Jerrod Darren Green

Jerrod Green

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
14.5" walnut with essence of vampire blood


- Basic Jerrod Information

- More Jerrod Information

- History

- Family

- Wand

- Photos


- Banners

The Basics
Character's Name: Jerrod Darren Green
Nickname: Jerry
Name Meaning:
Jerrod: Down to earth (Hebrew)
Darren: Great (Celtic/Gaelic)
Playby name: Tom Andrew Felton
Name Meaning:
Thomas: A twin (Greek)
Andrew: Manly, courageous (Greek)
Character's Birthdate: 2nd June 2013
Hometown: South Kensington, London (England)
Current residence: New Zealand
Blood Status: Half blood
Blood Type: O-
Heritage: English (a few other accents in his voice due to other areas he’s lived in).
Wand: Walnut Wand 14 1/2" Essence of Vampire Blood
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Pets: An owl called Beau and two cats called Polo and Draco.


Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Blue
Height: 5' 2"
Shirt Style: Plain
Jacket Style: Zip up cotton
Trousers Style: Jeans
Hair-do: Longish and straight. Usually gelled.
Shoes: Trainers
Dominant hand: right
Other Distinguishing Features: Emotionless eyes most of the time.


A Little Deeper
Five Words: Loyal, smart, responsible, cruel, protective
Personality: Jerrod is usually very cruel and heartless unless he's talking to family. He hates muggle and muggle borns and thinks that people who talk to them and become friends with them are worthless so he talks down to them. He doesn't think he will ever fall in love and start a family because he doesn't talk to the people who would ever want to do that. If he focused on that sort of thing (he thinks he's too young to bother) then he would want someone similar to his mum. They would have to be happy to have people come and go from the house without asking question, snobby, tidy, housewife and generally motherly as they would be looking after children by them self most of the time. Jerrod is basically a mini death eater and he wants to stay that way. It is who he is and he enjoys it.

Talents and likes
Magical talents: Charms, transfiguration, defence against the dark arts
Other talents: Guitar, reading
Weakness: Doesn't act nice to many people
Likes: Family, reading, open spaces
Dislikes: Musicals, seeing his mother upset, muggles
Best subject: Charms
Worst subject: Muggle studies
Favourite place in the Hogwarts grounds: Library
Least favourite place in the Hogwarts grounds: Main hall
Favourite Professor: Professor Sadia Khalid
Least Favourite Professor: Professor Prodan Zhefarovich
Patronus: Pronghorn
Boggart: Disappointing his parents
Goals: Jerrod's goal is to follow in the footsteps of his father and oldest brother. He wants to be a death eater that people look up to and admire. He isn't focusing on whether he wants a family or how much family he wants but he'd like to have someone there to keep him company when things get hard.
Good habits: Getting jobs and homework done on time and to standard (usually above standard).
Bad habits: He is a bit of a perfectionist.
Loyalties: Family


Sign: Gemini
Element: Air
Ruling planet: Mercury
Symbol: The twins
Stone: Aquamarine
Life Pursuit: To explore a little bit of everything
- Adaptable and versatile
- Communicative and witty
- Intellectual and eloquent
- Youthful and lively
- Nervous and tense
- Superficial and inconsistent
- Cunning and inquisitive


Chinese Year
Personality: Occupying the 6th position in the Chinese Zodiac, the snake symbolizes such character traits as intelligence, gracefulness and materialism. When it comes to decision-making, snakes are extremely analytical and as a result, they don't jump into situations. They are effective at getting the things they want, even if it means they have to scheme and plot along the way.
Snakes are very materialistic creatures, preferring to surround themselves with the finest that life has to offer. This is especially evident in the home, where luxurious furnishings and surroundings help snakes seek the peace they need in order to thrive.
Health: Snakes prefer living a life of calmness, preferring quietness over noise and a manageable workload rather than a schedule that's overly-booked. Snakes become easily stressed when their lives aren't peaceful or in order. Too much of this way of life can shorten a snake's life.
Career: Snakes do work very hard, but they have a tendency to be job-hoppers as they become easily bored. Their somewhat laid-back attitude causes them to be mistakenly categorized as slackers, but nothing could be further from the truth! Snakes are very creative and extremely diligent. They're excellent problem-solvers and thrive under tight deadlines. Good career choices for Snakes include: scientist, analyst, investigator, painter, potter, jeweler, astrologer, magician, dietician, and sociologist.
Relationships: Snakes are excellent seducers so they never have trouble attracting others. However, they'll be the ones to decide when a relationship has potential and when it does not. Once they've chosen a partner, a Snake's insecure side will begin to show through. Snakes guards their chosen partners much like a prized possessions, becoming jealous and even obsessive. Snakes prefer to keep their feelings to themselves. It's important to never betray a Snake's trust as a betrayed snake will make it a goal to get even some day.

Before Jerrod was born.
Dervish and Sam went to school together at Hogwarts Scotland. They were always very good friends but never dated until their fifth year. Sam got pregnant with Dervish just after they graduated so they decided to get married and move to live in London together. Over the next few years (while Sam had four more children) they moved to live around the world. They spent time in France, Spain, Russia, America, Canada and Australia.


The New Family.
Not long after Lily and Jerrod were born, Sam and Dervish's sisters and brother-in-laws died. They were going out for a meal together and the restaurant burnt down killing loads of people. They left behind four children. Sam and Dervish were the closest family they had so Sam said she'd take them in and look after them.

- Family

Jerrod spent most of his childhood sticking by either Lily, Dervish or his dad. He wanted to protect Lily and be the best brother he could be. At the same time, he wanted to learn from the family that he looked up to the most. He wanted to be exactly like them when he grew up.

