Jessame Rose (J.R.) Trewelly

Jessame Rose Trewelly

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Fir Wand 14 1/8" Essence of Sphinx Remains

Jessame Rose Trewelly
a.k.a Jess :) , J.R. :) and Jessiose :(

b. 26 December 2011
died a little bit inside the day she got her Hogwarts letter
13 years old


Hickory Bay...
...a small community consisting of mostly of cribs (summer houses) and a few farms on the Banks Peninsula, Canterbury, South Island of NZ.

Blood status:
Unknown, but she was raised and identifies as a muggle.

Jessame Rose was very upset at the Sorting Ceremony.

What the Sorting Hat had to say: said:
Jessame Rose could not believe the winter had gone so fast. It had been a sad goodbye when she boarded the bus to take her up North, away from Tim and Sarah for what felt like an interminably long time. Now she was here, at Dumbwarts itself. Inside the stupid ostentatious castle on land that she believed would be far better being part of a National Park so normal people could enjoy them.

She'd managed to stay fairly invisible during the journey, finding a mostly empty carriage and sitting in the corner, not attracting the attention of the other over-excited kids. She'd spotted Livia and Anita, which made her feel a tiny bit more confident, but then she'd seen that Kayleigh girl. That awful girl. She was so haughty and treated other people like they weren't worth dirt. JR made her already small body shrink even more, so as to ensure she wouldn't be noticed by that nasty girl.

All of the 'magic' she'd seen so far she was fairly certain could have been pulled off with the correct chemicals and technology. The ceiling of the hall they were in, for example, was probably just an elaborate light show, no matter what her books said about it being enchanted to reflect the conditions outside. In a way, she kind of pitied all these people for taking something so stupid so seriously. Then again, if it was real, it certainly couldn't be good. Only evil could take over people's minds like this and produce such incredible things.

Jessame Rose listened carefully to the headmaster, memorising Nicolas King's and Cecily Rambolt's names. She groaned inwardly on being reminded she would be judged and labelled in front of all these people, without a chance to observe and learn how to act first. When the 'hat' began to sing... yes, sing...ugh she shivered, but listened carefully to the words, trying to learn as much as possible. It suggested she not be afraid, which she knew meant it wanted her to let her guard down so it could do as it wished. She filed away the information about the house characteristics in her mind, and cringed at the part about heinous crimes. I knew these freaks were up to no good, she thought. Well, this was a challenge alright, and she'd face it, and she'd win. She'd do her damn best to bring this place to ruins.

When her name was called, she stood a little shakily. The boy next to her jumped a little, as if not realising she'd even been there before. Taking a deep breath, she walked up to the stage on her short but strong dark legs, wishing she didn't have to wear such an impractical uniform. She almost had to climb onto the stool, and the hat was placed on her head. She couldn't help but shudder at the thought of this magical thing touching her, and when it reached into her mind, she lashed back. You know I don't belong here! Go on, try and find one of these dumb houses I could fit into. I'm no freaky witch. Tell them all it's a mistake so I can get out of here. I'll fight it. Whatever you do, if you don't let me go, I'll fight it! she thought, vehemently. If Tim and Sarah could read her thoughts now, they wouldn't recognise her as their daughter, foster or otherwise. She was usually so timid. Timid or excited in a quest for knowledge or wonder at the world around her; never before had she been so angry or determined. Hate was unfamiliar to this small dark girl.
"Being in denial doesn't change the fact that you're a witch. And best of luck with the reason why you're here, by the way, more powerful people than you have tried much worse things than you're going to and they always fail. You'll like it here soon enough, I can see your inner kindness. Yes. That's it. HUFFLEPUFF!"

Predicted Patronus:
A Kiwi. It's the only thing she feels she has a strong connection to. Its absurdity would scare away any dementor. Its combination of temerity and timidity suit Jess.

Predicted Boggart:
Beautiful people laughing at her.

What would she see if she looked in the Mirror of Erised?
Herself surrounded by a large family of people who all look like her, and who joked and laughed and poked fun at her in a loving way.

What memory could she use to create a Patronus?
She doesn't feel she has any good memories that haven't been tainted with sadness.

Best school subjects (And why):
All of them. Her favourite is History of Magic, because it rarely involves any actual magic, and she thinks Professor Spenser is cute.

Worst school subjects (And why):
She's not bad at any, but she hates Charms, because it always involves practical work, and she hates Charms professor-in-training Mrs Styx, who she thinks is unnaturally beautiful and flaunts it.

