Jasper Knight

Jasper Knight

Active Member
Straight 13 Inch Unyielding Walnut Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
Sky above me ,
Earth below me ,
Fire within me ,


Say Hello to
Jasper Knight!
When he awoke,
the world was on fire ,

Jasper James Knight

Jasper - The name Jasper is a Hebrew baby name. In Hebrew the meaning of the name Jasper is: Jewel.
James - The name James is a Shakespearean baby name. In Shakespearean the meaning of the name James is: King John' James Jurney, servant to Lady Faulconbridge. 'King Richard III' Sir James Tyrrel. 'King Richard III' Sir James Blount.
Knight - English: status name from Middle English knyghte ''knight'', Old English cniht ''boy'', ''youth'', ''serving lad''. This word was used as a personal name before the Norman Conquest, and the surname may in part reflect a survival of this. It is also possible that in a few cases it represents a survival of the Old English sense into Middle English, as an occupational name for a domestic servant. In most cases, however, it clearly comes from the more exalted sense that the word achieved in the Middle Ages. In the feudal system introduced by the Normans the word was applied at first to a tenant bound to serve his lord as a mounted soldier. Hence it came to denote a man of some substance, since maintaining horses and armour was an expensive business. As feudal obligations became increasingly converted to monetary payments, the term lost its precise significance and came to denote an honourable estate conferred by the king on men of noble birth who had served him well. Knights in this last sense normally belonged to ancient noble families with distinguished family names of their own, so that the surname is more likely to have been applied to a servant in a knightly house or to someone who had played the part of a knight in a pageant or won the title in some contest of skill.Irish: part translation of Gaelic Mac an Ridire ''son of the rider or knight''.

My parents bought this giant baby names book when they knew that my mother was pregnant with me. One of the names was Jasper and they fell in love with it. My dad did not like it as much as my mum did, but my dad started to like my name more and more. I really like my first name and it is pretty unique, it fits me perfectly. My second name is James, because my dad is also named James, so is my grandfather. The name runs through the family and I also want to name my baby boy James when I grow up. Our last name Knight comes from the medieval ages and I am very proud of it. Knights were very noble and protective and they have some heroic feel about them. This suits my family perfectly and I could not pick any name that would fit us better than Knight.

OOC: I got the name Jasper from Twilight, but I have always loved this name. Especially that you can shorten it to Jazz which sounds totally adorable in my ears. Jasper James just sounds nice and that is why I went for the second name. The name Knight just comes from a website that had some English last names on it, I really love this combination and I think it suits perfectly.

I have two nicknames which are Pyro and Jazz. My parents and friends always call me Jazz which is shorten for Jasper which is my real name. I like the name Jazz just as much as I do Jasper and I listen to both. I have been called Jazz for a long time now and I kind of accepted it as my second name. My other nickname is Pyro and that name was given to me by some other friends, when I was younger I was absolutely intrigued by fire and to this day, I still am. Pyro comes from the word Pyromaniac which is someone that suffers from pyromania. Pyromania is an impulse control disorder in which individuals repeatedly fail to resist impulses to deliberately start fires. I do not call myself a Pyromaniac, but I do love how fires burn and develop farther and farther.

The fact that I have nicknames is really cool and I am proud of both of them. Even if I would get negative ones, I would still accept them and just be normal with the negative nickname.

I am currently eleven years old. I do not think that your age can be counted by a little number and I am of opinion that you need to live every day like it is your last day. Even if I am eleven years old, I sometimes do not act like this, but I am totally fine with that. I hope I will become very old and get to witness some great fires in Hogwarts History.

I was born on the 20th of March 2024. It was a very cloudy evening and I was born at 07:06 PM. When I was born my mother had been in labour for six hours, I was a fairly big baby and already had a big fluff of light brown hair on my head. My dad fainted the moment I was born, he could not handle all the stress that he went through. My dad has filmed my birth and it is on a video tape at home, I do not want to come near that tape and I would gladly set it on fire by accident.

My dream job would be to become a fire breather, but now I have learned that I can do magic everything is open for me. Maybe I will do something with Dragons or just some plain Ministry Job.

