- Messages
- 714
- OOC First Name
- Emzies
- Blood Status
- Muggleborn
- Relationship Status
- It's Complicated
- Wand
- Knotted 13" Sturdy Yew Wand with Mermaid Scale Core
- Age
- 11/2030 (31)
These times will try hard to define me ,
I'll try to hold my head up high ,
Say Hello to
Jerara Jarli Tapsell!
I have this feeling in my gut now ,
I don't know what it is I'll find ,
These times will try hard to define me ,
I'll try to hold my head up high ,

Say Hello to
Jerara Jarli Tapsell!
I have this feeling in my gut now ,
I don't know what it is I'll find ,
Jerara Jarli Tapsell
Jerara- Waterfall, cascade
Jarli - Barn Owl
Tapsell - The origin and meaning of this name is quite clear, it is a patronymic and means 'the son of Tapp' with 'Taeppa' being an old English personal name meaning 'top' - as in 'chief' or possibly one who lived at the top
Being the first born to his family the pressure of picking the right name for him really resided with his parents, and eventually they settled on Jerara only after he was born, for about a week Jerara was nameless, his parents could hardly decide and they went through a multitude of names until they settled on it. To them it was the perfect name for him, it just sat right, it had been the name of his fathers great grandfather and though Jeraras father hadnt really wanted to name his son after someone else in the family, or reuse a name, but the name suited and once it was said out loud with Jerara in the arms of his mother it just made sense. His middle name was a far less complex decision, both of his parents had wanted to give him a middle name, and once the first name had been chosen his mother felt rather keen on the name Jarli, she had at the time believed that Jerara would be her only child and therefore gave it that name. The surname was not the original name of the family, but numerous generations back one of the men within his family decided to change it, to fit in better with the society they had found themselves having to live amongst, he picked the name at random and it has stuck. Jerara finds his name being fine, he likes his first name, and he likes his surname, he has no real problems with what he is called.
With the simplicity of his name it has never really suited Jerara to have a nickname, some of his muggle school friends would shorten it to Jera but that was about it, it never really stuck and was only occasionally thrown into sentences. His mother does occasionally refer to him as Jarli, mostly just using it as a pet name, but aside from that he doesnt really have nicknames, not one often used or commonly known by people around him, he has never much cared about it and doesnt mind not having one. He is rather proud of his name and doesnt think anything else would ever suit him quite as well as his name does.
He is currently thirteen years old.
Jerara was born on the 28th of November 2030, he was the first son of his parents and born in the early hours of the 28th, it was a rather tricky birth, his mother had been in labour for over nineteen hours when Jerara finally arrived. He was a healthy weight for a baby, though seemingly a little on the small size. He was a rather quiet baby when he was first born which contrasts to all of his brothers.
Being only young, Jerara is only a student
Keon Tapsell Jr. Born and raised in Darwin, Australia. Muggle. Community helper, visits school to help teach about aboriginal culture. He also works part time in a legal office, he is not a lawyer but he does a lot of administrative work for the firm as well as doing the occasionally bout of research for causes. All the lawyers in the office deal with cases to do with human rights. He briefly attended university before deciding it wasn't right for him. He is exceedingly proud, and a firm father, he doesn't like when his sons lie to him or when they don't own up to mistakes. He is works with very firm principles and he'll never accept anything less than what he wants. He doesn't understand why Jerara has magic but he is incredible proud of him.
Nerida Tapsell, born and raised in Darwin, Australia. Muggle, nursery teacher. Nerida has always loved children and specifically babies, she loves looking after them and she loves having babies. She was very excited when she was first pregnant with Jerara and she absolutely douted on him during the first few years of his life, up until she grew a little bored when he started going to school, and luckily at this time she was pregnant with her second son, and this made her realise that she really preferred babies to children and got bored as they got older and needed her less. She does love all of her children dearly she just finds it easier to spend time and look after the youngest baby of the family.
Jerara has three younger brothers;
Narrah Tapsell, born in March 2035, and showing no signs of magic.
Balun Tapsell, born in December 2038, and showing no signs of magic
Adoni Tapsell, born in June 2041, and is too young to be showing any signs of magic.
Kaih Tapsell, born May 2044, too young to show signs of magic
Koa Tapsell, born May 2046, too young to show signs of magic
Orana Tapsell, born September 2048, too young to show signs of magic
Jerara has aunts, uncles and cousins.
A barn owl, which his father bought his as a present for school and as a reference to his middle name, he does really love the owl, which he named Charlie, and thinks of it as his companion into the magical world, the fact it can and does carry mail, he loves his pet, he thinks its incredible that he now has a pet that he can call his own.