Fir Wand 14 1/8" Essence of Sphinx Remains said:
This is the best wand for those that are cautious of whom to trust and those that love to read books, it opens up many possibilities to those that have faith in it. It is good for Arithmancy, Ancient Runes and Astronomy.
Click here to read about the wand purchase; Ollivander's



[ul][li]Short-ish, unstyled thick and 'dirty' black hair, Jess makes little effort to do anything about it. It's wavey, but curls or half-straightens itself as it sees fit.</LI>[li]Large; very dark green eyes
[li]4'7" / 140cm

[li]When she began at Hogwarts, her style was casual and practical; most of JR's clothes were well worn and have holes in the knees. She wears shorts as often as possible, only wearing jeans or trackpants on the coldest of days. She prefers loose t-shirts and hoodies to any other kind of top, and goes barefoot as often as possible. Her parents don't have a lot of extra money, and little importance is placed on fashion, either in her family or community.
Part way through her first year, she got a make-over and now wears the same stuff everyone else 'fashionable' wears. She's not comfortable in this clothing, but wears it to fit in.

[li]She has multiple small scars and scabs from a life of adventure and working on farms.
<LI>[li]Small for her age, Jessame Rose has brown skin, thick eyelashes and a small, compact body. Her hair usually covers her face and shoulders. She doesn't often show people her face, preferring to peek out from under her hair, but she has large green eyes. She's springy and strong despite her small size.
Jessame Rose's style
What you'll see in Jess' dorm (
Hufflepuff Girls' Dorm #5) and what you'll see her wearing around Hogwarts.

((Everything in this colour links to Polyvore))
Jess' area of the dorm
Jess has no wardrobe - all her clothes fit more than comfortably in the drawers under her bed, and everything else goes in the desk. She'll usually put all her books away under her bed, too. She's very tidy and likes to keep things simple.

an example of what Jess wears
what she wears to bed
Jess is usually found in scruffy shorts or, when it is really cold, worn jeans or trackpants. She likes t-shirts on the baggy side and cosy hoodies. She prefers bare feet but if she has to she'll wear jandals or sneakers (environmentally friendly ones, of course). She hates the school uniform and only wears it when she has to.

inside Jess' bag
Jess rarely goes anywhere without her messenger bag. It has her diary in it, which serves as her notebook, too, and everything else she could conceivably need in a day.
Yearbook photos

A Little Deeper

CYFs Report said:
She's just a kid with a keen intellect, a wild imagination and under-developed social skills, probably due to abandonment issues and being raised by foster parents, that she will get over as she grows older.
- CYFS (Child, Youth and Family Services) officials in charge of foster placement.​

Jessame Rose is cautious, but curious. She has identity issues (who am I? I'm Maori but my foster parents are pakeha; I'm a 'muggle' but you say I'm a witch; who is my real family? where do I belong?) She only ever lets loose around Georgie, Tim and Sarah, and then she is unstoppable. She talks incessantly about anything that interests her, which is everything. Put her in a situation she doesn't know and she shuts up like a clam. She observes and keeps a low profile until she figures out how she can make the best of the situation, and not stand out like a sore thumb. If fitting in means being a rugby head, she'll be a rugby head, if it means being friendly, she'll be friendly. She refuses to be the centre of attention, so goes with the flow, but there's a lot underneath the plain-jane veneer.
However, she will never go against her principles, especially if it means hurting someone else. She has a natural ability to merge with her surroundings when she feels uncomfortable (like if the kids she's with start picking on another kid, she won't join in, but she won't stand up for the kid either - she'll just 'disappear' - remove herself from the equation).

Two Strengths:
1)A talent for reading people and situations.
2)Excellent memory

Two Weaknesses:
2)She doesn't trust people. Pretty much ever.

Can you describe yourself in three words, and say why for each one?
Cautious: She hates doing anything without checking out all the options first. Spontaneity is not her strong point.
Elusive/Mysterious (cheating with two words, I know): no-one gets close enough to Jess to see the real her. People view her as an average kid, but find themselves at a loss to describe her.
Quick: physically, mentally, Jess runs to a super fast beat inside. On the outside she is calm and steady, but inside she doesn't stop.

Would it be a problem for you if people thought you where unusual?
Because Jess has brown skin and her foster parents have white skin, Jess gets a lot of questions whenever people see her with her family. She feels like Tim and Sarah are her parents, and hates that people don't really accept them as a family just because they look different. She's spent a lot of effort trying to be as normal as possible as a result because she doesn't like people feeling sorry for her or viewing her as different in any way. She doesn't realise that a lot of the time, her behaviour makes her seem odd to others.

Why do you feel the need to fit in? Is it not better to be unique?
(see above) Jess doesn't like to be in the spotlight. Her differences annoy her. They're inconvenient.

It seems that Georgie may not care about you as much as she lets on. How would you feel if this was true?
Jess realises Georgie is growing up and moving apart from her. She's talked about it with Sarah and understands why it's happening, but it still hurts. She's afraid, because she's never really had to enter a new situation without either Georgie or her parents before.