My father his name is Ronald James Knight. My dad is my best friend and I love him to death. My dad is an entomologist and he wanted me to pick up his profession and tag along with him on his many adventures. He also bought me my magnifying glass when I was five, we would always go to the forest that is close to our house. Here he would find some rare insects and he would study them for hours long. I in the meanwhile would pick up my magnifying glass and hold it up in the sun to burn ants. My dad hates this hobby, since he thinks that it is animal abuse to burn ants. I really like it and I still do it today.

My mother her name is Jennifer Rosan Knight. When my mother was pregnant with me she stopped with everything and went from a busy chef to a full-time housewife. I love my mother and she was always there for me, she accepts me for who I am and supports me with every mistake and choice I make. My mum did not want me to become a fire breather and she was glad that I received a letter from Hogwarts. She was really sad that I would have to leave home, since I have never left home for more than two days. My mother is still super happy with her husband and they are happily married.

I am an only child and I would like to stay that way. My dad has promised me that I already was a troublemaker and he would not dare to make another one. I do not really blame him, since I would probably use this newborn as a new experiment to see if it can burn or not. Not that I would ever harm my little sister or brother, but I just do not like annoying little children that will annoy me the whole day. If I would make a fire the little thing would just run inside and tell my parents, we can not have that can we.

OOC: I honestly would not dare to give Jasper any siblings. He would probably use them as a new fire experiment. Jasper is way too different to handle someone that would demand his attention.

I never had any pets, my dad keeps some insects at home for his job. We had a giant butterfly once, some rare species, honestly I wanted to use my magnifying glass on it, but my dad would not let me come anywhere near it.

I am really patient, but I would not like to clean the cage or play with it. I do not like that stuff and maybe when I am older I can have a weasel or something.

I have heard that I am a muggle born. Everyone in my family is a muggle except for me, I am special, I am always special with everything. In my mothers family there is no trace of Magic nor is there in my fathers side of the family. I am glad to be Magical and my parents were too when they found out when I was a wizard.

I do not care that I am a muggle born, I am just a normal kid that will know magic when he finishes school. I have heard that some students really care about blood statuses and I certainly hope that they will not pester me with it.

I live in a very small village close to a forest. My dad needs the forest to check on new species of insects and I love to be around him. My village is so small that it does not have a name, it is not really close to any big cities in New Zealand, so every grocery has to either come from the very small shops or a giant truck comes to deliver new items and groceries. This happens once a month and my dad hates this, since it scares his bugs away.

I still live in the same village were I was born. We live in a detached home and it is pretty big. My family is pretty wealthy and I love the way our house looks like. It gives a really homey vibe and I could not wish for anything more.

Pyromania - Pyromania is an impulse control disorder in which individuals repeatedly fail to resist impulses to deliberately start fires, in order to relieve tension or for instant gratification.

I am straight, I am sure of that. I have no interest in other boys other than as friends.

Too young to care.
I am eleven and I have yet to find interest in girls. I like to talk to them and sit with them, but I am not feeling something for someone special right now. I hope that there is a girl in the world that would want me, when I am ready for her.

I still have to develop a crush to this day, maybe I am in love with starting fires.

My first kiss has still to happen.

My first french kiss has yet to happen.

I have had no previous relationships.

Ew, I am still eleven not frigging twenty!

I set fire to the rain,
Watched it pour as I touched your face.

My hair has a light brown colour, this colour is somewhat lighter when it is summer. I wear my hair either down or let it stand up some more with using some gel. I have semi-short hair and I would hate to have any longer hair then this, I usually go to the hairdresser when it gets too long.

I love my hair and the way it looks, I see no use in dying it. I would only costs lots of money and I do not care a lot anyway. I know better ways to waste my money.

I have very clear light blue eyes. You can see them very good on this picture. I like my light blue eyes, since the colour is pretty special and people give me compliments about them.

I am of normal height and I hope I will not get super tall when I am older. I am happy with being normal so I do not stand out so much. In my old class I was on of the taller kids, but my dad said I just was of normal height and I believe him.

I have no clue about how much I weigh. I never weigh myself and I could not care less. I am pretty think and I certainly know that I am not overweight, well more to know is not needed for me. I eat just enough, but I do prefer bad food over good foods.

I do not have any birthmarks. I do have some burn scars here and there, my left arm is filled with them. I am pretty reckless at times and then I do not watch myself. On those times I accidentally burn myself on my fires. I do not always start fires, only sometimes.

