Jennifer "Mariposa" Faith Toviniski

Mariposa Toviniski

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name

"Oh you think I'm crazy, you think I'm wrong
So what if I'm crazy? The best people are."

my friends don't walk they run

REAL NAME: Jennifer Faith Toviniki

NICKNAMES: Mariposa, Babochka (butterfly in Russian), Posie

KNOWN ALIASES: Mariposa (Her circus name)

AGE: 23

D.O.B.: July 1st, 2023


ALLEGIANCE: Though Mariposa doesn't follow Scitorari or Ministry, she woul say she has an allegiance. That is to La Gande Tour Circa; the circus she has worked in since she was 16 years of age.

ORIENTATION: Presumably Heterosexual - however she has not been with man nor woman.

Contortionist, and high flyer in training.

popping popping balloons with guns
BLOOD STATUS: Mariposa thinks her father was probably a wizard, but she's never met him as her mother said he was a bad man and couldn't see his children. For that reason her blood status is "unknown" though she tells everyone she is a mixed blood, as it's easier than feeing them a long story about her invisible daddy.

SCHOOL: Mariposa attended Hogwarts Scotland

GRADUATION: Mariposa was not a model student, and was expelled when she turned 16 for getting into a huge fight with more than one students. Since her expulsion and wand breaking she hasn't used magic, and instead prefers to avoid it in general.</SIZE>
i'm nuts, baby i'm mad
HAIR COLOR: Mariposa's hair is often described as dirty or strawberry blonde, however she loves to dye it a multitude of colors. Being that her act in the circus includes her being dressed as a fairy (and if it hadn't the poor girl would never have joined) her hair often holds immense amounts of glitter. Currently her hair has streaks of pink that shimmers, along with gold underneath as a "peek-a-boo". She's had it a plethora of colors, sometimes dyed magically to give her more of a fairy look.

EYE COLOR: Mariposa thinks her eyes are uninteresting, and often complains that the blue color isn't the right color eyes for her. The poor girl loves her lashes, and the shape - but if the color were more exotic she'd be happier. She now often wears contacts to match her hair at the time. Currently her obsession is a pair of pink contacts that appear to have glitter in them. She wears them even outside her act, always loving that wherever she goes she can look like her nickname Babochka.

HEIGHT: 4'10"

BODY TYPE: Petite, slender


GENERAL DESCRIPTION: When people set eyes on Mariposa it is obvious to them that not only does she physically look younger, her personality projects younger. It seems often times that she is a child in a woman's skin. Her demeanor and the way that she dresses puts forth that she might just believe she is a fairy, though Mariposa knows she is not. Around the circus she often wears her wings and the dresses she would wear for her contortionist acts, however if she is out and about the wizarding world during travels, she typically dresses in denim and tank-tops.

As far as anything past her clothing, Mariposa's size denotes that both her parents must have been short. Being under five foot makes her the butt of the joke occasionally, but she doesn't mind. She is feisty and can back up her petite frame and short height with quite a bit of fight. Regardless she often comes across as cute rather than angry, and even with her scowling face she is still viewed as little and harmless.


you think i'm psycho, you think i'm gone

LIKES/LOVES: Fairies, pink, glitter, her circus family, preforming, being told she is talented/pretty/etc.

DISLIKES/HATES:Clowns ironically enough, The way wool feels on her skin, the sound of chalk on a chalkboard, markers squeaking on a white board, Scotland (as she was expelled from school there), and being told she can't wear glitter/fairy wings/etc.

STRENGTHS: Ability to contort her body, very strong upper arms, ability to almost always stay positive.

WEAKNESSES: Rather naive for the world, runs out of breath quickly, cannot reach high things.

SPECIAL SKILLS: She is a contortionist, and she considers that a skill. She's been training for trapeze work as well, but isn't sure she'll be good enough for show. Mariposa also has a knack for being able to lie rather well, and has done so for the seven years of being in the circus - very few knowing much about her life before hand other than her broken wand and that she is a runaway.

QUIRKS: Mariposa likes to have glitter on everything, and often times has a pouch of "fairy dust" attached to her to use to throw glitter on the guests during her performance. If someone frustrates her, rather than shouting she tends to tug at her hair while speaking - though never hard enough to rip it out. Posie is extremely innocent to the ways of the world, and often says things that come out wrong - whether she means them or not is often up to others to determine.