She thinks. A lot. Jessame Rose is very introverted. She thinks about her role in life and wonders what it is. She feels connected to her Maori heritage, even though she only ever learnt about it at school. She also feels very connected to the land, to New Zealand. She thinks about people and their behaviour and spends an inordinate amount of time trying to style herself to be like others, but always feels like she hasn't got it quite right (the reason for this is because she forgets to put any of herself into these personas.) For example, at Brownies, she's like all the other girls there - she loves crafts, and helping people, and camping and animals. At soccer games and practices, she's like the boys and the tomboys who she plays with. At netball, she's girly and begs to play Centre along with all the others, even though she prefers to play Wing Defense. With Georgie, she's Georgie's 'second' - she'll do whatever Georgie does in public, but when they're alone together she's herself, like she is with her foster parents.
She thinks about the world around her and marvels at it.

Pre-Hogwarts - first magical difference, etc

Jess has always been able to see things others haven't. For example, once when she was lost in the bush with her family, she was rescued by a witch who 'happened' upon them and helped them find their way out in the dark with the help of a torch (flashlight). At least that's what her foster parents saw. JR saw it was a stick (wand) with a light at the tip. She sees grand (magical) buildings where her parents and friends see dilapidated ruins. She sees doorways others don't see. Her foster parents put this down to her vivid imagination, and this was repeated so often she believed it. She thought it was all in her mind. This is one reason she is wary and likes to assess a situation before entering it; she's never sure what's 'real' and what is 'in her mind.' Watching and reading others is her way of figuring out what's normal for them, and she has always tried to emulate 'normalness.'
In addition, JR's favourite book, from a very young age, was Matilda by Raold Dahl. She strongly identifies with Matilda; she loves reading, she picks things up very quickly, she suspects her real family might have been like the Wormwoods, and that her foster parents are her version of Miss Honey. And sometimes, she can make things move. The first time, she was at kindergarten - only 3 years old. Jess had spent twenty minutes making a birthday card for Sarah, and another little girl spilled water all over it. Jess was so upset; the water that had spilled from the paint jar suddenly reversed its movement and ended up all over the little girl. Jess knew she'd done it, and when she read Matilda the following year, she thought she'd found the explanation. She has spent many hours trying to hone her 'skill,' with limited success, although she expects that soon she will lose the ability, as Matilda did, as her mind is challenged at school.
So you see, Jessame Rose has grown up knowing she was different, but always hiding it.

Muggle school
- Best school subjects (And why): Jess takes an interest in everything and performs uniformly well in all areas. She is very attentive and will always learn as much as she can before trying anything. She drinks everything in, like a sponge, but doesn't have one particular area she excels in.
- Worst school subjects (And why): Anything where she is the centre of attention. She always does well, but not well enough to be the best (on purpose) because she doesn't like to be noticed. Class speeches, reports, demonstrations: all bad for Jessame Rose.

Jess has never had any close friends except for Georgie. She has school friends and friends from soccer and friends from Brownies, but she doesn't go out of her way to make friends. She really just has friends so she doesn't seem unusual. She's spent her whole life trying to fit in, and not be out of place. She likes to be alone with her family or with Georgie because she feels she 'fits' with them.
Jess can't imagine life without Georgie. They've always been together. Jess is hurt that Georgie is happy to be going to a different school and even more hurt that Georgie hasn't noticed how secretive Jess has been about which school she's going to attend. But being Jessame Rose, she won't make a fuss about it.

Favourite place
Jessame Rose's favourite place is the cliffs overlooking the Pacific Ocean near her house on Banks Peninsula. She often walks there with Tim or Sarah or just by herself.

Jessame Rose loves the outdoors. She is interested in everything around her, especially natural sciences. She plays t-ball, soccer, miniball and netball, goes to Brownies and generally just lives the life of a ten/eleven-year-old. She runs very well.

Hopes and Ambitions
Jess wants to be a mum. She wants to have kids and keep them and let them know they're loved. As far as jobs go, she hasn't thought about it. She can turn her hand to anything, so just assumes something will fall into place when the time is right.

Snippets from JR's journal said:
I had to stay in at lunch today because Mrs. Mackay saw me eating Skittles during reading time. When I got out to the playground, Georgie (Jessame Rose's best and really only friend) was playing four square with the other kids. I sat on the hall steps and waited for her to come and play with me but she didn't. Jackson called me a loser when he ran past, but I told him his brother Hunter told me he wet his bed still, so he didn't say anything after that.


I know Tim and Sarah are the best foster parents a kid can have, but I wish my real Mum would try and find me. I wonder if I have brothers and sisters? I wish I just knew what my real Mum looked like. If she came to find me and said she was taking me to live with her, I wouldn't go. I'd stay with Tim and Sarah, but I'd like her to try.


Georgie said she's going to boarding school in Christchurch next year. Sarah said I can go too if I want, but I don't know. I think I want to stay here, but I don't want to go to a different school from Georgie.