Jerara is new to the magical world, he has not yet spent enough time in it to really realise his status within it, or the issues that the magical world has about blood statuses. He is fairly used to occasionally being treated pretty terribly by those who imagine themselves better than him because of skin colour, and therefore hell always be very proud of who he is, regardless of its about being muggleborn or being aborgine. Hes very confused about this new magical world that hes in and it separates him from his family but hell never shy away from what he is to those within the magical world. Jerara will not think it should matter as to what a blood status a person has, to him itll always be a pointless, fruitless endeavour which doesnt help any part of society.
Darwin, Australia
Darwin, Australia
Given that he has lived in the same place, the same house for all of his life, he very much loves the area in which he lives, he loves the weather, he loves the feel of the place, he has friends within it, its completely home to him, and theres little about it that he would change. Hes always enjoyed living in it, and whenever hes having a rough day, hell go for a walk, theres always something new for him to see, or experience and hell follow adventure wherever it may lead him. He feels incredibly comfortable and at ease within it, which is different from any where else he has ever been, even if its just a few days.
FIRST HOME: The house which he lives in with his family is a modest home, he shares a bedroom with the brother immediately after him, Narrah, and they share a spacious room. It can get heated between them occasionally but they always in the end settle the issues. He loves the house they live in, its not the fanciest place, but it has a garden and it has enough space, its exactly what hes known all his life and he really enjoys it and the feel that it has.
Jerara has recently decided that he's very likely straight, he finds boys nice and that they can be pretty but he certain has had crushes and feelings of attractions towards girls far more
Taken - he is currently seeing Eleanor Hope
Currently Jerara has two crushes, he really likes the girl he met at the yuleball one year, Eleanor Hope, thinking her to be a rather fantastic person and Beaubelle Waldgrave, who is a quiet person from his year. He likes them both, but knows that's a silly thing.
To Eleanor Hope
Not happened
Too young
Too young
I'm waiting for an answer ,
I don't know that I'll get
I'm waiting for an answer ,
I don't know that I'll get
Jerara has very dark brown almost black hair, he doesn't really do much with it, since he doesn't see the point in it, he lets his father decide when he needs it cut and tidied up but if Jerara had his way he would just let it be and let it grow out likely until he got annoyed at it. Despite him not caring too much about he does really like how his hair is, its thick and full. He likes its dark colour and he likes how sits. He will brush his hair but that's about all hell ever do with his hair. His little brother Adoni likes to put little clips in his hair when he spends time with him, but that's about all hell ever have.
Jerara would never, he just wouldn't. He doesn't care about people if they do, but he would never do it. To him it's just not the thing to do with hair, he likes his hair as is, and wouldn't do anything to change it especially not to make it a different colour.
Much like the rest of his family, Jerara has dark brown eyes, hes always liked his eyes, hes just always liked how they looked and though hes heard people in his old primary school talk about how boring it is to have brown eyes he's never seen it that way, rather he has always liked the dark brown colour that he shares with his family, they suit him a lot. Jerara is really satisfied with his appearance, he likes how he looks. Especially his eyes and hair, his father has always raised him to firmly believe in himself and in a way that is just that element of confidence and pride that his father instilled to him coming through.
Jerara does not have any scars or birthmarks, despite being quite clumsy he never falls bad enough to get scars and therefore has always remained scar free. He has always been quite happy to be birth mark free for no real reason ther than he does. He sees the odd scars that his father has and often wonders if it is better to have scars to show lessons learned or to have none and give the idea of never having taken any risks.
Since he was an active child, he had a slim build, he is of average heig for someone of his age and weighs no more or no less than he should. He has a slightly thin face but it isn't anything too bad or that takes away from his overall appearance. His father is quite tall so it is sure that as he grows up that hell grow to be quite tall and Jerara has always eaten well so he imagines that if he keeps that up hell always remain quite slim.
B (-ve)
Jerara had a blood test taken when he was quite young and it was from overhearing the conversation that his father had with the doctor that he heard what his blood type was, this was up until he was magic the only definition or description of his blood that he ever thought he might need and he doubted really that it would be of that much use to him. He has never needed to know it, but he learned it and it just wasn't something he just forgot. He became very curious about what it meant, and did a little reading on the matter. Asked his primary teacher at the time about it.
Right handed.