- Family
- Shaylah

Living in Hell.
There was a few months where Dervish practically lost his mind. No one knew why, he just seemed to become a completely different man and he wasn't against hurting Jerrod or Lily or any of his brothers or mum when they put him in a bad mood. This put Jerrod in a difficult position because it meant he had to try and look after his sister by protecting her from the man he aspired to be.

- Family
- Shaylah

Off to Hogwarts.
Jerrod was looking forward to Hogwarts like the rest of his family had been. He had been waiting for it for years. Jerrod had sat back and watched his mum say bye to all his siblings and cousins as they went off to Hogwarts. Now it was his turn. He couldn't wait to get there and He wanted to be in Slytherin like everyone else. He was so happy when he realised that both him and Lily had been put in Slytherin.

- Family
- Shaylah

A Big Sister.
During this time, Jay Rouge (Shaylah's father), got sent to Azkaban. Shaylah had always been like a Sister to Lily and Jay like a second father so Jerrod was upset when he heard what had happened. He didn't see Lily much as she started spending more time with Shaylah and they became like sisters. He felt upset that he'd been basically replaced by a girl but he figured it was exactly what she needed; a great friend.

- Family
- Shaylah

Pregnancy and Death.
After a while, Sam got pregnant again. She was overjoyed to be having another child now that some were leaving the house. So was Jerrod. It would mean (if it was a boy) that he wasn't the youngest boy anymore so some eyes would be taken off of him. He just had to hope it was going to be a boy. This is when Dervish died. The whole family had decided to go out for a picnic. Dervish had said he couldn't go because of work so they all left him to do what he needed to while they went out and had fun. When they got back to the house, Dervish's body was dead in the hallway.

- Family
- Shaylah

The feud started when Sam went to the Rouge house and blamed Tracy (Shaylah's mum) for the death of Dervish. She saw it that everything had been fine before that woman had arrived but now was different. Tracy had married Jay, watched Jay go to Azkaban, then watched Dervish's death. Sam went to her and yelled at her for being the reason her husband had died and Jay went to Azkaban. This made the Rouges, Caines and Kalforoviches hate the Greens. Jerrod didn't know what to think of this until him and Lily got beat up by Shaylah as her revenge to Sam.

- Family

Just after that, Sam gave birth. She had twin baby girls; Bellatrix and Rosalinda. Jerrod was disappointed that he was still the youngest boy but he was sticking by his mum all the same. Sam was the person that needed the most help and he was going to try and make sure she had it, even when he was at Hogwarts.

- Family

Jerrod started becoming friends with a Gryffindor girl; Riley. This was the first proper friend he'd had that wasn't a member of his family and he loved it. It made him feel great. Only problem was that his family wouldn't be very happy about it. The Greens were all for the feud between Gryffindor and Slytherin. If he had been falling in love with a Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw then they wouldn't have been happy but they would have been okay with it. Gryffindor was a whole other story. Nobody in his family would like him anymore and they'd all say he was no longer a Green. He needed to be a Green if he was going to become a death eater but he loved Riley too much to leave her. He was stuck in the middle.

- Family
- Riley

Split up.
Jerrod and Riley dated until the two of them found out what the other wanted to be when they left Hogwarts. Jerrod wanted to be a death eater but Riley wanted to be an auror. The two occupations would never fit together. This along with the fact Lily was getting into arguments with Jerrod because of Riley gave Jerrod the reason to end things with his girlfriend. Kind of... The two of them ended it together in the middle of a big argument together that just made their relationship crash and burn painfully.

- Family

True love.
After two years not talking, Jerrod was finding life very lonely. He could barely even see his family. Lily was having emotional problems, Derv was busy working and looking after Rio, Woody and Dave had gone their separate ways and bought houses in different countries, Steve and Nick were living in London together and his mum barely noticed him because she was too busy getting her "youth" back. This resulted in him bumping into Riley and falling in love all over again. They made an agreement, finished school and bought a house together in New Zealand.

- Family
- Riley

Family Tree


Dervish Green
Birthdate: 5th November 1981 (deceased)
Occupation: Death eater
Blood type: Half blood
School: Hogwarts Scotland
House: Slytherin

Samaire Green
Birthdate: 28th July 1983
Occupation: Unspeakable
Blood type: Half blood
School: Hogwarts Scotland
House: Slytherin​

Dervish Green Jr.
Birthdate: 1st September 2001
Occupation: Librarian / Death eater
Blood type: Half blood
School: Hogwarts Scotland
House: Slytherin​

Woody Green
Birthdate: 12th December 2005
Occupation: Brotherhood
Blood type: Half blood
School: Hogwarts Scotland
House: Slytherin​

David Green
Birthdate: 12th December 2005
Occupation: Architect
Blood type: Half blood
School: Hogwarts Scotland
House: Slytherin

Steven Green
Birthdate: 8th February 2008
Occupation: Unoccupied
Blood type: Half blood
School: Hogwarts Scotland
House: Slytherin​

Nick Green
Birthdate: 30th April 2011
Occupation: School
Blood type: Half blood
School: Hogwarts Scotland
House: Slytherin​

Angelica "Lily" Green
Birthdate: 2nd June 2013
Occupation: School
Blood type: Half blood
School: Hogwarts New Zealand
House: Slytherin​


Bellatrix and Rosalinda Green
Birthdate: 18th October 2023
Occupation: N/A
Blood type: Half blood
School: N/A
House: N/A


Walnut Wand 14 1/2" Essence of Vampire Blood
This wand is just the perfect wand for hexes, jinxes and curses and it works a treat for doing defensive magic. It's a good wand also for simple and easy tasks, however you will find it's weakness in controlling it's power - Vampiric Blood is known to become very powerful and spells may become to strong, and you won't expect what will come out of it's tip.

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