Jonathon Ramsey

Jonathon Ramsey

Well-Known Member

It's dangerous to fall in love
But I want to burn with you tonight
Full Name: Jonathon Alexander Ramsey
Pronunciation: j(o)-na-thon; al-ek-ZAN-der; r(a)-msey
Nicknames: Johnny, Jack, Zander, Ramsey, Jonathon
Name Origins: Jonathon's name origin is Hebrew, and the meaning of the name Jonathon is "gift of God".
Alexander is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Alexander is "man's defender, warrior".
Date of Birth: May 10th, 2007
Current Age: Currently thirty two</FONT>
Hurt me
There's two of us

Basic Appearance: Jonathon has hazel eyes and they are probably the most prominent of his features. He has sandy brown hair that he often keeps a little longer than is strictly regulation but likes the feel of hands running through it whether they be his own or someone elses. He is rather built as his work as a hit man has him staying physically fit. He is approximately about six ft three and is generally about average height for his family. Though not a big fan of beards, Jonathon often sports stubble to give himself a more rugged appearance. His nose has been broken a couple of times and reflects this by retaining a rather crooked look. He keeps it this way because he thinks it makes him look tough.
Personality: Jonathon is first and foremost an introvert. He prefers solitary activities and gets exhausted by social interactions rather quickly. He would much prefer to be in his room planning his next assignment than down in the lobby greeting his mother’s guests. Quite often he gets headaches because of all the outside stimulation, such as, noise, light or smell. He spends so much time alone that the sudden influx of unfamiliar sensations can cause his brain to want to shut down and protect itself. Through this, Jonathon is quite observant and highly practical. He tends to use logic in his decisions and rarely allows emotions to cloud his judgments. He tends to have some rather strong habits and focuses more on the present and the past rather than the future. Jonathon is mostly an objective and rational person, though sometimes the smallest things infuriate him, which tends to anger him even more. He tends to hide his true emotions and values efficiency over cooperation. Jonathon is decisive, thorough and highly organized. He values clarity and predictability over spontaneity. He is very calm in high-pressure situations and tends not to worry too much when it comes to achieving his goals because he knows exactly how hard he has worked. He is the kind of person to always take responsibility for his actions, but also be proud of his work. He is very accurate in his work and is meticulous in the gathering of information. He doesn’t leave anything to chance and assumes nothing. He is a no nonsense kind of guy and has a low tolerance for indecisiveness or when his own ideas are challenged.
Family: Father: Alistair Ramsey | 23rd July, 1970
Mother: Marion Ramsey | 3rd April, 1980
Brother: Eldridge Ramsey | 5th September, 2011
Brother: Mikael Ramsey | 12th May, 2013
Brother: Wade Ramsey | 28th January, 2016
Brother: Carlisle Ramsey | 16th February, 2018
Sister: Aurelie Ramsey | 30th September, 2022</SIZE></SIZE>
Bristling with desire
The pleasure's pain and fire

Pets: An Owl named Cherrie
School: Hogwarts Scotland; Gryffindor
Blood Status: Mixedblood
Heritage: English for more than three generations on both sides.
Interests or Hobbies: --
Strengths:</SIZE>[ul][li]Honest and Direct</LI>
[li]Strong-willed and Dutiful
[li]Very Responsible
[li]Calm and Practical
[li]Create and Enforce Order
Weaknesses:[ul][li] Stubborn
[li]Always by the Book
<LI>[li]Often Unreasonably Blame Themselves

Burn me
So come on

Describe your character in five words: Honest, Trustworthy, Calm, Insensitive, Judgemental
Best school subjects: Charms, Defence Against the Dark Arts
Worst school subjects: Divination
Other subjects: Potions, History of Magic, Transfiguration, Astronomy, Herbology, Muggle Studies
Current Job: English Ministry; Hit Wizard
Plans for the future: Unknown
Patronus: A Frog
Boggart: Losing complete control of his emotions.
Animagus: Jonathon has no interest in knowing his animagus

I'll take you on, take you on <i></i><i></i>
I ache for love, ache for us
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<FONT font="verdana">Now hear this kiddies. This template is created by me with thanks to Tenilee. No touchy or I break you... Kay Oh , oh and song lyrics are "Fire Meet Gasoline" by SIA.​
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