Jessica Rochelle Lainge

Jessica Lainge

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Coconut Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Star Dust
The Basics
Character's Name: Jessica Rochelle Lainge
Character's Birthdate: August 10, 2006
Blood Status: Half-Blood
Wand: Coconut Wand 15 inches with Essence of Star Dust
Educated At: Hogwarts Scotland
House: Slytherin
Position in the Ministry of Magic: Unspeakable in the Department of Mysteries
Hair: Straight, thick and black hair.
Eyes: Brown almond shaped.
Height:5 feet and 6 inches
Style: I like to wear designer jeans and blouses with cardigans. I also like daytime dresses.
Other Distinguishing Features: I have a scar on my left arm from my uncle throwing glass at me.
A Little Deeper
Personality: People say I am very charismatic. I am very confident and it can come off as conceited sometimes. I take pride in all of my work, and in everything that I decide to pursue. I highly dislike liars and people who manipulate others to get to Get into high positions. I am open minded, but not necessarily nice when certain topics come up.
Special Talents/Abilities:
History:Until I was 7 my mother and I lived with my abusive drunkard father. Before we lived in New Zealand. Then we moved to Scotland to live with my aunt Doctreine and her husband. My mother was pregnant when we left, so after nine months my brother Julian was born. At first I thought it was awesome to have an younger brother. Then I noticed he got spoiled more than I ever did, and thins made me angry and start to secretly resent Julian. Then I went off to Hogwarts Scotland and I got sorted into Slytherin. I graduated in the year 2013. Then I went off to New York City in America to study philosophy at a muggle college. It wa shard to adapt at first, but I got used to it quickly. Now I am back and I want to get familiar with my homeland again.

Mother: AnnaMay Lainge
Age: 42
Bio: My mother is a very nice lady. She does not like to get into arguments or witness them because she still is hurting from my father.
Roleplayer: None

Aunt: Doctreine Jameson
Bio: My aunt and I were always very close. I started to get to know her more after my brother was born. She really wishes to meet her daughter.
Roleplayer: None

Cousin: Anthony Kelly
Age: 19
Bio: I have not met my cousin yet. She doesn't even know about her real family. But I really do want to meet her.
Roleplayer: Luvesha

Brother: Julian Lainge
Age: 17
Bio: Julian is a pain. He is arrogant, spoiled, and difficult. I still love him though.
Roleplayer: None

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