<COLOR color="#ee4a2d">At Hogwarts

At first she was excited at the prospect of finding out who her biological parents are, as she assumed she would be able to find out once she entered the magical world. When she discovered it was possible for muggle-borns to be magic was when she got really angry at the whole thing.
As she has come to know a little about it, she has developed the idea that Hogwarts is an evil institution set up to lure normal young people into a life of trickery and lies (a kind of xenophobia - she's afraid of the unknown and so has projected bad attributes to it). She still doesn't fully believe in magic - that will change when she starts school. She doesn't want to go to 'Dumbwarts' as she calls it, but her foster-parents are making her, as they are worried about her lack of social skills and hope that meeting people people who are more like her will help.

Hopes and Ambitions
JR feels a strong resentment towards the wizarding world. It has torn her away from everything she's ever known. She wants to learn as much as she can about it. (Keep your friends close but your enemies closer). She harbours a secret wish to destroy everything that is magic. She views it as unnatural.

At first JR will reject the idea of becoming and Animagi because that's magic and unnatural. But then she realises it could work to her advantage. It fits perfectly with her propensity for going unnoticed in a new situation - she can just hang out as a moth for a while until she gets the hang of things, then enter later as a human and be completely in control. Depending on her attitude towards magic later on, she may or may not choose to train to be an animagi.

Do you think you may change your mind about magic once you begin to learn what you can do?
This one is complicated. Jess views magic as unnatural and defying the laws of nature - all that is right. She learns it because she's expected to, but finds it, and therefore herself repulsive, like a vegan being forced to wear leather and eat meat. She begins to form a plan where she returns the world to its natural balance by ridding it of magic, and therefore throws herself into learning all she can of it. She may, given the right guidance, eventually come to realise it's a part of her and she can't get rid of it, but that all depends on other people.

Check out JR's secret diary (sorry, haven't updated since first year!) and RP development as well as her entry on the Hogwarts New Zealand Wiki to find out a little more about her. :p
<COLOR color="#000">Credits: Mihimihi (text banner): abbyelectric a.k.a Isabella Chaos
Chibi: Kelsey Ruth a.k.a Kelseypants​

Biological Parents

Foster Parents
Tim James Trewelly, farm hand, b. 11 Feb 1984, aged 41 (in 2025)
Sarah Anne Trewelly (nee Flaherty), nurse, b. 3 March 1982, aged 43 (in 2025)

Jess has no siblings, although she desperately wishes to be part of a large, loving family.

Tim and Sarah have no children of their own and Jessame Rose is the only child they've fostered. They treat her as their own. They look noticeably different to Jessame Rose. Tim is tall and of a stocky build with blonde hair and blue eyes. Sarah is also tall and has blue eyes, but dark hair. They are both white (although not pale), while Jessame Rose is short, wiry and brown-skinned.

They've always been open with the fact that they know nothing about Jess' history. Jess was found wandering along the Avon in Christchurch when she was a toddler. She wouldn't/couldn't speak. Her case was publicised on the news but no-one came forward with any information so CYFs took over and placed her with Tim and Sarah.​
<COLOR color="#ee4a2d">

Their reaction to Jess being a witch
[ul][li]Tim thinks it's really cool, like an adventure story.</LI>
[li]Sarah worries Jessame Rose will finally find her place among 'her own kind' and not need her (Sarah) anymore.
<LI>[li]They're both privately concerned because they now assume her real mother was a witch who abandoned her, and they worry Jess will find her real Mum and be broken-hearted, or somehow otherwise be let down by a community they feel let her down once before. They feel like a lot of things slotted into place when they discovered the whole new secret world of magic, assume that's where Jess must have come from and are worried about 'handing her back.'[/li][/ul]
Jess tends not to trust animals, but there were little blue penguins nesting under her house a few years ago, and she was the only one who didn't hate them. (Tim and Sarah said they were smelly and noisy)
During a CoMC field trip in third year, a kneazle followed her home. She calls him Gavin and can't decide if she loves him or hates him. Gavin made her buy a snail, too. The orange poisonous snail is called Pingpingi.
<COLOR color="#000">

J.R's thoughts on her biological parents
She doesn't know anything about them but believes they're magical and blames them for everything she hates about her life.
She longs to know her history. She wants to be able to recite her whakapapa and know why she was abandoned. Like any kid, she wants to be wanted, and fantasizes about her mother waking from the coma that left her unable to care for Jess, and stopping at nothing to find her, or something similar. However, she also truly believes she's better off with Tim and Sarah. She figures if her biological parents abandoned her, they're probably not worth knowing anyway.
There was a brief window where she would have run into their arms - just after she found out about Hogwarts and before she discovered 'muggle-borns' could be witches and wizards too. The Hogwarts letter seemed to answer so many questions so nicely - of course it was too good to be true. She figured she'd go to Hogwarts, meet her true family and fit in perfectly for once. The abandonment would be conveniently answered by it being 'for her own safety' or something. When that dream melted away she became very disillusioned and the hate started.
Pre Hogwarts (Dec 2022-Sep 2023)

JR's first RP: "Bored"
With Luke, a home-schooled wizard a few years older than her. First weekend in April, 2023. She was in Wellington for her Uncle Steve's birthday and decided to explore Obsidian Harbour on her own.