I cannot be placed with any known body types, I am just really skinny. I am not bony or anything, I am just pretty skinny and straight. I do think I am nothing special, but I like to keep it this way. I do not want to become fat or overweight.

I have no idea what my blood type is since the nearest doctor lives in the next big village and that is a two hour drive from my village. We usually do not go to the doctor and always try to fix things ourselves. I am very good with finding solutions for any medical problems.

I am left handed and I can only write with this hand, when I attempt to write with my right hand nothing but scrabbles come out.
Left handedness is less common than right-handedness. Left-handed people are more skilful with their left hands when performing tasks. Studies suggest that approximately 10% of the world population is left-handed

I do not need a signature and I am still developing it.

I have a Kiwi accent and you can hear it pretty clearly when I speak. My voice also has this romantic undertone to it that some girls adore. I honestly do not care, since I am not ready for any girl in my life.

I can only speak English and I do know some Kiwi slang. English is my native language and I like the language and its many words. I do not want to learn any other language and I do see no use of that either. English is a worlds language and almost everyone knows it.

I am only allergic to peanuts, but it is not severe allergy. I can even eat something contains peanuts, but I cannot eat too much of it. It is a real mild allergy and I do not get bothered with it in my real life. I know it is there, but I do not have any effects of it.

We do not have any fancy clothing stores in my village and my mum usually buys my clothes. I really do not care what I wear only that it is no skirt or dress. That would be awful since I am indeed a man. I usually wear a t-shirt with some denim jeans under them, I also adore a good pair of sneakers.

Hayden Christensen

Well, it burned while I cried ,
Cause I heard it screaming out your name, your name ,










I do not think I would say things that I would normally not say. I am not a liar and I will never be, I let other people take the blame, maybe I would tell that. We will never know, since I always watch out for my drinks.


I have no clue what this is, but I have learned that Amor has to do something with love. I guess it is a love potion then, I would smell a crackling fire which makes me feel safe. Maybe a faint smell of iron of my collection of lighters. I love the smell of iron, not in blood, but the stuff that you can smell on your hand when you had something of iron in your hand. The last smell would be grass, I love the smell of trees and all different kind of plants. The earthy smell, the type you can find when you walk through a forest.

My dad. My dad is everything for me and when I grow up, I want to be like him. I want to be noble and respectful to others. His job is not something that I want, but I want to find a wife someday and have some very cute kids. My dad is important for me and when I finish with Hogwarts, I want to buy a house in the same village as my dad did. I know my dad was also rebellious when he was younger, just like me. We are more alike than I think, but I think I look like him and my personality matches up most times with his.



Mysterious and alluring individuals, most Pisces are extremely talented, but even though they are gifted in many ways, they still manage to spend most of their lives battling "confusing" conditions. Pisces is the sign symbolised by the image of two fish. Their symbol depicts one fish heading upward, the other pulling downward. This mirrors how Pisceans are frequently torn between two pathways in life, or actually do live two very different existences at the same time.

L Y R I C S ,

I attended the local primary school, I could not pick any other school since this one is the only in my village. It is a nice school though, I really can not complain.

I was on this school from the age of four to the age of ten. I had six great years on this school and I must say that I got some great memories from going there. It is a very tight community and I made some good friends on this school.

There were no houses on this school. I do not think there are any houses on any other non magical school, what would be the purpose of said house. I do not see any use of that, so I do not think they even exist.

I liked this school and had a really good time on it. It is not like that I hated going to school, I only had better things to do. I liked the teachers and I interacted fine with them, but I always thought I was missing something.

I passed everything on my old school with flying colours, not that I did anything for it though. It just comes very easily to me and I had no problem with the little tests and exams. I think I am just pretty smart and that got me the fairly high grades that I received for my exams.

My favourite Muggle class was English, for some reason I am really good at this subject and I love everything that comes with it. New words, grammar and even the history of the language are things I found really interesting while attending this school.

My least favourite class would be sports. I do not like sports and I have never liked them. I am not as athletic as most other kids and that resulted in that I was always picked last or if the girl would pick somewhat first. I do not like engaging in any sport and due to this sports is my least favourite class.

I really did not have a favourite teacher, I like my second grade one though. second grade teacher was really nice and helpful and she would always give me high grades when I made extra assignments for her. I hope she stays around for a long long time.

