Juanita Stidham

Juanita Stidham

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Kelsey ^_^
Black Walnut/ Maple Wand 12 3/4" Essence of Silver Thistle
<SIZE size="150">~JUANITA elouise STIDHAM~


The Basics

Born on April 30th, 1982

London, Kentucky
Current Location
Melbourne, Australia

Half Blood
Black Walnut/ Maple Wand 12 3/4" Essence of Silver Thistle
The best word to describe the energy of this wood is "introspective." It is not for those with flights of fancy, but rather for those who seek to explore their own personal energy and the "here and now". It is good for blocking out emotional energy so that one may focus upon the task at hand.

Juanita went to school at Hogwarts Scotland as a Ravenclaw
She Graduated in the class of 2000

Accidental Magic Reversal Squad


Her hair is very dark brown and falls a few inches past her shoulders in big, loose curls.
Her eyes are Gray Blue.
Juanita comes from a family of tall people, she stands at 6'0"

A Little Deeper

Juanita is a very kind person, She's not mean spirited and although she is a bit untrusting of people at first it doesn't take too long for her to come around. Though if you wrong her once you are never forgiven, she is very bad for holding grudges. She can't turn away a child in need at all, which is why she has eight children in her household, Even her Ex-husbands illegitimate child that he abandoned. But what overpowers her kindness is her intellect. She loves to read and tries to learn as many new things as possible, many of which she passes on to her children. She is unwaveringly loyal to those she loves. But she often stacks up more on her plate than she can handle and barely ever gets enough sleep, causing shoddy workmanship at times. She hates her job at the ministry and plans to quit as soon as she has enough money.

Juanita was born on April 30th 1982, The Third of Four children. The first of the two children from her mothers affair. She has been raised a muggleborn but is actually a half blood. Juanita lived a normal, carefree Childhood. Though she was supposedly Muggle born she knew about the Magical world from the age of 9, when the Second born sister Helen got her letter to Hogwarts in 1991. Three of the four sisters had powers.

A Bridge formed between Isabella, Helen, Juanita and their Muggle sister Tina. Who held a grudge much like the one Petunia held against Lily Potter, Yet she was the only one of four without powers for reasons unknown to the family. In 1993 Juanita got her letter and went off to Hogwarts with her older sister Helen, Hufflepuff 3rd year. Where she was sorted into Ravenclaw. School wasn't extremely eventful for her, she made friends, did good in her classes, had a few boyfriends none of which really meant much until her 5th year. A Gryffindor in her year named Garret Smith asked her to spend the day in Hogsmeade with him and she accepted. This one date developed into a serious romance, him proposing to her right after their last NEWT exam.

So she was to be married, She found out about a month later that she was pregnant. They were ecstatic to be having a child together and a wedding date was set for a few months after the birth of their child, which would have been a boy. Micheal Alexander Smith, But the two of them were walking home from a restaurant near their home one night. Juanita was about seven months pregnant and absolutely radiant. But they ran into some Death Eaters along the way, some of whom went to school with them and knew [or believed] they were muggle born and decided to pull them into an alley and have a little fun with them. This 'Fun' Ended up killing Garret and their unborn child, Juanita barely survived the attack.

This caused her to leave the magical world for what would have been for good, her her children not came along. She met a muggle named Russel Paramore at Law School, he was a professor and after her graduation the two were married. Not liking the whispers about them in the city they moved far away, to Gatlinburg, Tennessee. Where they spent the entirety of their marriage before divorcing rather messily in March 2023. Russel abandoned his family and his location is unknown. Juanita moved herself and her children to Melbourne Australia in May of that same year.

Louisa Beth Stidham (Knox)
~ September 4th, 1958-N/A~
~Age 66~


Louisa Stidham was born and raised in Somerset Kentucky, she had an average life. She was going to the London Flea Market to pick up a boxer she had seen the previous week, having struck a deal with the owner to keep it until the next weeek when she had the money. His son was working that day, They talked for a bit and years later they were married and living in London, Kentucky. She worked at the Local Jerrys Restaurant as a waitress until 2023 when she opted for retirement. She was a blonde beauty when she was younger, but had good values. Though she did have one affair in her early twenties. Having two children by him. James doesn't know to this very day.