Also "Info-mission"
A failed attempt at buying books where Jess gets angry (again), this time about galleons. (First weekend in April again)
In early May, JR visits Obsidian Harbour again, this time because Uncle Steve is being a baby about breaking up with his latest hobag, er, girlfriend, and makes a friend:
"Way too much Ice cream"</COLOR>

First Year (2023-2024)

[ul][li]Gets sorted into Hufflepuff</LI>
[li]Meets her roommates: Sephora Finette, Mackenna Matthews, Maria Madison, Feng, etc Doesn't get along with any of them.
[li]Is horrified by the goings on at the Hufflepuff welcome party. Hates Head boy Alex Cullen for playing pranks.
[li]Goes to see Maria in the hospital wing after she's knocked unconscious from one of Alex's pranks. Talks to Alex and asks him questions about magic that are worrying her.
[li]Spends a lot of time in the library. Meets Sam Sykes.
[li]Runs to the cliffs. Sam shows her that magic can be natural too. She's only partly convinced.
[li]Spends any time she's not in the library outside. Coming in from a walk in the rain one day, she witnesses the showdown between Sephora and Maria.
[li]Goes to see Maria in the hospital wing. Again.
[li]Meets Trinity Cornwall in DADA. They rebel together by not doing any work.
[li]Meets Livia Delaney again (met her at the meeting for new students before the school year began). Livia offers to help her change her image.
[li]Changes her image completely in an attempt to make friends.
[li]Sees Centaurs in the Entrance Hall. Is. Freaked. Out.
[li]Passes all her first year exams:[ul]<LI>[li]<COLOR color="#5a70b3">Astronomy: O
[li]Defence against the Dark Arts: O
[li]History of Magic: O
[li]Transfiguration: O[/li][/ul][li] Jessame Rose leaves Hogwarts after her first semester. She tried it and didn't like it. She never plans to return.

In her first year, she meets Livia, who helps her change her style. J.R. begins to force herself out of the picture to make room for the new Jessame Rose.
In December 2023, Jessame Rose left Dumbwarts, having fulfilled her part of her deal with her foster parents, which was to see out one semester at the school. She didn't say goodbye to anyone, although Sam Sykes probably knew she was leaving.

On Christmas day, her Granna Jean died, and most of her summer was spent going through her grandmother's belongings with her father, who lost his job when the factory he worked at closed. She found an old diary that belonged to her grandmother when she was Jessame Rose's own age. On reading it, J.R. discovered that Jean, too had felt like an outsider at school. She was intelligent, like J.R, but hadn't felt like she belonged anywhere. Jessame Rose read with increasing curiosity, and found out that her grandmother had actually become pregnant at the age of fifteen and was made to drop out of school. Her baby was taken from her and adopted out before she'd been allowed to see it.

Here is an excerpt from Jean's diary:
August 13th, 1972.

Ever since I got home from having the baby, (ha! I HOPE someone finds and reads this, I don't see why my getting pregnant should be such a secret), Dad has been cold towards me, not saying a word except to lay down the law and tell me my chores. He won't let me out of his sight. That means I have to work on the farm. Bogus! I hate it here, with all my heart. I should be at school, getting an education. I could be the next Prime Minister! I could have been anything, but no! Just because I'm a girl, I have to live in this society-inflicted 'shame.' Meanwhile, Peter Grinswald, whose idea it was in the first place, gets off scot-free and chooses (can you believe it!?) to leave school for the freezing works. What an idiot. I should never have touched him with a ten foot pole. I guess that makes me the idiot.
Well anyway, here I am, getting up before the sun to milk the cows every morning. I can't help but picture myself feeding my own little baby every single time I grab the stupid cows' teats. That's what I should be doing. Feeding and clothing my little bundle of cuddles. It can't be any more exhausting than the work Dad's got me doing now. And even though I'm bone tired even before it gets dark in the evening, I still make myself stay awake and read my old school books, so I'd be doing that if I'd kept my baby, too! I was going to call him Tim if he'd been a boy, or Kelly if she was a girl. I never told anyone that.
This farm work is so low and degrading. All the farm hands we've ever had before have been simpletons. Only just bright enough to laugh at Dad's jokes and stay away from his daughters (well, most of them!) Liz and Pat [Jean's sisters] think they're hunks, but what's attractive about a pile of muscle with a vacant stare? My eyes are on a higher prize. My experience with Pete has taught me to stay away from guys from now on. I'm all about the advancement of myself. Just because everyone else is boy-crazy doesn't mean I need to be.
For the first couple of months, I went about my farm work with zero enthusiasm, and made myself entirely unpopular with everyone. That suited me fine, but then I realised that I'll never get what I want that way. So now I've given myself completely to learning everything about our farm. I work harder than anyone else except for Dad, and he's impressed at my turn around. He thinks it's his great parenting skills (psych!) He won't realise until it's too late that all my hard work is for my own ends. I hate this stupid farm. He'll honestly be much happier once we've sold it and move to the city. He just doesn't know it yet.