I really disliked my last teacher that I had on this school. He would always watch me as a hawk and he would always have something bad to say about me. It seemed like he did not even like me and I must say I did not like him either. I hope he will be fired soon, so the other kids on my old school do not have to suffer through a whole year with him.

Yes, every so often I skip a class to be outside and play with my lighter or my magnifying class. I am pretty creative and I also love to sit outside and just think for a while. I do not care about what, just some quiet space and I can think for a whole day.

My school was way too small to have any clubs. I wished I could attend an English one though, but unfortunately we did not have any clubs.

I did not care for any of the positions on my old school. I got put on the watch list though, since they were suspecting that I had something to do with the fires starting here and there.

L Y R I C S ,
M O R E L Y R I C S ,

<SIZE size="50">WAND:
Straight 13 Inch Unyielding Walnut Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core

Length: A strange length for a wand and a number which symbolizes misfortune.
Style: Straight and smooth: what else is there to say?
Wood: A wand for the brilliant, often used by innovators and creative types - a Walnut wand in the right hands will do its owners bidding unquestioningly.
Core: This wand core is popular with the dark wizards, but useful for all as wands of this nature seem to learn spells with more ease than other wands do. A wand with dragon heartstring will contain a great deal of power, so it is advised that the wand caster know how to handle such power.
Flexibility: Unyielding: A wand which takes a special skill and determination to master; but once mastered its spells leave an unforgettable impression.

My wand is perfect for me, the dragon string reminds me of fire breathing and I love the creativeness of the walnut. I am determined to become great with this wand and I hope I can use it for a long time. It is exactly 13 inches long, which would be a number for misfortune, but for me it is a lucky number and I think this is just something extra that I need to have in my wand. A weird wand for a weird kid they always say. This wand chose me and me alone, I do think it is a special kind and with my specialness it is a perfect fit.

I attend Hogwart School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in New Zealand.

The fact that I could attend a Magical School makes me super happy. The first time when I walked through the castle my heart lit up as magic and I was overly excited. The hat was pretty scary, but I think I was placed in the right house. I love the Gryffindor fireplace and the way it looks, it is going to be my favourite spot I think. I have not met lots of other students, but I think I can fit in well with the others. I am ready to learn magic and to excel at this new school.

I was sorted in Gryffindor and I am pretty happy with this house. I had no clue on what house I did or did not want. I was excited enough to attend this Magical school. The colour red that my house has is something that I like very much and I do think that Gryffindor is the right place to be for me. In Gryffindor are more muggle borns like me and I think I can find my place between them.

OOC: Jazz has different thing from all the houses. I love the colour red that Gryffindor has and I do think that fits perfectly with his fire making tendencies. I do think he will be a little mischievous and that the Gryffindor head of house will have her hands filled with him.

I honestly had some weird thoughts when I was getting sorted, but I do think that my mind was secretly thinking I should be a Gryffindor. The house suits me perfectly and the hat thought this too. At the end I emptied my head so the head could make a clean discussion without my thoughts helping him. I can remember that my lighter was in my pocket and it felt like it was burning a giant hole in it.

Last year went by so fast and the police had only caught him one for a small fire he had started. This time he had not done it with a lighter or a magnifying glass, it just started automatically. Just like Magic and that it was, a week later an old looking letter arrived with the daily mail. When Jasper heard about this Magical school, he got really excited and could not wait to learn more and maybe grew big on this so called Magical school. His mum and dad were super excited that they had a wizard in the family and Jasper loved all this positive attention, not that he was a person that loved to stand in the spotlights, most of his plans happened when he was hidden for plain sight. Jasper had a pretty thick Kiwi accent, but he could put this Romantic undertone in it. Girls swooned and boys always took the blame for his pranks or fires that he made. When Jasper and his parents arrived at the train station he hugged them goodbye and promised he would be a good boy. If he would become famous at this school he wanted the illusive name of Fire starter. Since he was a little boy he was already in love with fire, his parents had given him a magnifying glass for Christmas and he would always burn ants with it.