Jerara had been curious about why he wrote with his right hand since the kid who sat next to him in class was left handed, he asked his teacher a lot about it and then asked his family about how they write just to see why he mightve picked his right hand or why it was just the dominant hand, he wasn't really able to get an answer other than both his parents were also like him right handed so it had to be a genetic thing. He definitely enjoyed finding about why he was right handed more so than actually being right handed, he doesn't care too much about what hand he can write with he only really cared about the why.
Being born and raised in Australia, Jerara has a thick Australian accent, his voice dropped a little after he turned eleven so it has less of the high pitched squeakiness that his voice used to have, but he definitely has a think Australian accent. He was always surrounded by others like him with similar sounding accents, so he never thought anything of it. He's never had issues with it, and expects to have none when he goes to New Zealand.
Jerara can only speak English, he never did any other languages in school and never really cared much for languages, he likes finding out the origins of words but he's not so interested in learning a whole new language. He's always managed to get by with English and looking up where words come from to him is definitely more interesting than a new language. That being said he always thinks it's incredible when people can speak more than one language, he is always asking questions, trying to find out more about how it works but that is really the length of his interest with languages other than English.
He has a very mild allergy to peanuts, it is the only thing he is allergic to, but the reaction he has if he eats them if not as bad as it was when he was a young child. He isn't bothered about having this allergy he doesn't eat them and finds them pretty easy to avoid.
Given where he lives and the sort of temperatures that he experiences, his wardrobe and therefore style can be summed up pretty easily as summery. He likes t-shirts and shorts, he likes comfortable, but fitting clothing, a lot of what he owns is brand new and gets passed down to his brothers. He isnt one for labels but can be called quite trendy. He doesnt own too many clothes but he makes good use of them, and doesnt seem the harm in wearing clothes more than once, or wearing them until they really become too small, or just are no longer likely. He has a very relaxed style, he isnt too sure about what might await him in the cold of New Zealand.
Hunter Page-Lochard
I know there's a reason ,
I just keep hoping it wont be long til I see it ,
I know there's a reason ,
I just keep hoping it wont be long til I see it ,
Jerara likes Australia, he likes his upbringing and the stories about his ancestors. He likes going out into the countryside of northern australia and enjoying the peace and the wildlife. He loves the sun, beaches, warm weather, he loves the outdoors and he likes going for long walks. Jerara loves experiments and gaming, he loves being able to prove something and do something. He loves bonfires and fireworks. He likes occasionally being alone as much as he enjoys having friends. Jerara like being magical, and he likes energy drinks that make him feel exceedingly hyperactive. He likes going climbing and is probably the only kind of sporty thing that he does. He likes asking questions and getting answers to them.
Above all other things Jerara hates cold weather, he hasnt ever really been able to deal with it, not well, and he finds it incredibly hard to deal with anything lower that what hes used to. Jerara doesnt like bullies but he has come across a lot of them in his life. He is often faced with them in his primary school and though he doesnt like there actions he doesnt fight back either. Jerara doesnt like being weak, and though hes an energetic and active person, he is sometimes clumsy, and hes quite nervous in situations. Jerara doesnt like subject that dont involve some form of proof, that he cant see the evidence for. He doesnt like not having his phone in the magical world. He doesnt like snow or lots of rain. He doesnt like snakes, and he doesnt like quills.
Since he is muggle born, and his life has just completely changed, his current goal is to just learn all that he can about the magical world, about magic in general, he just cant wait to be able to just enjoy this world. And his goal is to learn all and everything that he can about it.
Prior to magic as much as Jerara can find his family frustrating, he would very much see them dead or hurt and he would have the inability to help them, but following having magic his boggart would definitely be himself losing the magic that he has, he has only had it for a short time, but already all hes learned about this magical world make him never want to leave it ever. He just doesnt want to have to ever think about nothing having the magic. So it would definitely be what he sees when faced with a boggart.
Likely Jeraras patronus would be a wombat.
Becoming a wizard is definitely Jeraras strongest and happiest memory, he cant really imagine now what his life would be like not being so, he loves every second of it. He was just back from school when he saw the school administrator sitting with his father in the living room of his house with the letter in hand. To him after reading that and hearing the information from the man telling them about magic he was elated, this was such an incredible thing to happen to him. He felt amazed but hardly surprised since it finally gave a reason for why ever so often Jerara managed to do things that couldnt be explained. He is so eager and happy to have this ability and cant wait until hes able to continue it and learn more. He had never felt so elated and over the moon in his life. He didnt know what it would bring, but it was a new and incredible world that had just opened up to him.
