Jeremy Thorne

Jeremy Thorne

Emergency Dept Healer | Hattie's Dad
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Full Name: Jeremy Patrick Thorne
Date of Birth: August 15, 2013
Current Age:10 1/2
Basic Appearance: He is about 5 feet tall and has an athletic build, brown hair and blue eyes.

Alexander Thomas Thorne (father)- Born in 1986 of mixed blood descent. Alexander grew up well off, but learned the value of hard work because his parents refused to give him anything without him working for it. He attended Salem Institute and graduated as Headboy. After graduating, Alexander joined the American Ministry where he works as an auror. He met his wife when they both were prefects in the school. Alexander is hard on his two children, even though he rarely sees them due to his job. He is always expecting the children, especially his son, to live up to the rigid standards he has set.

Rebekah Thorne (mother)- Born in 1988 to muggles, Rebekah's family was only a bit surprised to find that she had magical powers. There had always been stories within her family of a great-great someone or other who had been magical. She attended Salem Institute where she excelled in Muggle Studies and History of Magic. She was a prefect and graduated near the top of her class. After graduating, Rebekah joined the Ministry where her then- boyfriend, Alexander worked. She currrently works in the Department of Magical Law and is rarely home to spend time with her children.

Alana Denise Thorne (sister)- Born in 2010. It was to no one's surprise when Alana was accepted into Salem Institute. What was a surprise was their parent's desire for their daughter to go to a school out of the country. Alana attends Hogwarts Scotland, and was sorted into Ravenclaw house. This was no surprise to anyone as she can often be found reading and studying. Alana takes life a bit too seriously and finds it hard to relate to her little brother who is a lot more carefree and less into school than everyone else in the family.

Pets: Jeremy had a dog named Drago but it died a year ago and he hasn't had the heart to replace his beloved pet.

Area of Residence: Jeremy was born and raised in Bangor, Maine

Blood Status: Mixed blood. His mother is Muggleborn and his father is Mixed Blood

Heritage: His mother is Italian-American and his father was raised in America but his family is British, so that makes Jeremy 1/2 Italian, 1/2 British with some American in there, I suppose.

Special Abilities: None that he knows of.

Interests or Hobbies: Jeremy is learning to play the bass now. He also is a pretty good wizard chess player.

Additional Skills: To be determined

Strengths: He's pretty smart and he also knows how to work hard, though he does try to avoid doing so.
Weaknesses: Jeremy expects things to come easily to him, so when he isn't good at something, it makes him very angry. He also tries hard to obtain his father's approval and is willing to do whatever it takes to try and be the best. Jeremy is also an underachiever and tries to find the easiest way possible to get the best result possible.

Describe your character in three words: Determined, Curious, and Calculating
Favourite place to be: In his backyard in the treehouse he made when his dad was on vacation

Friends: Jeremy doesn't have any. The children were homeschooled because their parents thought that the muggle schools around their home did not offer enough of a challenge for their children.

Hogwarts House: All Jeremy knows is that he doesn't want to be in Ravenclaw. That is the house his sister is in and he is tired of being compared to her. He is ready to stand out as his own person and hopes to do that in whatever house he is in.

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions: Jeremy wants to learn a lot so that when he sees his parents, he can show them all he knows and finally make them proud of him. He doesn't think he's ever had their full appreciation. Other than that, Jeremy wants to make a few friends and leave the school with honors.

Best school subjects: Doesn't know yet. He does have a good memory though, so perhaps he'll excel at History of Magic.

Worst school subjects: Probably anything having to do with numbers. He was a terrible math student.

Extracurricular Activities: He knows how to play Quidditch so perhaps he'll try out for his house team one day.
Plans for your future: Probably an auror like his dad.

Your Boggart: A mouse. When he was a kid, one raced over his foot on the way out of his house and since then, Jeremy has had an incredible fear of them.

Your Patronus: A crocodile. They are more dangerous when you don't see them than when you do. If Jeremy considers someone a friend, it would be a good thing as he would probably help them along. If he thinks they are a threat to him in some way though, he would probably try getting them in trouble so he can get ahead.

Patronus memory: Finding out that he was accepted into Hogwarts New Zealand and getting away from his family. He hardly spends time with them, so leaving will be quite easy.

Mirror of Erised: Jeremy giving the headboy speech at graduation while his family and the entire school watched.
Hello Jeremy! I’m here to help you develop your character a bit with a few questions.
You can answer them IC or OOC, if you want :)

- How does Jeremy feel about his mother not seeing them often due to work?
- What sort of extra curricular activities would Jeremy be interested in? Clubs, sports?
- What sort of friends do you think he would get on with the most?
- How is Jeremy coping now that he in Ravenclaw, the house he did not want to be in?
- Does Jeremy have any specific careers in mind after leaving Hogwarts?
- Now that he is settled into Hogwarts, has he found any favourite subjects?

That should do to be getting on with ^_^ Have fun.

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