Jolly Cooper

Jolly Cooper

Well-Known Member
Full Name: Jolly Camryn Cooper
- Birth Date: 3rd April, 2008
- Current Age: 10, will turn 11 soon
- Basic Appearance: Jolly is very short and delicate for her age. She has very bright red hair which hurts the eyes if you look at it too long, and huge brown eyes that give her an innocent, almost childish look. Jolly is fair-skinned but a few bruises and scrapes are visible on her body, indicating years of careless playing and climbing on trees.
- Parents: David and Helena Cooper
- Siblings, if any: Nope
- Pets, if any: Yeah, Jolly has a pet owl called "Spot" named after the various brown colored spots on his body
- Area of Residence: Currently, New Zealand
- Blood status: Half-blood

- Hogwarts House: Gryffindor. She's very grateful she's in Gryffindor, knowing that the Sorting Hat would never put her in the wrong house.
- Best school subjects: Charms and Herbology
- Worst school subjects (And why): Potions and History of Magic

- What would their Patronus be? Probably something small...maybe a sea-horse...or a poodle
- What would their Boggart be? All kinds of insects and crawling creatures...most probably spiders or cockroaches
- What would their Animagus form be? (If they ever were to become one) Hmm, that's tough. Jolly's animagus form would probably be a white dove because, as Jolly says, "We are both fair, innocent and clueless."
- What would your character see if he/she looked in the Mirror of Erised? Loads and loads of cakes and ice-cream probably. Jolly doesn't know what her deepest desire is. But yes, she wants to do something great, and be people that she's not a loser like she seems to be...
- What memory could they use to create a Patronus? The one where the whole family made up very emotionally after a very big and dangerous row.

- Write an example roleplay by your character: The night was dark and Jolly could hear the owls hooting in the Owlery. She had been tossing and turning on her bed for more than half and hour and sleep still wouldn't come to her. Come on, I have to get up early for classes tomorrow! She urged herself to sleep, but the night sounds were still quite clear in her ears. "Shoot!" she muttered, sitting up in irritation.

"I can't be late for the first day of classes. The Professors will kill me...or give me detention, which is worse," she told her bed-sheets, as if it was all their fault that she couldn't sleep. Jolly sat there quietly for a while, wondering what would happen if didn't get any proper sleep. I'll probably fall asleep in Professor King's class. Then, he'll reprimand me for being so careless and send me to the Headmistress, who'll expel me...

Jolly, then, realized that the teachers here weren't that cruel to expel a student just for dozing off in class. But that still didn't quell her fearful thoughts of being expelled or being shut in a broom-cupboard full of spiders and cockroaches. God, help me, she thought to herself before giving her pillow another go as she slumped down on it and tried to sleep yet again.

- Imagine that your character keeps a diary or journal. Write a page that could possibly be found in it:
Dear Diary,

Today, I have some really good news and some really bad news. Good news is that I got sorted in Gryffindor. And here I was, fearing that I would be placed in Slytherin or nowhere at all. Man, was I stupid.

Well, anyway, you must be wondering what the bad news is. The bad news is that I got lost on my way to the Gryffindor Common Room. This place is so huge and confusing, I kept roaming around in circles till I found a girl whom I followed back to my house common room. Then, I made a fool out of myself by tripping and falling in front of the Gryffindors and squashing my chocolate frogs in the process. Gah! Why do I have to be so clumsy? *makes a face*

Anyway, I can't wait to explore this castle and start my classes. My wand itches to be used properly. You just wait, Diary, once I learn how to perform cool spells, I turn you to black or blue instead of this lurid pink color that you are wearing. Isn't it just disgusting?

~Jo, the Jolly girl

(First of all, I have to say that I LOVE your character! She doesn't have a complex, depressing past, ie, no one died, none of her family members are evil, etc. She just sounds like your typical 11 year old girl. And I think that that is great :) Anyway, I'll be asking your questions out of character for me, but if you want you can answer them in first person, as though you are your character. I think it helps develop personality. If you'd like to do it another way, though, that is fine.)

- Hi Jolly! Gee, that's a cute name! Were you named after anyone, or does your name have any special meaning?

- So, you live in New Zealand? Beautiful country, New Zealand. Were you born there? Have you been overseas?

- You sound like you worry a lot, is that true? Do you worry when you're at home, too?

- So, you're a half blood? Is one of your parents a Muggle? What do they do for a living?
[thank you; it's nice to know my character is loved ^_^ ]

Hi Jolly! Gee, that's a cute name! Were you named after anyone, or does your name have any special meaning?

Hey, Athene. Might I say that your name reminds me of a Greek Goddess :D
No, no, I wasn't named after anyone. Do you even think that anyone would have such a poopsie name? I am not that fond of my name but my mother likes jolly people, that's why she named me Jolly. She probably thought that my name would have a good affect on my personality. Which is a shame because I am more clumsy than I am jolly. But oh can't have everything, right? :-B

So, you live in New Zealand? Beautiful country, New Zealand. Were you born there? Have you been overseas?

Yes, I've been overseas. Infact, I was born in London and brought up in Grundy, Virginia. At that time, my dad had a very delicate job, even I am not sure what it was about; and so, we kept moving. Then, my mum heard some years ago that Hogwarts was opening up in New Zealand and by that time, my dad was steady on the football team. So we moved here. From what I've seen of this country, it's really impressive.

You sound like you worry a lot, is that true? Do you worry when you're at home, too?

Yeah, I worry a lot. My mother always tries to calm me down but I am a horribly defective piece and one thing or the other always go wrong and I end up in trouble. <_<

So, you're a half blood? Is one of your parents a Muggle? What do they do for a living?

Yeah, my dad's a muggle. As I mentioned before, he's a football player :cool:

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