When his younger brother Balun was born, Jerara was pretty annoyed, he was only eight at the time and couldnt understand why his mother kept having more children and specifically more sons, he had noticed when his other brother Narrah was born that his mothers attention jumped from Jerara to him and now it was going to jump to the new baby, he got really upset about it in his primary class and one of the other boys started calling him incredible terrible names, as well as his applying them to his mother as well, these were racist slurs that Jerara had never encountered before and it just left him crying for hours. He felt so angry and hurt at his mother for having another child, and he couldnt understand why the boy in his class would say such things to him. It just always stuck in his head as a truly awful day, he just didnt understand why he and Narrah werent enough for her, and he definitely didnt enjoy the use of such hateful terms.
Jerara is close to his family, thats a fact, but he feels very overwhelmed by them, he has three younger brothers all of different ages and his mother is the type that doesnt seem to want to stop having children. So, he would definitely admit that for him, being magical is getting him out of being around them, and hes happy about it. Which is definitely not something he would say out loud or to his family, his father has always been very strong with ideal of sticking to ones family.
Jerara would see himself as an incredibly powerful wizard. He would see his magic be the strongest it could be, he would be sure of himself and who he is and he would be powerful, capable of doing anything. He doesnt yet know the limitation of his magic but his desire is to be all powerful, to know all he can and use it to the best of his abilities.
Jerara has always loved the smell of cooking, it doesnt really matter what it is he has always loved the smell of a kitchen thats in the process of making something. He loves the smell of a roaring fire, he thinks both the combination of smell and sight of it is perfect. Its just amazing to him. Hes always enjoyed the way that spices smell when they are fresh, hes always loved the smell of chocolate.
Jerara has always looked up to his father to a degree, enough that he would say it to be so. His father is a very passionate and driven man, he is firm in his view point and is not often swayed by others. Hes always keen to help people within their community and has a bravery to stand up to whomever crosses his path in the wrong way. Jerara has always enjoyed watching his father at work and wondered if it would be better for him to just be like him.
Being Aboriginal he never subscribed really to the supposed christian god, though he learned about it and others in muggle primary school, he was raised more on the stories of his familys origin and the history that comes from where his family originated from. Largely passed down through generations just by spoken mouth. He has a huge respect and admiration for the stories of the warriors and the spirits hes learned about, and though he doesnt entire believe some of the elements of the stories hes been told hell always enjoy them. Hes never really believed in any supernatural thing until he found out he was magic and it kind of ripped the logical science side of him that needed to see to believe out from under him. He doesnt believe really in a higher power, but he is now more skeptical about his own beliefs that elements in the stories he learned about as a child were false.
Ruled by the benefic planet Jupiter, Sagittarians possess a natural exuberance, sense of adventure and love of life that makes them one of the most optimistic zodiac signs of all. Like their astrological symbol - the Archer - Sagittarians are renowned for aiming their sights towards whatever it is they find alluring - a love partner, dream job, vacation - and making it their own. They believe that anything is possible - and because of this belief system, Sagittarians are adept at seeking out their very own pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. But sometimes trying to tie down these free-spirited individuals is frustrating for those around them. Sagittarians are happiest on the move - exploring new cultures and ideas and many are attracted to occupations related to travel, the media, outdoor work and philosophical pursuits. In love, their catch-cry is "don't fence me in". But once they find a partner who understands their need to retain their own sense of self and identity, Sagittarians can be the most big-hearted, generous and fun-loving companions of all. Full of enthusiasm and given to grand ideas, often with little attention to detail, they can be a little slapdash, with a near enough is good enough attitude, however they are able to see the overview of things and leave the details to others. If they have a life lesson to learn it is probably one of restraint.
Jerara is a quiet person, hes adored by his family and he loves them as much. Hes a very curious boy, always the type to silently watch and occasionally ask questions. Hell often go for walks on his own if he ever feels overwhelmed. Hes a very nervous person when presented with a situation that he isnt entirely used to or know very well. Jerara occasionally feels out of place, he doesnt quite understand where he belongings and this is made worse by him being magic. Jerara is a friendly enough person, hell speak to others when he wants to and is exceedingly excitable about things. He loves music, he thinks of it definitely as one of his biggest passions in life. He is a very active child, and really not often caught doing nothing, whether it even be within class, where if his interest isnt caught hell be tapping on the table or just speak to someone beside him. Jerara can sometimes be a little awkward and clumsy. He is eager to learn, and likes doing things where he can see a result. This is why in muggle school he always liked the sciences over things that were more theoretical like english. Hes got a bit of an adventurous spirit thatll grow as he becomes more comfortable in a situation. Jerara is not that outspoken, and he will never fight back against people. Hes far more likely to run.