Jasper Clow

Jasper Clow

Active Member
OOC First Name
Ana. V
7 1/2 inches black oak with phoenix
The Basics
Character's Name: Jasper Clow (Temporary: Ira David Wood)
Character's Birthdate: April, 17 2013
Hometown: Germany
Blood Status: Unknown
Wand: Not allowed one yet
Educated At: Will be at Hogwarts
Occupation: Being a twin to Jade

Hair: Brown and super short
Eyes: A deep green
Style: Black trousers and high collared shirts
Other Distinguishing Features: The black mark of Dympna on his neck.

A Little Deeper
Personality: Jasper at first seems like a loving person, a kind person like his sister. There is evil within those eyes though. While Jade seems to be cracking under their adoptive mother’s treatment Jasper seems to be a little too sane for someone that has gone through all that he has. He seems a little too stable, and a little too heartless.

Special Talents/Abilities: Not old enough for them

History: Jasper shares a history with Jade. Their mother died while giving birth to them then they were found by their adoptive mother and taken in. There used to be more in the big house where they all lived. Jasper remembered playing with others but he can never quite remember their names. Children seem to come and go as if they find other homes to go to. Jasper knows this is not the case. He, like all his siblings, knows what is really happening to them but it is something that is never talked about.
Jasper has skills like that of his sister in keeping the rest of the siblings in line but only just. He knows that his role is only that of second in line. The prized child is Zeal and he can see why. There was never a more perfect example of the experiments that are preformed on them than Zeal but there is also a no more perfect example of early power than little Zeal. Jasper had wondered when Phobos had first made his appearance if this was what the Dark Lord had been like. Then after playing a few games with Zeal was never tempted to think about him in a negative way again.

Dympna Bella-Donna – Adoptive Mother
Jade Clow – Female Twin
Sapphire Clow – Second to littlest sister
Ruby Clow – Littlest sister
Zeal Soul – Littlest brother
Hello Jasper! I’m here to help you develop your character a bit with a few questions.
You can answer them IC or OOC, if you want :)

- What do you think Jasper’s wand should be, now that he has started school?
- How does Jasper feel about being sorted into Hufflepuff? Is he pleased, disappointed, neutral?
- What do you think Jasper’s boggart would be?
- Does he have a happy memory strong enough to use in a Patronus?
- Has Jasper ever wanted to become an animagus? If so, what would he be?
- What sort of relationship does Jasper have with his adoptive mother?

That should do to be getting on with ^_^ Have fun.
What do you think Jasper’s boggart would be?
his sister

Has Jasper ever wanted to become an animagus? If so, what would he be?
maybe. black fox

What sort of relationship does Jasper have with his adoptive mother?
all the children have a great relationship with their "mother"

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