J.R. read about how her Grandmother made the farm so successful that her father became very wealthy and entered retirement early. He signed over the farm to Jean, who promptly sold it and moved the family to the city. They'd had little say in the matter, as she'd sold their home from under them. They were against the idea at first, but it didn't take long for them to learn to appreciate their easy new city life. Jean went to university to study history as she'd always wanted to, then became a teacher and eventually a headmistress. The diaries stopped in 1980, but J.R. got the rest of the story from her foster dad. She didn't understand her grandmother at all - what kind of person would rather live in the city than the country? And how could she work so hard at something she hated?

In 2024, J.R. entered Year 8 at her local intermediate school. She had been looking forward to it all summer - how wonderful to get back to normal muggle schooling! But it wasn't all she had hoped. She still didn't fit in, and her school work was not as interesting as she used to think it was. She joined the cross country team and became known as the best long distance runner of her age group in the upper South Island. However, every time she ran, she thought of Dumbwarts. She tried not to. The thought of magic made her physically sick, and her parents took her to the doctor every other week trying to figure out what was wrong with her. But she wouldn't stop running, and running made her think of Dumbwarts. It wasn't the only thing, of course. She watched her peers' social interactions with an intensity that made them think she was weird, and she began to count up all the little differences between muggle life and the freaky magic life she'd been exposed to. She stayed up late at night and noticed owls flying around, which was not unusual, except that these owls were not native. They were exotic owls from other parts of the globe, and J.R. felt with indignant righteousness that they did not belong. She read the paper daily and was reminded of the rubbish that had been printed in that terrible Wizard newspaper. She gazed at the stars at night and became angry at the thought of the stupid professors who thought they had the right to fill children's minds with rubbish at Hogwarts, including teaching them about the northern hemisphere sky! In New Zealand! That made no sense!

Summer crisped into autumn, which seemed to harden into an intense winter. At the end of the second school term, J.R. found herself wanting to talk not with her old friend Georgie, but the weird kid Sam from Dumbwarts. Or maybe Maria, who held as much anger inside as J.R. herself, but was much worse at hiding it. She thought of Livia, the Slytherin girl who had taught her how to dress fashionably. She still struggled with herself about that, although she only wore her new wardrobe these days. She felt far more comfortable in her old clothes, so why put herself through all this just for other people? Yet she did it anyway.

As spring melted the harshness of winter, Jessame Rose realised she was falling asleep each night with her school books open on her bed covers. Not her new school books. The Hogwarts ones. She had no idea why, but she felt this strange pull to stay attached to the world of magic. She still resisted with every part of her, but no matter how many times she buried her wand in the garden or threw it off the cliffs into the ocean, it was always there under her pillow again in the morning.

