Jazzella Aerith Kennady

Jazzella Kennady

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Hayley (Main)
Sexual Orientation
Alder Wand 13 3/4" Essence of Dragon Heartstring

Full Name:
My full name is Jazzella Aerith Kennady, weird name I know but I like it

Date of Birth:
I was born on the 31 of October 2017. Yeah I was born on Halloween.

Current Age:

Basic Appearance:
I am proud of how I look and show it too. I have golden brown eyes and deep brown hair that falls to about mid back in soft waves most of the time as I sometimes straightens it depending on the occasion. my eyes have a definate softness to them or so I've been told. I have pale skin which contrasts nicely with my dark hair and eyes.

I like to dress up but also keeps it a little bit restrained. I have a girly style but mixed with rocker chic and a bit of punk or gothic inspiration. I like to wear high heels where possible as well as jewellery. I don't wear make up not yet any way

I am a bit controlling and tends to push my friends around. I am very independent and like to have things my own way. Even though I'm smart, I often don't think things through properly and that often gets me in trouble. I am brave, bordering on reckless apparently. I am confident in myself but have trouble with tact and what she says to others.

I have a fiery temper at times which along with my lack of tack tends to get me into fights. I love practical jokes. I', loyal to my family and close friends and will do anything to protect them, even if it means getting hurt myself. I'm not one to let myself be bullied or back down from a challenge. I hate all the idle gossip that some of other girls I know like as it can be hurtful. Behind all my tough girl act and bravery there is a very sweet and caring girl with a troubled past. I have a few insecurities and fears that originated from watching my mother's murder and believing that those I truly loves will end up the same way.

I am very outgoing and likes to be a bit loud. I like to show off what I have done and can seem a little arrogant at times. I always want to think I'm right even if I am not and tend to get into arguments about it. I don't like to admit I was wrong or made a mistake. I also don't like bullying and will stand up for others if I sees it.

Troy Nix (father, half blood, wand maker)
Evelyn Kennady(mother, muggle, deceased)
Diane Nix (step-mother, muggleborn, nurse)
Ryan Nix (Half-Brother, 17, Slytherin)
Jadelyn Kennady (twin Sister, 15)
Nadine Nix (Half-Sister, 9)

- Jazzella has a smallcat called Snowy who she saved and will be taken with her to Hogwarts

Area of Residence:
- Cambridge, New Zealand currently, but was born in Saint Loius Missouri and lived there until I was 7 and my family moved to New Zealand.

Blood Status:
- Mixed Blood

- American with some french roots

Special Abilities:
- n/a

Interests or Hobbies:
- I love music and sing and painting.

Additional Skills:

- Outgoing, Brave, Caring and Intelligent

- Stubborn, insecure at times and a bit temperamental

Describe your character in three words:
- Brave, Sweet, Haunted

Favourite place to be:
- Any where it is tranquill or with my family and friends

- My best friend is my twin sister, Jadelyn but I have quite a few muggle friends that I'll miss when I get to Hogwarts.

Hogwarts House:
- I'm sure I'll end up in Gryffindor but you never know. Ravenclaw would be great too.

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
- To be either Head girl or Quidditch

Best school subjects:
- I don't know maybe DADA or Potions

Worst school subjects:
- possibly Charms or Transfiguration

Extracurricular Activities:
- I'm thinking about Quidditch but I don't know


Current Job:

Plans for your future:
- I want to be a healer or a Auror

Your Patronus:
- I want it to be a kitten

Your Patronus memory:
- getting my hogwarts letter maybe. I've had a rough life.

Your Boggart:
- Losing another person I care for dearly

Your Animagus:
- A Whate Cat Like Snowy

Mirror of Erised:
- my mother standing behind me and hugging me. More her being alive.

A page from your diary:
I have a few questions for you, you can answer them IC or OOC if you like, or even both!

1. Does Jazzella appreciate her looks, or maybe even self conscious/arrogant?
2. Would you say that her style is basically unique?
3. How did Jazzella's mother die?
4. You sound like a brave Gryffindor, do you think she likes being in the house?
5. Does Jazzella miss Saint Louis at all and does she like New Zealand more or less?
6. Since she loves music and singing, would she join the Glee club in HNZ?
7. What kind of magical strengths does she have? Like in charms, hexes, jinxes?
8. She has a twin sister, however she isn't registered on HNZ, but if she was, what house do you think she would be in?
9. What position would she try out in for Quidditch?
10. Any reason why she would want to be an Auror or a Healer?
1) She appreciates her looks mainly since she looks very much like her mother did.
2) Yes, I'd say her style is unique to her
3) Her mother was murdered and Jazzella witnessed the whole thing.
4) She likes being in Gryffindor.
5) Jazzella misses Saint Louis, but she prefers living in New Zealand since there are too many sad memories back in Saint Louis.
6) She would definitely consider joining Glee Club
7) She is good with charms and defensive magic as well as potions.
8) Jadelyn would likely be a Ravenclaw as she is more into learning and using her intelligence.
9) Jazzella would try out as a chaser
10) She wants to be a healer because she wants to be able to help sick wizards and witches. She doesn't really have a reason why she would want to be an Auror.

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