(Biological) Father
Henry James Spenser
~ April 24th, 1962-N/A~
~Age 62~
~Half Blood~


Henry is a retired, half - blood, Auror. He is a very warm and kind man towards everyone he meets and despite his age is still very active. At Hogwarts he was a Gryffindor and a very popular man. He is married to Jane (O’Neill) Spenser who he met while traveling after Graduating Hogwarts. He has three children with Jane - 2 sons and 1 daughter . He is a devoted husband and father to his legitimate children. He saw Juanita quite often in her first year of life, through staged 'accidental' meetings in public. However when his affair with Louisa ended, though he intended to keep an eye on his first child... or children though he didn't know it from afar, it was decided it would be best for everyone if he stayed at bay. And it was... until June of 2024 when James found an old letter to him in the attic. Juanita has since been told about it and has taken it well enough.

James Micheal Stidham
~July 26th, 1956-N/A~
~Age 68~


James spent most of his later years working over his fathers old booth at the London Flea Market on the weekends, He eventually shut it down when Business started to plummet and at the age of 59 became a cashier at a Hunting and Fishing supply shop. Where he still works to this very day. He was and still is a stern man with a firm sense of right and wrong. Something he instilled into his children the best he could. He was average looking in his youth, A head full of brown hair and blue eyes.

Tina May Magnus (Stidham)
~April 13th, 1976-N/A~
~Age 48~


Tina has seperated herself from her family, She was the only sibling who didn't get powers and she remains bitter over it. Katrina associates with them much to Tinas displeasure. She married another Muggle and had three children. She was devestated when her two youngest died in a car accident on the way to the Grocery store to pick up a loaf of bread for her, she still believes it's her fault. She is a nice woman, a widow, she just let jealousy drive a wedge between herself and her family, magical and muggle alike. She lives in New York City.

Helen Layla Perry (Stidham)
~November 6th, 1979-N/A~
~Age 45~
~Muggle Born~


Helen Perry loved her husband more than anything except for her children. She is just now recovering from a Seven year grieving period and is on ce again becoming the sweet woman she was when he was alive. She has a kind heart which was why she was put in hufflepuff. Her grades weren't the best so like Juanita she integrated with the muggles, though only part way. She owns a muggle Dress shop in Pikeville Kentucky which is how she makes her money, which is quite a bit.

Isabella Marie Stacey (Stidham)
~October 17th, 1983-N/A~
~Age 41~
~Half blood~


Isabella is the youngest witch in the Stidham Family. She was sorted into Gryffindor and Married a half blood former Slytherin Anthony Stacey That was three years older than her. Isabella is carefree and a little too reckless. She may be 41 but you couldn't tell it unless she told you herself. Her and her husband divorced soon after they were married. She is the second child of the affair between Louisa and Henry Spenser Jr.

Kailey Elizabeth Paramore
~Jaunary 20th, 2007-N/A~
~Age 17~
~Half Blood~


Kailey is a Ravenclaw 7th Year at Hogwarts New Zealand and Head Girl. She is a lot like her mother, Nice with a major love of reading. But unlike her mother, or most people on the planet, she is a Metamorphagus. She can change her appearance at will but keeps this power a secret, using it to her advantage when she needs it. She is engaged to Demitris Harrington as of April 2024 and will marry him sometime after she graduates. She is a Chaser for the Ravenclaw quidditch team.

Trista Michelle Paramore
~Jaunary 20th, 2007-N/A~
~Age 17~
~Half Blood~


Trista is a 7th Year Ravenclaw at Hogwarts New Zealand, she is the extroverted twin of the two. Her grades aren't as good as Kaileys but she doesn't mind, they're good enough for her. She is currently dating Gryffindor 7th year Fenton Longestine. Her schooling has been very scattered, Homeschooling Years 1 and 2, Beauxbatons years 3-5. Now Hogwarts New Zealand for her final two years of Magical Education, where she realizes she should have went all along. Trista is the Keeper for the Ravenclaw Quidditch team.