The train trip went by quickly and Jazz stepped out of the train and a giant looking castle could be seen from far. When they entered the castle and he saw the large wooden tables, some images about starting a giant fire were flooding in. He would not do it, but his mind just worked that way. He was a Muggle born and all these other students would have a slight advantage over him, he was not the smartest person here, but he was not dumb either. Jazz was a normal boy with some slight problems. All the newly students were walking in a group and Jasper was already sorting them in houses, not that he had any clue what he was doing, but it was something. The hat that was currently residing in the Headmasters hand would provide his future. The hat was magical and should be worshipped, he had this big task of putting boys and girls in houses. ''Would that hat be flame retardant?'' Jazz thought to himself, he hoped that it was, since who would sort these kids without the magical hat or did the hat had a magical sock brother. The hat looked old and filthy and he was wondering how old it actually was. Jasper always had his head filled with questions and plans to destroy things. He loved creating small fires and just to see things burn. Jazz had cheered and clapped when other students were sorted, everyone else was doing it and he did not want to stand out. He did not need to be the centre of attention to gain power. People that always stood in the spotlight would be caught and found out eventually. When the hat called his name, he silently walked up to the stool and awaited his faith. ''Do your job hat, I have faith in you.'' Jazz had emptied his head, so the hat could unleash its magic. Jasper would always protect himself from harm or destruction, he would try to excel at the school even if he had to use an unfair way.


I am currently in my first year on Hogwarts. The fact that I am new is pretty scary, I still need to make new friends and find all the secrets in this school. It is weird that I went from a non magical school to one filled with magic. I need to find my place and fit in with everyone.






Link to my gradebook.












Let it burn
Let it burn
Let it burn,


My favourite colour is currently red and orange. Those two colours remind me of fire and I like that the colour red is so dark, but yet bright. Orange is simple, but still a weird colour. Yellow and red make orange and the colour orange makes me feel safe. Orange gives me a feeling of safety were red means home and love. I have lots of clothes with the colour red or orange, my mum always buys these two colours if they are available.

My least favourite colour is currently blue. Blue is the colour of coldness and water. I dislike water, I can not swim and I do not want to learn to swim. Water makes you wet and it smells, I dislike water. Blue gives me the shivers, I have nothing in this colour nor do I want something in it. I only wear blue jeans, they are comfy and now really bright blue. Jeans have a pattern in the blue, it is a special kind of blue.

My favourite season is autumn, I love the falling leaves and the colour that they have. I dislike the rain and coldness in this season, but I must say that playing in the leaves and seeing everything in orange and red always makes me warm inside. I also like the summer season, everything is hot and we all love to go play outside with the sun shining on our backs.

My least favourite season is winter, everything is frozen and cold. The coldness gives me the shivers and I do not have lots of winter clothes. I do not like winter, I have never liked winter and I will never like winter.

My favourite month is July, the weather is perfect and my mother's birthday is in this month. She has always been there for me and I love her to death. July is also a very hot month without rain. Rain is something I absolutely dislike. The sun comes out in July and my mother always hosts this picnic in this month, all my friends attend it and I love to join them. Although I found out that I cannot join them this year due to being on Hogwarts.

My least favourite month is November, it takes way too long. The weather is also terrible in November. The cold comes in and nothing really happens, you have to wait for December for the fun things to start. December has Christmas and November has nothing really. I really dislike the November month, it is cold and nothing happens.

I guess I do not have a favourite place to be, I like to be outside, but at the same time I also like to be inside. Every place has its advantages and its disadvantages. I do love the Gryffindor fire place, the crackling fire the colour the room has, but I miss the sun there. I love to see the sun and just watch it move when time moves.

My least favourite place to be is at my aunt. When my parents aren't at home they would send me there. My aunt is obsessed with cleaning and every time I want to sit somewhere, she would clean the place first. It is really obsessive that it gets creepy. I think my aunt thinks I am dirty, since when I stand up from my sitting place she would spray this cleaning stuff over it. Some of her furniture is still in its wrapping it is that bad.

One time my parents took me to Australia and we saw koala's and kangaroo's. I loved those animals, they are cute and cuddly at the same time. The weather was really good and me and my parents stayed at this expensive hotel. There was a giant playing area attached to it, also you could everything you ever desired. They had everything and being an all-inclusive hotel everything was free. I loved this holiday and I still have a picture of it hanging in my room.

I would go for Sunrise, Sunrise gives me more time to look at the sun. The sun rises and becomes really pretty. I use the sun for burning ants and that is one of my favourite hobbies. The sun makes me warm and gives me a safe feeling. The sun is bright and will light your day.

Coding Done by Emzies
Lyrics: Set fire to the rain - Adele


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