Uncontrolled Magic said:
All year, J.R. had been noticing strange things. It started on the first day of the new year, when she'd woken up with something poking her in the neck. She'd pushed herself off her bed and lifted her pillow, then jumped back, wide awake and staring at the wand she'd been coerced into purchasing four months earlier. When she'd left Hogwarts, she'd thought for the last time, after her exams in December, she'd dumped all the stupid books and freaky magical paraphernalia under the loose floorboard in her closet and promptly forgot about them. Yet now here was this wand. The wand that had 'chosen her' in that creepy shop with the freaky old lady. Jessame Rose didn't know how it had gotten into her bed, but there it was. She'd felt sick to her stomach and had had to rush downstairs and push past her father to vomit in the toilet.
On returning to her room, she'd opened her window and thrown the wand out, watching with satisfaction as it landed in the firewood pile that was leaning against the wall. As the days went on, she'd become more and more creative in thinking of ways to get rid of the wand, but it was always there again in the morning.
In the week leading up to Saint Valentine's day, Jessame Rose had been watching a boy in her class, Elias, trying to make him notice her (but succeeding only in freaking him out). She was intensely upset when, on the 14th, she opened her desk at school to find nothing. All day she watched other girls and boys exchange presents, slip cards into others' desks and bags when they thought no-one was watching, and discover messages from secret admirers. She purposefully left her bag open in the cloakroom in the last session between lunch time and the end of school, and noticed Elias leave the room to go to the bathroom. When the the final bell rang and she rushed out to check, she found nothing, and there was suddenly chaos all around her, as girls screamed and boys yelled. One girl even cried as she stared at the black stains on her hands that were all that remained of the red rose she'd been holding just moments before. It went down in school history as the day the Valentines cards mysteriously disintegrated simultaneously, but Jessame Rose knew, with that familiar sick feeling in her stomach, that it was she who had destroyed them all.
The following week, one of the girls in her class had held a party and invited everyone but her. The whole class arrived at the ice skating rink to find all the ice had melted. When she'd spotted Elias holding hands with Mary Thames on the way home from school one day, the hand brakes on all the cars on the street suddenly locked and there was an awful screeching sound and the smell of burnt rubber as everything skidded to a halt. One weekend in May, Georgie dropped by unexpectedly. Jessame Rose was filled with huge relief to see her old friend from pre-Dumbwarts days, and tried to ignore the fact that all the leaves on one of the trees in her garden suddenly turned into butterflies and flitted away. Half an hour later, as Georgie cried about being dumped by some guy called George Rolles, J.R. knew without seeing any proof that all the butterflies had suddenly dropped dead.
On her birthday, Jessame Rose got on the school bus and took a seat next to an older boy. He was probably around fifteen and J.R. thought, without even really noticing it, that he was cute. She subconsciously sat up straight and pushed out her chest, although there was really nothing here to see. She ran her hand through her hair and pretended to look out the window so that he could see her face. She was still only twelve, but looked about ten, and the boy ignored her entirely, until suddenly she found herself leaning up and kissing him on the mouth. As she realised what she was doing, the boy turned bright red, the girls in the seat behind started giggling, and J.R. felt a huge anger well up inside her.
"Stop the bus," she cried and the driver responded to the panic in her voice and pulled over immediately. Jessame Rose glared at the girls who, moments before, had been laughing at her, and felt a sense of satisfaction as their smiles seemed to melt off their faces until they had no mouths left. The boy, whose cheeks had burned in embarrassment a short while ago, was now looking decidedly uncomfortable as his whole body burned red hot with the strength of J.R's anger. When she jumped off the bus, she immediately vomited on the side of the road, and was actually relieved when, a couple of hours later, a representative from the department of under-age magic appeared. They informed her that all the muggles involved had had their memories altered, and that she would have to control herself or face punishment. Even as she was beginning to get the hang of being back in the muggle world, J.R knew it wouldn't be long until she would have to return to Dumbwarts.
Running said:
It was the first race of the spring, and J.R. knew she was the fastest girl there. She even wondered if she wasn't faster than all the boys, too. She had begun running as a child because of the peace it brought her. She could run across the hills of her neighbours' farms for hours, and it would help her forget about the stares she got when she went to the supermarket with her foster parents. She was aware from a young age that it wasn't normal for two pakehas to have a maori daughter, but that's just how it was in her family. She knew, of course, that they weren't technically her real parents, but emotionally they were. Still, the stares and whispers bothered her.
The first time she'd run a long way had been when she was seven years old. Something strange had happened at her granddad's funeral and it had made Jessame Rose feel sick instead of the sadness she'd been engulfed by over the previous few days. She felt that the strange thing had been her fault, but running helped her forget about it. She'd run from the car towards her house, but it felt so good to forget, that she just kept running, and didn't return for an hour and a half. Her parents were worried sick.
Over the past years, she had developed a speed and stamina that rivalled even those serious runners up to three years older than her, but in the past six months, running had ceased being a peaceful activity for her. Now whenever she ran, she was bombarded with memories of her time at that stupid boarding school, Dumbwarts. It made her feel sick. She always held it in until after her training sessions and races, but inevitably, within the next couple of days, she would throw up violently and her parents had begun taking her to different doctors to try to find the problem. J.R. couldn't bring herself to tell them. She hated to admit to the power of magic. One doctor suggested she try giving up running for a while, but J.R. wouldn't. She refused to let magic rule her life and decide what she could or couldn't do.
Eyeing up the competition, Jessame Rose was confident she could beat every person here. The small dark girl held her calm exterior in place, but inside she was a mess. The Hogwarts memories were coming back already, before she'd even begun running. She saw, as if it were really in front of her, the unicorn Sam had showed her. She heard Alex Cullen laughing as Maria's hair turned bright green; she smelled the weird scent of centaur, remembering when they had come into the school. She could see all her teachers and fellow Hufflepuffs, and remembered sitting in class and feeling this same sickness that was now rising inside her. As the start of the race was signalled, she remembered the first time she'd changed a matchstick into a needle in Transfiguration class, and the horror of it made her push forward with a strength she didn't know she had. Every step she took seemed to be accompanied by a memory. The nasty Slytherin who'd mocked her in the dungeons early in her first semester. The sickly smell of the food that magically appeared every morning. The huge fight Maria and Sephora had had in the Entrance Hall. The Head Girl getting upset about some stupid article in the newspaper. The excitement everyone but her had felt at Halloween. That annoying boy Beau, who never shut up. Jess ran harder and harder, wanting to leave it all behind. She knew every step would bring another memory, but she had a strange feeling that if she ran through it all, she would be rid of it forever.
This was the longest race J.R had ever run, but she found herself far ahead of all the girls, with only a few slightly older boys in front of her. She'd been running forever, it felt like. There were tears streaming down her face and she wanted to just curl into a ball and forget everything. However, she kept running. On and on. There was something good just out of her reach, she was sure. Perhaps it was the end of the memories. If she ran a little faster, maybe she could touch it. She was neck and neck with a boy called Finn. He was the fastest runner under 13 in the South Island. He was shocked that she was running beside him. She didn't care. She just wanted to reach that good feeling that she knew was just ahead. And there it was, as she crossed the finish line a full stride in front of Finn, the eerie, terrific feeling she'd felt once (or was it twice?) before. As the memories faded away and Jess leaned on her knees, panting for air, she tried to figure out where she knew that sensation from. She couldn't put her finger on it.
She remembered then, as if from nowhere, her grandmother's diaries, which she'd read last summer. How could she work so hard at something she hated? she recalled herself wondering. Suddenly it all made sense to her. If her grandmother could work hard on the farm to get what she wanted, J.R. would learn magic. She'd work hard and become the best damn witch the freak world had ever seen, and then she'd be able to bring it all down. It had taken her grandmother years to get her family off the farm, and so it might take J.R. years to destroy Hogwarts, but she'd do it. It was worth it.
As she reached this epiphany, another one struck her. That sensation? That comfortable niceness she'd felt as she escaped the memories of Dumbwarts? It was just another memory - perhaps the only good one. It was the feeling she'd had when she'd travelled by portkey. The sensation everyone else reported as terrible. They all hated it, but J.R. loved it, and she longed to feel it again.
These two events are what pushed J.R. back to Hogwarts, back into the magical world she so despised.
Second Year (2024-2025)
[ul][li] Returns to Hogwarts mid-term (October) after uncontrolled magic begins to make a muggle life impossible.</LI>
[li] Decides that, to destroy magic, she must dedicate herself to learning it properly.</LI>
[li] Is boy crazy.
[li] Meets Damian Metzger in class and starts to hate him (although JR thinks he's a girl). Also dislikes Mrs. Styx, Charms teacher, and Beaumont Karhunlappi, class clown.
[li] Meets first-year and fellow Puff, Sasha Hayden. They get along. (Pretenders)
[li] Attends Halloween Ball alone, dressed as a Hula girl. Sits in a corner and feels sorry for herself because no boys want to talk to her.
[li] Re-connects with Sam Sykes. Begins to think of him as a friend. (An old friend in a new place)
[li] Gets an owl from her foster parents - her best friend has moved overseas and she has to stay at Hogwarts over the Christmas break while her parents holiday in Fiji! She is angry and upset. (Lo_..?..Oh well..)
[li] Goes to Brightstone, meets Tohoru Koshiba, is smitten. They begin a clandestine relationship and he asks her to the Yule Ball. (Our little secret)
[li] Meets Victor Crimson playing basketball in Brightstone. They discover they have much in common. (Shooting some Hoops)
[li] Re-meets Anita Martinez, they become friends. (Hiding from Owls)
[li] Attends the Yule Ball with Tohoru (although he is also attending with Hilde Lindstrom) :glare: JR discovers this, is heart broken and hates Tohoru. (Caught in a Bad Romance)
[li] Meets Eden Koshiba, Tohoru's ex. (I ran from that boy)
[li] Meets Joceline Richarde, a fellow magic-hater. (Venting)
[li] Chooses ALL electives for the following year.
[li] Passes all her classes: [ul]<LI>[li]Astronomy: O [li]Charms: O[li]Defence against the Dark Arts: A[li]Herbology: EE/O[li]History of Magic: O[li]Potions: O<LI>[li]Transfiguration: EE.[/li][/ul][/li][/ul]
Regular Banner