Zazuka Mandalin Bones
~September 15th, 2007-N/A~
~Age 17~
~Mixed Blood~
~Unofficially Adopted~


Zazuka is a 6th year Ravenclaw at Hogwarts NEw Zealand. Like Kailey she too has a special Ability, she is a seer. She is dating fellow Ravenclaw 6th year Brian Getathorn XIX. Her seeing has caused problems in the past but it's a part of her. She came to live with Kailey and Company her second year and is like a daughter to Juanita. She was thought to be a muggleborn but this has since been proven wrong.

Luna Esmerelda Paramore
~September 12th, 2009-N/A~
~Age 16~
~Half Blood~


Luna Is a Ravenclaw 5th year at Hogwarts New Zealand. She is currently dating Slytherin 5th year Angus Greenwood. After School she wants to run a bakery, she loves to cook and baking is her specialty. She is pretty nice but tends to make enemies easily. Mainly for her relationship with Scorpius Knight in first year, something that has blown over with most people, including Luna. But will cause major tension when Juanita and Keith Mercer move in together.

Anita Adelina Martinez
~December 12th, 2011-N/A~
~Age 13~
~Half Blood~


Anita is a Ravenclaw 2nd year at Hogwarts New Zealand. She is the product of Russel Paramores first affair. She spent the first ten years of her life not knowing who her father was. When she found out it caused the rising tension between Juanita and Russel to explode, which lead to the divorce. With Russel gone and her aunt dying of a heart attack surprisingly young Anita had nowhere else to go and Juanita took her in, a shock to everybody.

Brianna Rose Paramore
~November 18th, 2013 -N/A~
~Age 11~
~Half Blood~


Brianna will be starting at Hogwarts in September of 2025. She is the only one of Juanitas children to inherit the blonde hair of her mother. That paired with the shocking green eyes of Russel will make Brianna as much of a blonde beauty as Louisa was. Brianna will more than likely be a Gryffindor like her aunt Isabella, she adores her older twin cousins and her older sisters. Wanting to be a mixture of all of them someday.

Nyxima Ambrosia Paramore
~March 28th, 2018 -N/A~
~Age 6~
~Half Blood~


Nyxima is a bubbly bright Six year old girl. She doesn't have many memories of her father who left over a year ago. All she remembers is that he made mommy mad. She will grow up thinking of Keith as her father, Not biologically. But he will basically be the only dad she's ever known.

Epiphany Augustinina Bones
~ November 14th 2018 -N/A~
~Age 6~
~Mixed Blood~
~Split care Between Juanita Stidham and Esmerelda Smickett~


Not much is known about little Epiphany yet other than she has a large imagination and is Zazukas little sister. Her and Nyxima are the best of friends and love to play together.

Nieces and Nephews

Sabine Hera Magnus
~ February 28th, 1996-N/A~
~Age 28~


Katrina is a very smart girl. Valedictorian of her graduating class from her Muggle Grade, Middle, and High School. She has never been married, She Graduated from NYU and then went on to get her Veterinary license. She now owns her own Practice in Wellington, New Zealand where she moved with a thirst for adventure.

Derek Brady Magnus
~ May 4th, 2000-April 6th, 2022~
~Age 21 at death~


Derek was your typical party boy, He dropped out of High School when he was 17 and got his GED. He raced as a hobby and a job, But he wasn't drunk or speeding when he got in the car crash that ended his and his little sisters life. No he valued her life too much to risk anything but Someone ran a red light as they were going through a green one and crashed into them. Killing Casey instantly and Derek in the Hospital two days later.

Casey Alana Magnus
~ October 31st, 2006-April 6th, 2022~
~Age 15 at death~


Casey was proving to be as smart as her sister, she wanted to be An Oncologist and was thoroughly convinced she could find the cure for cancer. Though her life was cut short by an impatient business man who ran a red light and crashed into her and her brother on their way to the Grocery store. Killing her instantly.

Arianna Penelope Perry
~September 2nd, 2010-N/A~
~Age 14~
~Half Blood~


Arianna is a Ravenclaw 3rd year at Hogwarts New Zealand. She loves music and plays the Electric guitar as well as sings. She doesn't know what she wants to do once the graduates yet but she doesn't see herself in the musical career. She is pretty shy and hasn't made many friends in her stint at Hogwarts.

Alyson Leann Perry
~December 21st, 2012-N/A~
~Age 12~
~Half Blood~


Alyson is a Gryffindor 1st year, breaking the mold from her dominantly Ravenclaw family.

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