
Jeanne Le Doare

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OOC First Name
Knotted 10 1/2 Inch Flexible Chestnut Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
Full Name:
- Jeanne Le Doaré
Jeanne is an old French name, it is pronounced kind of like "jam" with a long "n" instead of the "m" (more accurately, the 1st syllable is pronounced like the "jà" in "déjà vu"),
Le Doaré is a common last name in Brittany (North-West of France)

Date of Birth:
- February 9, 2025

Current Age:
- 11

Blood Status:
- Half-blood

Basic Appearance:
- Jeanne has brown hair and brown eyes, pale skin, she is skinny and a little short for her age.

- Jeanne is the quiet kind, she hardly ever gets herself in trouble. She is pretty shy and lacks self-confidence which makes it difficult for her to speak in front of a crowd but she has always managed to make friends.

- Jeanne's mother is a university professor in plant biology, she found a new position at the University of Wellington which is why the whole family moved from France to New Zealand.
-Jeanne's father stopped working to take care of his children when the youngest was born. Now that they are all in school, he is studying to become a primary school teacher.
- Jeanne has 2 little brothers: Jonathan (6) and Jérémie (3), they spend a lot of time playing together, but like all big sisters in the world, Jeanne finds her younger siblings sometimes annoying.

Jeanne's father is magical, but her mother isn't. They live their life pretty much like muggles. They don't have magical acquaintances except for his family, so they think it is easier not to use magic at all rather than having to hide it. Because of that, Jeanne doesn't know much about magic.

- Jeanne's family has a dog, and she is trying to convince her parents to get her a pet to bring to Hogwarts

Area of Residence:
- Jeanne was born in France, in Brittany, then moved to Tours when she was 6. Her family moved to New Zealand very recently.

Interests or Hobbies:
- Jeanne likes reading, spending time with her family, playing with friends. She loves animals, her dream is to one day own a horse.

Additional Skills:
- Jeanne's mother tongue is French but she's been attending a school in New Zealand since the beginning of the year and has additional english lessons so she is starting to be fluent in english.
- Jeanne is not really the athletic type, the only sport she enjoys is horseback riding. She's never ridden a broom an is a bit nervous about having to learn at Hogwarts.

- Jeanne is clever enough to do well in school without having to try very hard, she is also kind and patient.

- Besides being very shy and lacking confidence, Jeanne can be quite messy and a bit lazy.

Describe your character in three words:
- Shy, quiet, kind

Favourite place to be:
- Her grand-parents' house, an old farm in the woods.

- Jeanne misses her friends in France, she made a handful of friends this year at her muggle school but she hasn't got very close to them.

Hogwarts House:
- From what she has read, Jeanne feels like she isn't brave enough to belong in Gryffindor, she doesn't feel smart enough for Ravenclaw and might be too shy to be a Hufflepuff, but she is certain she doesn't belong in Slytherin.

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
- Mostly, Jeanne hopes to fit in, she hopes to make friends in her class. She is also excited to learn about magic, this part of her heritage she didn't have the chance to fully comprehend.
- Jeanne is pretty sure she won't be trying for the Quidditch team, she has never rode a broom and is a bit scare at the idea of flying. She might join some other club if she has the opportunity.

Best school subjects:
- Jeanne likes science, so she thinks she is going to be good at potions but she is mostly excited about the care of magical creatures lessons.

Worst school subjects:
- Jeanne probably won't be very good at flying. She is also worried about the charms and defence against the dark arts classes.

Extracurricular Activities:
- Jeanne takes horse riding lessons and is a bit sad she won't be able to continue at Hogwarts. She plays the flute and was part of the choir at her school in France.

Plans for your future:
- Jeanne doesn't really know what she wants to do when she grows up. She just hopes to find a job in a field she would be excited about.

Your Patronus:
- Jeanne's patronus could be a mouse because of its shy and discreet nature

Your Patronus memory:
- The day her family went to pick up their dog Vanille when she was just a puppy.

Your Boggart:
- Jeanne's boggart would probably be a member of her family in distress or a spider.

Mirror of Erised:
- Jeanne would probably see herself grow up, with her horse.

OOCOut of Character:
Thank you for reading this far! :D
I have a little trouble making a balanced character. I largely based Jeanne on my 11 years old self, but it is hard to remember how I felt then, and I don't want her to appear too "random".
I would love some feedback if you have the time
I think Jeanne is great but her description lacking a little bit of fun and smilleys. Only one smilley at the end, what a deception! :cry:

These wizard emoticons are so fun! :) :p :woot:

Me and my friend Herman von Hümpchmauck (dark-haired and sympatic guy) have decided to help you to get your character more fun, here are some suggestions:
- play jokari on the beach
- become blonde
- tell random proverbs to make believe people you are a spy
- make a secret place in a pyramid
- and of course become german!

Sincerely yours,

Möller :cool:
OOCOut of Character:
Hummm Dr Möller, I think I know your real identity... ;)
Thanks a lot for the feedback, I'll try to keep all of that in mind!
Say hi to Herman for me, and remember, when the cat keeps its tail straight, it's trusting you.

I wouldn't mind feedback a bit more constructive... ^_^

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