Join the plastic cult...if you dare

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Maddison Montgomery

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
14" Crystalized Purpleheart wand with Swarovski crystals
Well Maddie is looking for more popular people to socialize with.

Rich, hot, sophisticated, that kind of thing.

Boys and girls around 10 or 11

Also if we have many applicants...maybe a club? We all know the glam squad? What about one for the younger students?

Names ideas for the clubs

Boys for Maddie to flirt with

Any of that would be much appreciated! :D

Afterwards I will make a list of members

Thanks, Maddison xx
Sooo... like a clique? That thing that we all hate at school???

Count Amelia in!
Oh, also if you are older you can get my approval :D

I am very enthusiastic Livi! :p

Oh and of course we need a 3rd main popular.

Maddison is the ringleader and Amelia will be one of the three :)
Amelia will hate to watch a ringleader xD she prefers to be in charge :lol:
Yay! that will be our first showdown mwahaha :D
Don't use the term 'showdown', thats the one generally used for the Sephora/Maria fight xD lol.***** fight?

Love how the site bleeps swears

What about my first year Slytherin, who'll be a second year when you both join.
She's evil, hated by a lot of people. Loves fashion, and because she used to be a dancer she's hot for 12.
She wouldn't be too seriously in the group but act as an older adviser type thing. Or whatever you see fit.
Dani would be perfect to join this. But she wouldn't know which side to go to. She is a very two faced person though, so it could work. :) So ya count Dani in. How about the Elegance Club?
I have Lily. Her real name is Angelica but she hates it so she goes by her middle name. She is stuck up most of the time and if anyone hurts her or any of her friends then her twin brother Jerrod would be more than happy to hurt them. She's hoping to be in Slytherin and would love to be part of the group. :D
Imogen- great! An older member would be perfect

Dani- she will fit in nicely and i like the name

Jay- i took a look and she fits the part

Maddison Montgomery
Amelia Andrews
Dani Cruise
Lily Green
Alphonse and Katalina-Of course!
Alyson-Don't laugh and no way
Sure Sasha! almost anyone is welcome, we can make her popular!

The only thing is on the banner there will only be the three elite members
Alphonse Snow said:
OMFG! :frantics:
I've sooo wanna do this for like ever, can I join?? xD
I am ashamed of you. :glare:

Anyways, I have a Gryffindor first year, Damian Metzger who can be friends with them, but not really join...join...
Other than that, nope.
I can offer you Panda?

I haven't got a Bio or CD for her yet (because I don't like her character) but now it's time to get to know the other side of rp'ing xD In other word, Panda is a complete witch (and I mean that in the insulting muggle way) but appears perfectly sweet and ordinary. I've not made anyone as shallow as her before, so I want to give this a shot in a group she thinks she'll be able to manipulate.

What do you think? I'm psyched! A new opportunity to test a personality type. Sweet!
Yep sure. I'll make up a member list later...
I can offer up Hilde as a sort of mentor type of person. She is rather snotty to others and is a pureblood from Scandinavia. She has not been super active but this next term I plan on having her take more of an active role now that she will be my only student character.

Hilde is the eldest of three triplets (non-identical). Her sisters Hannah and Heidi are in Slytherin with her. She is into quidditch and fashion and looks down on those who are not -- including her own sisters. ;)
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