GOALS/DESIRES: Mariposa only wants to better her performances, and perhaps one day be a headlining act. She does not think it wil ever happen for her - but it would be a dream cone true.

FEARS: Falling while doing a trapeze act, hurting herself and being unable to contort anymore, people knowing more about her than she'd like (as in her secrets and such), suddenly growing like Alice in Wonderland and being unable to fit in the boxes and other small spaces.

SECRETS: Mariposa is full of secrets, such as why her wand was broken (she was defending her family), What her real first name is (Jennifer) and that she does know her father, though he is more than scum in her opinion.

HAMARTIA: Mariposa has a strong belief that she needs to stay childish, as adults are monsters. While it is true that she herself is of an age that would be considered an adult, along with many of her friends, she often believes that they are children like she is. She never wants to be a monster like she things her father was, or like any adults are in her opinion. This unfortunately keeps her under rose tinted glasses, and causes her to believe that anyone who is a self-proclaimed child at heart is a good person, when they may not be.

BASIC PERSONALITY: Mariposa could be described as sweet, caring, and a bit of a hopless romantic. Often she is mischiveous, such as taking her circus-mate's items and hiding them all over the circus. She doesn't mean to make trouble, she only likes to play games - sometimes forgetting to invite others to play first. Posie is rather innocent when it comes to certain adult topics, though leads people to believe she is more innocent that she truly is. Mariposa believes in love at first sight and soul mates, and while she refuses to give away her innocence to anyone but the man she believes will marry her, she still finds no harm in flirting or insinuations. The petite woman often says things in hopes that someone will interpret it one way, inappropriately, while others would not.

Posie is also a child at heart, and truly believes that one should never grow up. Being that her mother didn't treat her right, and when she sought out her father she was gravely disappointed, she firmly believes that once someone becomes an adult they become these sort of monsters. She avoids any adult activity she can, though doesn't view falling in love as one, as two who are children at heart can love and not become those things people call adults.

oh off the bend, entirely bonkers
FATHER: Mariposa's father's first name is Agafya, a traditionally female Russian name. He is someone who was not in Mariposa's life until she ran away. However finding out that he was not only abusive of Alcohol, but also of the other woman he was with, she left him alone and decided to join the circus - as her family seemed quite scummy.

MOTHER: Akilina was the parent whom raised Mariposa and her brother. The woman was kind enough, and fed them what she could afford. It seemed though, that Lina enjoyed spending her time and money on expensive dates, often claiming to be looking for "Mr. Right". This left a lasting impression on her daughter, most likely causing her to believe that she would know Mr. Right when she saw him and would not do anything with anyone until that point to avoid becoming her mother - who was a shell of a woman by the time Posie ran away.

BROTHER(S): Mariposa had one younger brother, and she believes that he is the blessing that caused her to be expelled. At first she thought it was a curse, but since running away, she knows that she'd have never gotten to where she is had she not defended him and gotten into a nasty duel - causing them to break her wand.She often misses her brother but will admit no such thing to anyone except Robin.

SISTER(S):None, unless counting her circus sisters.


CHILDREN:None yet, but Posie would love to have a few fairy-lings running around.

OTHER FAMILY MEMBERS/IMPORTANT FIGURES: Being a part of Le Grande Circa Tour has given Mariposa more family than she could have ever imagined having. From her sisters, to the mother and father figure, to her group of misfits seemingly ran by Mitica, she has gained family from all over the globe.

PLACE OF BIRTH: St. Petersburg, Russia.

CURRENT RESIDENCE: She is a rolling stone, in lack of better terms. The circus keeps her moving about after all.

BIOGRAPHY: Mariposa was originally born as Jennifer Faith Toviniski. Her mother chose the name Jennifer as she was rather obsessed iwth Western Culture, which was spreading rapidly through St Petersberg at the time - whether through good or bad gossip. Posie did not mind the name growing up, however her obsession with Fairy's and glitter started at the age of five. Her mother of course thought it was a phase, and that once her daughter learned about other magical beings it would fade. However as she got older it was obvious that that obsession stuck with her. At the age of seven, before heading off to any magical school, she discovered her favorite fairy in a children's movie, and possibly where her obsession with what she considers her name now. It was a Barbie movie that had come out a few years before she was born. Of course Posie knew it wasn't real, but it made her think of herself the same way - as she had much in common with the main character. Around the time she asked her mother to call her Mariposa is when things seemed to change.

