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Full Name: - Jessica Rose Phoenix
Birth Date: - 20 June 2010
Current Age: - 11
Basic Appearance:
Hair - Shoulder-length wavy hair with a long fringe that goes past her nose, which she always clips up. Jessie's hair is light brown, almost gold.
Eyes - When she was little they were bright green, now they have a bluey-grayish tinge to them. Her left eye had a strip of brown.
Other - Jessie is unnaturally pale, as she doesn't like to go outside, and is actually afraid of getting tanned. She has freckles on her face, around her nose and cheekbones, which are easier to see during Summer.
Parents:- She doesn't know her father, but she lives with her mother and stepfather, Olivia and Steven. (both muggles)
Siblings, if any: - She has a nine-year-old step-brother, named Joe (short for Jonathon), who is very spoilt and stuck-up. She also has an older sister named Rachel, who is thirteen.
Pets, if any: - A two rabbits named Phoebe and Patricia (Rachel's), A (very fat) cat named Prince Charles the eighth (Joe's) 'Charlie', as Jessica calls the cat is the eighth of Joe's cats, and getting rather old. Jess doesn't have any pets.
Area of Residence: - Thames, NZ
Blood status: - Unknown
Hogwarts House (And why): - N/A
Best school subjects (And why): - N/A
Worst school subjects (And why): - N/A
What would their Patronus be? - No clue, I have forgotten what a patronus is Xd
What would their Boggart be? - Her mum dying, and Steven being in charge of her.
What would their Animagus form be? (If they ever were to become one) - Some sort of small bird, or a mouse. Because she likes those animals
What would your character see if he/she looked in the Mirror of Erised? -
What memory could they use to create a Patronus? - The day her friends threw her a suprise birthday party at school, because Steven banned birthdays, on account of him 'being sick of them'.
Imagine that your character keeps a diary or journal. Write a page that could possibly be found in it:
June 29 2021
Today was rather eventful, as usual. Mum and The Troll, as I have now nicknamed Steven, are being horrible, as per usual. The Troll yelled at me, because The Mini Troll, or IT, as I like to call Joe, threw tomatos at me, when he was supposed to be picking them. "He's only a kid, don't have you're little tantrums, Jess-ey-ka!" The Troll yelled at me. IT is nine years old, one and a half years younger than me, and I was expected to do chores when I was six.
So, now my best rainbow shirt it tomato-stained. I can't even eat tomatos, The Troll thinks I am 'faking that I am allergic, so I can get out of chores'. What a potato-head.
Well, at least I got to go to Erin's after school. Her house is so.... clean! It's frightening really, our house is so old and crumbling. I was pushed down the stairs a week ago, and I smashed a hole in the plaster. Gosh, The Troll screamed his head off then. At least I get to go to Hogwarts in September, whatever that is.