned to talk, crawl and walk. The Wrights lived a rather modest life on the farm. Whilst Jasmine stayed at home, Harold was out at strange hours truck driving- their main form of income.

Age 1 ~ 5: Between the ages of 1 to 5, Julia learned about the wonders of the farm. She discovered a love for living things, experimenting with the mud and plant-life of the farm- knowing full well that after a hard day's playing, her Mother would always be there to further develop her bubbly and curious nature. Julia has vague memories of waking up at odd hours of the morning to greet her Father when he was either leaving or coming home from work.

The tides turned for their modest, family life during the Christmas/ New Years break of 2022 though. Harold and Jasmine Wright took a few days holiday, leaving Julia with a close family friend and neighbour (Mrs Smithee). Julia enjoyed the time with Mrs Smithee- there was always chocolate chip biscuits to consume with tall glasses of milk. However, Julia found out that this was all to soften the blow of what was to come.

Age 5 ~ 10: On Julia's fifth birthday, she was woken, dressed and starched. Her Grandmother from Auckland had come down to take Julia away from Mrs Smithee. Julia questioned the actions of her Grandmother (Elizabeth Clarke) and found out on the car ride up of how her beloved parents had been killed in a car accident- victim to one of the country's many drunk drivers. Julia was distraught and became rather withdrawn as she started a new life in a big city.

Julia was not mistreated- no, quite the contrary. Elizabeth wanted Julia to grow up the finest young lady possible and sent her to a private school for the best possible education. However, due to her size and withdrawn nature, Julia was often seen as the odd kid- the kid that got picked on. This hurt Julia, but she could not find the courage to say anything about this and resolved on reflecting events of the past. The biggest question she has (that remains unanswered) is "why?"

<FONT font="trebuchet ms">THE FIRST YEAR
<FONT font="trebuchet ms">The Sorting:

Julia Maria Wright stepped into a big room and immediately her hands clasped awkwardly together- her fingers entertwining themselves as was habitual for her nervousness. This place was big, and there was so many people. Julia was not used to so many people, but she stared at the ground, her head bowed respectively as she'd been taught by her grandmother.

What if she weren't sorted? What if she had to go back home to live with her Grandmother...or worse, what if her Grandmother sent her to that boarding school she'd been keenly eyeing. She'd come so far now, she couldn't afford to just.....not get sorted.

As her name was called, the blonde's hands felt clammy- not a good look, acoording to her Grandmother. She wiped them on her skirt before remembering that she wasn't meant to do that. Grandmother wouldn't be pleased.

She sat on the stool, all the while fretting about it. Julia Maria Wright was nervous. She whispered to the hat, "please Sir Mr Hat Sir.....please don't eat my brain...I need it...."​

<COLOR color="darkblue">"You do need it, indeed. But if you thought I would eat it - peerhaps you need to use it more. <COLOR color="darkblue">RAVENCLAW!"

The RPs
Underneath the surface, we're all a little scared- Loki Jeffers -"I need help," the Ravenclaw whispered anxiously. This was all wrong. She didn't even know the boy's name. Nor did he know hers (or so she figured). It hadn't been that long since she'd arrived here, and already she'd managed to get herself lost and embarrassed. What would they think of her? {ABANDONED}
Open hearts and rose petals- Aedan Steiner - As soon as the book had raised, it was lowered and Julia's skepticism returned. "It seems real, but my just be an optical illusion," the blonde replied rather awkwardly before getting up and walking over to the table. She picked it up, rolling it over in her hands before putting it down on the table. {IN PROGRESS}

The Classes
History of Magic:
ONE | TWO | THREE | FOUR | FIVE | SIX || {Final Grade}

ONE | TWO | THREE | FOUR | FIVE | SIX || {Final Grade}

ONE | TWO | THREE | FOUR | FIVE | SIX || {Final Grade}

ONE | TWO | THREE | FOUR | FIVE | SIX || {Final Grade}

ONE | TWO | THREE | FOUR | FIVE | SIX || {Final Grade}

ONE | TWO | THREE | FOUR | FIVE | SIX || {Final Grade}

ONE | TWO | THREE | FOUR | FIVE | SIX || {Final Grade}

ONE | TWO | THREE | FOUR | FIVE | SIX || {Final Grade}

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