Halloween costume
(she hoped that by showing a lot of skin she might get some boys interested, but apparently not)

Yuletide Dance
Third Year (2024-2025)

Classes ~ Semester 1
| Mon: Off | Tue: HoM | Wed: Astronomy | Thu: Transfiguration | Fri: Arithmancy | Sat: Ancient Runes | Sun: CoMC |

Classes ~ Semester 2
| Mon: Potions | Tue: Muggle Studies | Wed: Off | Thu: Charms | Fri: Herbology | Sat: DADA | Sun: Divination |
[ul][li]Buys all her equipment from the second hand shop again. Still refuses to use quill and parchment, sticking to pen or pencil and paper</LI>
[li]Meets Lilith Luna, Eden's little sister. They discuss plans to visit Borely Mansion. (Make the Magic Stop)
[li]Discovers that house-elves make all the Hogwarts food - finds them disgusting and embarks on a hunger strike.
[li]Runs into Tohoru. (What have I done?)
[li]During a CoMC field trip to Magical Menagerie, she unwilling adopts a bad-tempered kneazle (Gavin) and a poisonous snail (Pingpingi). Her food strike ends, as she buys pet food to eat. It lasted a week and made her terribly weak. (CoMC Lesson 2, 3rd Years)
[li]During Brightstone weekend, she buys a gas cooker and begins cooking her own meals in her dorm room.
[li]Also during Brightstone weekend, she meets Embry and falls in love.(Razor Scooters are awesome!)

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