Of course Posie's younger brother was okay with calling her by a cutesy nickname as such, as he looked up to his bigger sister - however he wasn't dumb enough to use it around her mother, who claimed she was ungrateful for not liking the name given to her. It was never her little brother's fault of course, though the petite blonde couldn't find reason to hate him. She often instead hated her mother, who would have her clean as punishment for having such silly thoughts in her head. In fact, to this day Mariposa finds her fingers are slightly discolored, from not wearing gloves whilst cleaning; causing bleach to affect her skin. Regardless the blonde never resented her brother, feeling that he was just a child and had no control over what their horrid mother did. Some nights she would dream of staying with her father instead, thinking the grass must be greener.

Years of cleaning and being yelled at finally lead to schooling, and Mariposa chose to attend Hogwarts Scotland, as it was closest to her location in Russia. She was sorted into Hufflepuff, and her mother and father - whom had sent her a letter - couldn't seem more proud. Things never seemed quite whole for the girl, she had some friends but was never involved in anything particularly exciting. Her younger brother started school when she was in her third year, and she'd never been more overjoyed by it. She and her brother now in the same house, were nearly inseparable. He only had one other friend, a boy by a name she no longer remembers - that's when the rumors started.

First they were outlandishly accusing their brother-sister relationship to be creepy. Then it continued on to her brother being gay. The two of them put up with it and ignored it, Mariposa not affected by it in the slightest. She assumed her brother was the same - until one day at the start of her sixth year she found him crying alone at night. Seeing someone she loved so deeply in tears caused a certain nerve to snap, and with curses on her tongue she took down three students before a professor got to her. She was expelled within the week - and her wand broken. It was considered inhumane that she attacked so many of them repeatedly. She was sent home, and her mother was more than disappointed - never letting up on berating her for making such a stupid mistake. Telling her if her brother couldn't handle himself it was his problem and not hers. That night she ran away - she was going to go live with her dad she was convinced.

She arrived at her father's house within a few days, the other side of Russia. However the young woman was more than disappointed to see his hovel of a home. Poorly lit, molded walls welcomed her much like the arms of his woman who insisted she call her mom. Her time at that hose was short lived. Her abusive, alcoholic father was never given the chance to lay hands on her - and she put out a call to authorities in hopes to say his girlfriend from him as well. She wasn't sure where she was going to go next, however whilst walking she was more than surprised to be struck by a flyer for a circus.

All Mariposa's life she'd been abnormally flexible, always joked at that she was a circus freak. With the money she could muster she made her way to the circus to become a "circus freak". Her rather stretchy limbs and petite figure assured her a position as the only contortionist. She was quickly shown around, first to a man named Emmanuel, whom was quite kind. Later in life he would be her first kiss - something she thought she would save for her future lover. Now for seven years she has worked for the circus, keeping her true past to herself - Robin being the only one who knew that she'd come from a rather tattered home.


<SIZE size="50"><SIZE size="50">tell you a secret i'm not alarmed


AGE: 19

EXPERIENCE: About seven years now?

CONTACT:email or skype really! i don't bite! PM me here or at nicky_novacain :D

Do not remove quotes

all the best people are crazy


[size0]this template was made by CLM[/size] aka CuteLikeMurder of CAUTION 2.0!
LYRICS: “Mad Hatter” by Melanie Martinez
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Catrina Puera- Mariposa was the person to bring Caity to the circus, and has never looked back. Posie believes Caity is a great friend, and an amazing preformer, however there is still much she doens't know about Caity and wishes to learn.

Elias Milonas-

Esperanza Anarachi- Esperanza came shortly after Esperanza did, a few years maybe. While Esper was not the most kind to Posie, the two still do have a lot of connections. Posie wants to know more about her past, and Esperanza seems to have been everywhere and learned everything. She is worldly in Posie's eyes and Mariposa loves that.

Felix Overton-

Mihai Lovari-

Nadia Mosvakov-

Oswald Runners- Oswald enjoys Mariposa's company, but the glitter can be too much for the man. The blonde has a habit of bringing it into his tent, and Oz has yelled at her more than once for such.

Ponciana Brewster-

Querida Palmeiro-

Robin Lichester-Raven-

Stefan Mosvakov- Stefan was the first person that Mariposa greeted other than the owners of La Grande. upon seeing a man so tall the woman climbed a top him, and he walked her to the big top. Stefan is one of two members at La Grande who knows her real name. The man has become a protector, and one of the few people allowed to call her Babochka.

Urian Wilder-

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