Jordan Holmes

Jordan Holmes

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Straight 14 Inch Unyielding Aspen Wand with Doxy Wing Core

Jordan Ashton Holmes

» Nicknames «

- Jordy » Just a shorter version of his name used by close friends during school.
- Sherlock » A play on his last name and his Hogwarts house.
- Big Ears » Mostly used for teasing purposes as his ears stuck out quite a lot as a child.

» Birthday «

- August 5th » Leo - confident, ambitious, generous, loyal, stubborn, melodramatic.

» Hometown «

- London, United Kingdom » From birth through to Hogwarts graduation.

» Current Residence «

- Auckland, New Zealand » Moved shortly after graduation.

» Blood Status «

- Half Blood » Pureblood Father and a Muggle Mother.

» Wand «

- Straight 14 Inch Unyielding Aspen Wand with Doxy Wing Core
» Aspen is a renowned duelling wood, having a great history within the art and exceptional skill for charms.
» Doxy wing cores produce unstable wands. They are excellent for hexes and jinxes, and for those who plan on practicing dark arts.
» Unyielding: A wand which takes a special skill and determination to master; but once mastered its spells leave an unforgettable impression.

» Education «

- Hogwarts Scotland » Sorted into Ravenclaw.

» Occupation «

- Professional Quidditch player » Keeper for the Falmouth Falcons.

» Appearance «

- Tall
» Jordan is tall and he always has been, easily breaking six foot and almost reaching 6'5, though with his height he is also quite skinny and has been called a stick on many an occasion.

- Brown Hair
» His hair is rather floppy and Jordan likes it long though it always seems to find itself ruffled up and a mess from Jordan constantly raking his hands through it because it helps to calm him down quite a bit when he get's all worked up and anxious about something.

- Green Eyes
» Jordan calls his eyes a dirty green and are almost breaching grey. He doesn't think they are a very nice color and is by no means his best feature.

- Big Ears And Chin
» Two things he doesn't like to talk about on any occasion.

- Casual
» Jordan wouldn't be far without a short sleeved shirt and jeans and he is very rarely wearing something else as it is what he finds the most comfortable to wear.

» Personality «

» Jordan has always been stubborn, even when he was a small boy he was very adamant with his decisions and never liked changing his mind about anything which was always cause for complaint from his parents. While he can be stubborn and hard to work with he has a big personality and can open up to just about anyone if they don't give him cause to hate them for whatever reason and when he does get an 'enemy' he will have a strong hatred for them which will last for a very long time indeed. But most of the time he is just cheerful to everyone he meets and will normally spend most of the time talking until someone decided to cut in a shut him up for rambling for too long.

» History «

» Born and bred as a London boy, things were always busy in his young life as the busy world moved on around him. He was an only child to two happy parents who doted on him a lot through his young life. It was no surprise when he got his Hogwarts letter, his father being a Pureblood it was always expected for their son to follow in his footsteps and so he did, attending Hogwarts Scotland on September 1st. Though it was a surprise when he was sorted into Ravenclaw because apparently there were smarts deep inside him, but through his whole Hogwarts career they never really made an appearance. Jordan was always more fond of the fun side of life and soon Quidditch became his only interest and before long he was on the house Quidditch team as a Keeper and in his sixth year made Captain which he was always especially proud of. Though trouble struck in his final year of school when his mother passed away. Distraught he found himself becoming isolated away from his friends, though the one thing keeping him going was his Quidditch. He graduated Hogwarts with average grades, nothing really standing out as Jordan then decided to pack up his things and leave the UK to travel to New Zeland for a new start there.

While over in New Zeland his father decided to marry again and with it he got himself a new step-mother and a step-sister who was quite a bit younger than himself. Though he had a dislike for them at first he soon grew close and it turned out that she didn't follow the usual evil step-mother and step-sister routine. He still hasn't found himself a decent job, but he quite prefers it like that and instead found himself a member of a Professional Quidditch team and that is certainly good enough for him for the time being.

» Family «

- Charles Isaac Holmes
» Father - Pureblood - Ministry Offical

- Erin Helen Holmes
» Mother - Muggle - Desceased

- Diana Maria Holmes
» Step-Mother - Half-Blood - Unemployed

- Abigail Juliet Holmes
» Step-Sister - Mixed Blood - Child

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