Josh Baxter

Josh Baxter

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
12" Zebrawood and Chimeara Scale

The Basics
[Character's Name:]
Josh Colin Baxter
[First name:] Josh: God rescues
[Middle name:] Colin: Young creature
[Surname:] Baxter: Baker
[Character's Birthdate:] 3rd April 2011
[Hometown:] London City, England
[Current location:] Edinburgh City, Scotland
[Blood Status:] Half Blood
[Wand:] 12" Zebrawood and Chimeara Scale
[Hogwarts House:] Gryffindor
[Occupation:] Seeker for The Wigtown Wanderers
[Martial Status:] Single (Looking)

Messy light brown hair
[Eyes:] Dark Brown
[Height:] 5' 6"
[Style:] Very casual style, he's quite the t-shirts and jeans guy and is always in a pair of trainers.

[A Little Deeper
Impulsive. Hot headed. Sweet. Sporty. Flirty

[History:] Josh is the first child of Jonathan and Joanne Baxter, but the second youngest of the family. Even as a child he was very active, always playing some sort of sport or even just running about. He and his twin sister Jasmin were always together when they were younger, both being interested in the same thing - sports and the like. Josh was always very protective over Jasmin and even though he was only a few minutes older than he took the older brother thing to heart. He would always make sure boys got nowhere near her and would help her with anything. This hasn't changed over the years as the two are still as close as ever.

Although when it came time to go to Hogwarts, Josh had to leave Jasmin as she turned out to be a squib and couldn't attend Hogwarts with him. Josh was a bit upset when he first started Hogwarts as he was pretty much alone but it didn't last very long as he soon made friends and wasn't so lonely anymore. Josh was sorted into Gryffindor like his older brother, Leo, who he pretty much idolised. Like Leo, Josh loved Quidditch and got accepted onto the Gryffindor Quiddich Team in his second year as Seeker and had become the star of the team, almost always winning the games for the team. Also like his brother he had become somewhat of a ladies man, but he didn't take any interest in girls. Although one thing that separated Josh from his brother is that Josh took his studies seriously. He may not have been the brightest in his year but he was very smart and maintained good grades in all classes.

After Graduating, Josh got accepted on to The Wigtown Wanderers Quidditch team as their new seeker which he accepted without a second thought. He then moved to Edinburgh to be closer to the training grounds for the team and remains a bit of a ladies man but does put his career first.

[Mother] Joanne (O'Neill) Baxter
[DOB] June 3rd 1978
[Blood Status] Half Blood
[Occupation] Muggle chef
[Education] Ravenclaw, HS

[Father] Jonathan Baxter
[DOB] May 11th 1977
[Blood Status] Muggle
[Occupation] Accountant
[Education] Muggle Schooling

[(Twin) Sister] Jasmin Baxter
[DOB] April 3rd 2011
[Blood Status] Half Blood
[Occupation] Freelance Photographer
[Education] Home Schooled (Squib)

[Half Sister] Kira (Baxter) Carter
[DOB] December 7th 1998
[Blood Status] Half Blood
[Occupation] Auror
[Education] Ravenclaw, HS

[Half Sister] Karen Baxter
[DOB] March 2nd 2008
[Blood Status] Half Blood
[Occupation] Ministry of Magic, International Magical Law Officer
[Education] Hufflepuff, HS

[Half Brother] Leo Baxter
[DOB] May 18th 2006
[Blood Status] Half Blood
[Occupation] Un-Employed
[Education] Gryffindor, HS

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